,~ OODE! RECESSED et 7:15 o'alocY A. M., on May 5th., 1965, UNTSL TDFSDAY May 10tH, 1955, at 9 o'olock A. M., COURT RECONVENBD Tueeday May 10th, 1955, at 9 o'olock A. M., for any matters whion may be eaented to the Conrt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 701'/. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS ArID ACCOUNTS. This the 10th day oP May, A. D. 1465, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court, the var to us olaims and acaounta filed against %err County end its respective Oommlee loners' Pr eainote sinoel the lest term oP the Court, all oP which oleims and eeco ante were approved Dy the Court Por I payment by the Co unty Cler$ ih amounts as follows, to-wit: All claims and Acoounts against Road and Bridge Nos. 1, E, 3, end 4, end %errville Times '52.50, out of Flood Control Fund, ~S. W. Dolly 36'1.50 out of Permanent Improvement Fund, 6. D. Luther f8.00 out of %err County Dog Tag Fund and Chea:,Sohreiner Company ~16ti.49 out of R. of W. Highway No. 16 Fund and H. b X5.00 out ofrPermanent Improvement Fund. By motion made by Goff, aeaonded by Bartel and ~unenimous ly approved try the Court that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to drew vo acne ~~ against the County Treasurer on all claims filed in like amounts therefor, payable out of the respective Panda as above stated to the parties entitled thereto. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 7C1B; ALLOWANCE OF CLAZM3 A211 ACCOUNTS. This the 10th day of May, A. D. 1955, Dame oh to be eaemined by the Court, the varione ms end aooouate filed ageinaL %err County and its respective Commisaionera' preoincts sinoe last term of the Court, all of wnioh elelma end accounts were approved Dy the Court for oRt of the General Fund ant/by the County Clerk in amounts end out oP respectlve funds ea shown by tna Minutes of ants allowed for %err County, Te ass, which are made a part of this order, and on motion made by Guthrie, seoonded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Cleimt Accounts be allowed ae shown by the Minutes of Ao oounta ell owed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0 ~. 7019. CERTIFICATES OF CANCELLATION - HERMAN PFEIFFER. This the 10th day of Mey, A. D. 1955, Dame on to be saemined by the Court CertiPi cotes of anoellation, Collector's Numb era 53, 54, 55 and 56 pr ea ant ed. to the Court by E. H. Nichols, Te ol2actor of Berr County, and it appearing to the Court that tha.rea9ona set out in said Certi- ficates Por the Dent ellation of the lazes therein are good and sufficient. Thar ePore on motion my made by Bartel, eeao nded by Cuthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, it is ordered y the Court that said Certificates be granted affi signed by the County Sudge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 7020. APPLICATION OF LIONS CLUB 7D HOLD CARNI9AL ON SOD'ffi 1/4 OF COURT HOUSE LAWA. On this the 10tH day of Mey, A. D. 1955, Dame on to be heard the application of the Lions b for the use of the South 1/4th of the Court House Lewa Por the purpose of Holding their ual Carnival, and it appearing to the Court that said application should be granted, tnere- e on motion duly made by Coff, seoonded by Guthrie and unen imously eppro ved by the Court t the Lions Club be granted permission to use Bald SOnth 1/4 of the Court House Lawa for it annual Carnival. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7021. PAYMENT OF BALANCE OF ;750.00 TO WM. R. MEREDITH POR AUDITING B00%S OF %EEiR COUNTY. On this the 10tH day oP May, A. D. 1955, came on to be co naidered the matter oP payment of ~~