~~ NO. '1041. APPROVAL OF P,?OSS'PfILY REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH NURSE. Tnis trte 10tH day of P'ay, A. D. 1955, came on to ue examined ey the Court, the _:ontnly report of Alma Scixoles, County Healtri Nurse of Kerr Cozmty, Texas, covering tier services i'or tzre montiz of Marcri, A. D. 1905, and it appearing to tine Court that said report should ue approved; tnerecy by motion duly made oy Powell, seconded by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by tue Court, and ordered filed whir the County Clerk for future rei'erences. O-O -O -O-O -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O N0. '1042. APPROVAL OF ^UARTERLY REPORT OF CO[~NTY FIDTANCES BY GEO. D. LUTHER, C~IIN'I'S' TREASURER. This the 10tH day of P,4ay, A. D. 1955, came on to be .examined by tixe Court t,ze quarterly report of County Finances by Geo. D. Luther, County Treasurer for tine quarter ending April 30tH, 195b, and it appearing to tine Court that said report is true and correct and should be appro~red; trxerei'ore, ey :::otion duly made by Powell, seconded oy Gutis ie, and unanimously approv- ed oy tue Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. '/043. ALLO'iAI~TCE OF CL.4IP