{ 530 approved, therefore, on motion duly made by Ertel, seconded by Guthrie, end uaan imously appro~ ed bit.~the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future references. oro -o -o-o-o-o+o-o ro-o-oro -.o g0. 7223. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF A990CIA'PE COUNTY ROPE DEEQONSTRATION AGENT. Thin the 10th day of Oota bar, A. D. 1955, Dame on to be azemined by the Court, the monthl report of Jewell H. Strasngr, Associate County gyms Demonstration Agent of Harr County, cover dug her services for the month of September, 1955, and it appearing to the Court that said rep should be approved, therefore, on mo td oa duly made by Bartel, seconded by Guthrie, end uaenimo ly approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o- o-o-o-o ro ro ro ro ro -o ro ro N0. 7224. APPFDVAL OF IWNTHLY BEPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH~NURSE. I Thin the 10th day of Ootob er, A. D. 1955, Dame oa to ba eaemined by the Court, the monthlyl~ report of Alma Saholae, County Health Nurse of Harr (b unty, Tessa, oovering her aorvicea for the month of September, A. D. 1965, cad it appearing to tae Court that said report should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Hartei,.aeooffied by Guthrie, end unanimously approv- ed by the Court, and ordered Yiled with tae County Clerk for future references. o-o-o-o-o-o-ob-o-o-o-o-o-o • NO. 7225. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERH OF TRDST FD2~, ESCHEATS AND AITNESS FEES PDR QJ7AATSR ffid1IN6 SSPTHIBER 30th, 1956. j Thia the 10th day of October, A. D. 1955, Dame oa to be seem fined by the Court, the report lof e11 moneys and fees collected by R. II. Nichols, Couffiy Clerk, belonging to officers, witness ea, or other persona, remaining in hie hands unoell ed for by the parties entitled thereto for the quarter ending September 30th, 1955, as held on deposit in the County Clerk's Trust Fnnd is the amount of p~8,409.65, end it appearing to the Court that aeid report da in due form end would be approved; therefore by motioh duly made by Bartel, eeco mad by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Ca art, and ordered filed by tae County Clerk for future leferenc e, eab~ect to audit. o•o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 7228. HEARING OF 1'DTI ON AND SETTING TI1dE POR REARING IN CADSE OF RACAER Et AL VS. WED ST VSR (''~ NO. 7226. I 1 VIRGIB WAGNER, et vir, et sl I IN THE C0bD~95ZONERS COURT i ESRR 0)L47T4 va. i I ETfIE WEDffiCIIO), et vir TEZA.9 On this the 10th day of October 1955, Dame oa to be considered the motion of ETTIE WED to file her Del ated answer to Petitioners original petition and after due ooaeideration of the same together with the supporting testimony cad argument of oouncdl, the Court FINDS that ~I appearance day in tail came was Yondiy October 10, 1955, at which time, Aeapondenta herein mad their eppearenoe herein in person et whioh time they were mt represented by oouaail; Chet aeid oeuse wsa continued at the re qua at of petitioners and by order of this oourt until 10:00 AM Wednesday October 12, 195b; The Court further Yiads that respondents have shown a good cause for their failure to answer herein with the time prescribed Dy law. It fie therefore OADSRED, ADTUDGED and DECREID that the motioh of E1TIE WEDB>CII~ID to file, or for permission to file, a belated anew er herein ba and the same da hereby granted. Jno. R. Leevell ~~ Jndga, Commiaeloaers Court Lerr County, Tezae. ND. 7228. VIROIE 7(A@1EB. 1rs VIR k et el. 1 CO101ISSIONERS' COIIffi'