530 approved, therefore, on motion duly made by Bartel, aeeom ed by Outhrie, and assn imously appro ed by,'-~tlie Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future references. oro -o -o -o-o-owo-o ro-o-oro .o I~ N0. 7223. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY BEPOAT OF A990CIATE COUNTY HOPE DEYONSTRpTION AGENT. This the 10th dev of Ootober, A. D. 1955, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court, the monthl report of Sewell H. 9trasa~r, Aasooiata Aounty $pme Demonstration Agent of Eerr County, cover ing her services Por the month of September, 1855, sad it appearing to the Court that said rep should De approved, therefore, on motioh duly made by Hertel, seconded by Guthrie, end unanimo ly approved Dy the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o- o-o-o-o -o ro -o ro ro -o ro -o ~ N0. 7224. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTT HEALTH NIIRSE. This the 10th day of Ootob er, A. D. 195b, Dame oa to be examined by the Court, the monthl report of alma Saholea, County Health Nurse of Eerr County, Texas, oovaring her services for the month of Sept ®bor, A. D. 1955, and it appearing to the Court that said report should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Bartel,.aeoo tC ed by Guthrie, end unanimously approv- ed by the Court, and ordered filed with the County Clerk Por future raferenaee. .-. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o • NO. 7225. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERE OF TROST FJDID, ESCHEATS AND WITNESS FEES POR OAARTER ENDING SSPTP7BER 30th, 1956. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 1955, creme on to be examined b9 the Court, the report oY ell moneys end fees collected by A. E. Nichols, County Clerk, belonging to of fic era, witness es, or other persona, remaining in hie heads uaoell ed for Dy the parties entitled thereto for the quarter ending September 30th, 1955, as held on deposit in the County Clerk's Trust Fnnd Sn the amount of ,y~6,409.85, end it ap peering to the Court that ae id report is in due form ehd should be approved; th erefire by motion duly made by Bartel, aeoo mad by Cuthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk Yor future Peferenc e, eab~ect to audit. o~o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7226. HEARING OF 1'DTI ON AND SETTING TILm: POR HEARING IN CAUSE OF WACNER ET AL VS. WED Et VIR N0. 7226. ~''~ I ! i VIRGIE WAGNER, et vir, et ei IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT ~ va. BBRR WDNTY ETTIE WED86I2iD, et vir TEZAS On this the 10th day oY October 1955, Dame on to be ooneidered the ~tioa of ETfIE WEDEIQ to file her belated answer to petitioners original petition and alter due consideration of the same together with the supporting testimony and argument of oounoil, the Court FINDS that appearanoe day in this canes was Monthly Ootob er 10, 1955, et which time, Respondents herein mad their appear enoe herein in person at whioh time they were m t represented by oonncil; that said ~~ cause wsa Conti nned at the request of petitioners and by order of this court until 10:00 Apt Wednesday Octob ar 12, 1956; The Court further iYnds that respondents have shown a good cause for their ieilco•e to answer herein with the time prescribed by law. It Ss therefore ORDERED, ADJDDGED and DECREID that the motion of E1TIE WEDS62ND to file, or for permission to file, a belated answer herein be end the same Sa hereby granted. Jno. R. Leavall ~~ Judge, Commission ere Court Herr County, Rezea. ND. 7228. V2802E 11A(8d8B. ET VIR k st al, I ODMMI9HIONERS` COUIC