ou v,~.~yyo w,..~~, uuu vru tlrtlu iutlu uy ~utl uouu,.y uitlrx for rusure reztlrenoea. oro-o-o-o-o-oro-oro-o-oro -o N0. 7223. .APPROVAL OF 1SONRfILY REPORT OF ASSOCIATE COON'1R H01AE DEMONSTRATION AGERT. This the 10th dqp of Ootobar, p. D. 1955, came on to be examined by the Court, the monthl report of Jewell H. 9trasner, AasociatA County gQme Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, oover~ ing her services fir the month of September, 1955, and it appearing to the Court that said rep should be approved, therefore, on motion duly made by Bartel, seconded by Guthrie, end uneaimo r ly approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o- o-o-o-o -o -o -o ro -o -o ro -o '~, AID. 7224. APP$aVAL OF HONTHLY REPORT OF CO~iTY HEALTH .NORSE. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 19bb, cams on to be examined by the Court, the monthl7r~i report oP Alma Soholea, County Health Nurse of Yerr Oa unty, Tezes, covering her services for ~~ the month of September, A. D. 1955, end it appearing to the Court that said report should be approved; therefore by motion duly made Dy Bertel~„ saooffied by Guthrie, end uaeaimonaly approv- ed by the Court, effi ordered 111ed with the County Clerk for future referenoee. o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o ~ NO. 7225. ,APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COON17 CLERE OF TRDST FCIHI, ESCHEATS AND 1fITNES3 FES4 FOR QUARTER RIDING SEPTDBiffi2 30th, 1956. This the 10th day of Ootob er, A. D. 1955, came on to be examined by the Court, the report oP sll moneys sad fees collected by R. D1. Aichols, Co utrt9 Clark, belonging to of Sic ere, wltneas ea, or other persons, remaining in his hands uncalled for by the parties entitled thereto fir the quarter ending September 30th, 1955, as held on deposit in the County Clerk's Trust Fend in the amount of ~~8,409.85, end it appearing to the Court that said report is in due form and should be approved; th ~e fire by mo tics duly made by Bartel, eeooffied by Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk Yor future Peferenc e, eab~eat to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o N0. 7228. HEARING OF Id7TI0N AND SETTING TD17E POR HEARIIPG IN CADSE OF 1fACNBR PT AL VS. Sf VIR N0. 7226. VIRGIE WAGNER, et vir, et al IN THE CD2®SISSIONER3 COURT va. EERR WLIId'1R 8"1'TIS WEDEBItJD, et v1r TEZAS On this the 10th day of Oetober 1955, came oh to be considered the motion oP ETTIE WEDEffiN to file her belated answer to petitioners original petition and after due oonaideretion of tae same together with the supporting teat7mon9 end argumeht of count il, the Court FIHI)S that appearance day in this cause wen lba6aly October 10, 1955, et which time, Reapoadente herein mad their appeerenoe herein in person et which time theq were m t represented Dy council; that said sauna wsa aoatinued at the request of petitioners and by order of this court until 10:00 AN Wednesday October 12, 1955; The Court further finds that respondanta have shown a good cause for their tenure to ahawer herein with the time prescribed by law. It is therefore ORDERED, AD7tIDGffi1 sad DECREED that the motion of ETTIE WEDEBII~ID to file, or far permia lion to file, a belated gnawer herein be end the same is hereby granted. 7no. R. Leevell Judge, Commiaeloaers Court %err County, Tezea. ~, R0. 7228. VIROIE WAONER, ET VIR & et el, ~ COT@dISSIONERS' COIIRT Petitioners V3 ~ iERR COiJRTY, TE%A3 ~i~l ~~ Bs: it remembered that on thin the 11th day of October, 1955, came on to be oohaiflered the motion of Sole Wedekind and husband, Fred Wedekinfl, ton 'e poatponeaent of the hearing herein ibrmerly net for trial at 10:00 A. M. on October 12, 19b5; And after considering said motion, the Court finds that•~1t should Da granted. It ie, therefore, Ordered, Adjudged, end Deoraed that Reapoadeht's motion Yor poatpone- menL be, sad the same Ss, hereby granted end said cause is set for trial lII CO~lae ionera' Court oY Eerr County, Texas, in the Court House thereof, et 10:00 a. m. on Wednesday, October 19, 1965. Jno. R. Leavell Judge of Commissionera' Court, Eerr ~ro untq, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7227. ORDER PIIRCHASING vERNOA'S ANNOTATED TEXAS STATOTSS. On this the 11th day of October, A. D. 1955, creme on to be heard end considered the matter oY purchase of 1955 ver non's Annotated Texas Statutes for the sum of X375.00 to be used by Eerr County Sb r its Law Library, and that the Court can purchase same at a down payment of =25.00 upon delivery of said 9tetut es, end the balance to be paid '10.00 monthly thereaYter, an it appearing to the Court that said 3tat utes will be needed and used by Eerr County and should be purchased at the above mentioned price. Thereibre on motion dnly made by Guthrie,second ed b9 Bartel, end unanimously aPProved by the Court that said Statutes be purchased by Eerr County effi said payments to be made out of the General Fend. o-o-o-ororororo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o N0. 7228. ORDER POR THE COIINTY AND DISTRICT CLERE TO COLLECT THE SDM OF X1.00 IN EACH CIPIL CASE FILED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE ODIIHPS. On thin the 11th da9 of Oeto Der, A. D. 1955, on mo tlon made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel and duly secoffied by Commissioner v. D. bbwell, the Court peen ed the to llowing order: It is ordered that Eerr County provide Yor, maintain end establish a County Saw Library at the Court House at the County Seal thereof and that the sum of ~ be appropriated for such '. purpose; there shall hereafter be teaed, collected and paid ae other coats the sum of #1.00 In I, each civil cane, except salts ibr delinquent tazea, hereafter riled in the County and District ~'~, Courts of Eerr County, Teaea, Yor establishing said library. o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ENO. 7229. MINUTE ORDER N0. 38579 OF THE STATE HICHNAY COIDARSSI ON pND RBSOLUl10N ACCEPTING THE PROVI$ON9 OF STATE HIGHWAY ODIOSL4$ON 1aIWV1'E ORDER. C O_ P _Y M I N U T E O R D E R C O P Y Eerr County District 1W. 15 Page 1 of 1 Pegea WHER6A9, in ESFBi COU1QTi on FAIlS-~-MARYEI' HDAD 480, Eerr County has regnested easiat- anoe in the widening of payment including ihoiflentel items thereto through the Community of ',Canter Point, a distance of appiv zlmetely 1.2 miles. NOW, THEREPb RE, the State Highway Engineer is direo tad to teffier the Yollowing propo- ~eal to the County oY Se rr: Provid ed the County will: 1. Pm vide all neoeaeary righ L-ofrway ole nr of obetruo bona end will provide for the immediate oonetructlon of continuous curb end gutter, utility ad~nsLIDenta, stormeewara, etc., ell sa may be nee essary for a complete pap QOOt with the azo ep ti on of pavement wid ening, end will assume responsibility ibr the mnetruotion of driveweye sad sidewalks ahoald they be deem- ~~ed necessary now or Sn. the future. The Ta ass Highway Dope rtment will: 1. Provide Poi widening pavement and its support within ih~ae limits at an eatlaaetad