5~2 Upon eooeptea0e of the proviaiona of this Order by the appropriate offio isle of Rerr Oo unty, the State HSg-t~y engineer ie dlreoted to praoeed with the development of plane for eoastruo- tion and eft eT""the County has fulfilled its reapohelbilitiea pm Geed with conetruot ion in the I~ moat ieenible and eoonomloal manner. Th1a Minute shall Decome operative upon aco eptam a by Rerr County end if not accepted within 90 days hereof sae 11 be automatically Cana sled. Minute Rumber 38579. Date pane ed Auquat 22, 1955 RESOLDTIOR ACCEPTS RG THS PROVISIOR3 OF STATE HIGHWAY COMMI9 SCOR MIRi7fE ORDER THE 9rATE OF TEAS ~ Ee rr vi l7.e, Teaea COIIN17 OF EPRR ~ Oct. llth, 1955. MOTIOR was made by V. D. lbwell and seconded by Lee Ooff that the Rerr County Commi- asionera` Court aco apt the provi eions cohtained in Minute Order No. 38579 passed by the State Highway Commission on August 22nd, 1955, for the impm vement by the Teaea Highway Department o the roads described below ahd that Rerr Couhty agrees to Provide ell necessary ri?ht-of-way clear of obatruations and will provide for the immedinte conetructlon of aontinnoue ourb effi gutter, utility ad~uatme nta, storm aewera, eto., all ae may be neoessary fore oomplete pro- ~eot with the eaoeption of pav® mt widening, sad will aesnme rsaponaibility for the oonatruo- tioh of drive-ways end aidewalka anonld they be deemed neoeeaery now or in the fature. (Work provides for widening of pevemeht including incidental ltems thereto on Farm=to- Merket Road No. 480 through wmmunity of Curter Point, a dietehoe of approzimetely 1.2 m11ee.) VOTE on the motion wee ae follows: Five Ayea, Ro, none. dao. R. Leevell County Budge, Rerr County, Teaea L• M. Gutnrle Commissioner pre. Ro. 1, Garr County, Tea. 4. D. Powell ', Commissioner pre. No. 2, Rerr County, Teaas. Adolph Bartel Commisaloner pre. Pb. 3, Rerr Co uat y, Teaea. Lee Goff Commissioner Pre. No. 4, Rarr Co., Teaas. WHEREIIPON the motion was delcared aerri ed. .•.~ J o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o b -o-o-o N0. 7230. APPORTIONMENT OF =9,886.18 FIE1M PAAM TO MARRET ARD LATERAL ROAD FDID TO LATERAL ROAD FRND YRECLIR:T9 N09. 1, 2, 3 sad 4. Thls the 11th day of Ootob er, A. D. 1965, after motion duly made Dy Bartel, seoond ed by Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk and Co uaty Tr assurer, De, end are hereby direot ad to apportion the following a~uhts out of Farm to Me rket e~ Lateral Road Fund to the following reepeot ive Funds and Commiasionera' preaino ts, to-wit: Rerr County Let er el Road Fund, Preolnot No. 1 3,344.28 Rerr County Iaterel Hied Fuji, preoinot No. 2 1,770.50 Rerr County Lateral Road Fund, preoinet Ro. 3 1,573.79 Rerr County Leterel Road Fns, Preoinat Ro. 4 3,147.56 o-o-o-o-o-u-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o R0. 7231. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINDPES. On this the 11th Bey of Ootober, A. D. 195b, niter mot inn riving been duly made by Guthri and aeoo nd ed by Fbwell, e~ uhanimous]y approved by the Oourt, that the Minutes of tae Commissionera' Court from Page 516 to 524, inolusive, be approved es reed. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COII$T RECE5.48a at 12 o'oloak M., NoOn., on Ootober 11th, 1955, ONTIL BATIIRDAY, OOTOBEB