,~~ mould be approved, tnercfore, on motion duly ^ede-by Gaff, second ad by Bartel, and unsaimaaly eppro ved by the Court, and order efl filed by the County Clark Por Put urn referenoe. _.. +^` o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-o N0. 728%.'~APPROVAL OF JOINT ANNUAL REPORT3 OF CODNTY AGENT AND HZS ASSOCIATE, AND COiRCT7f HO1D2 DEIDNSTRATION AGENT AND HER ASSOCIATE. This the 12th daq of December, p. D. 1955, oame on to oe ezamined by the Court the combin- ed sad point Annual Reports of Guy Powell, County Agent, Richard Blume, Associate County Agent, Mrs. Aims S. Hale, County Home Demo astral ion Agent and Sewel Stresner, Aasoo isle Co only Home Demo nitration Agent, Por the year ending November EOth, 1955. Zt appearing to the Court tnat said reporte.:anaw eatlafaotory aervicea rendered by the tro Jape rtmenta and tnat said repo rte should be approved; to ere Po re by merlon made by Goff, aeoonded by Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court, and the County Clerk is Hereby ordered to file said reports for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 7288. READING ANO APPROVAL OF MINUTffi. Oa tnie the 12tH day of Decemoer, A. D. 1955. after ~tian saving Dean duly made by Bartel, seconded by CoYf, and unanimously approved by tae Caurt, lust the Minutes of the -Commiesioaers~ Court Yrom Page 536 to 543, incl uaive, be approved es reed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~. 7289. IRCREASE IN PAYMENT FOR NOR32NG AND CARE OF MRS. 3. J. 3YITH, AN INDIGENT IRVAISD. ' On this the 12th dfly of Deo ember, A. D. 1955, oame on to be oonsld er ed by the Court, the matter of payment to 6nedel ups Rest He van for nursing servi ass, board and other means of taking acre of Mrs. S. J. Smith, ah indigent invalid, and it appearing to the Court that said Ruraing Home at the present time Sa reoeiving `46.00 per month in ~edveaoe fbr auoh aervioee, and that said amount Sa not suffioient for the 'services rendered to uid lira. S. J. Smith and that the Nursing Home diair ea an Snoreeee in the amoant of jSS.00, making a total of X100.00 per month payable in advaaoe Deg inning Deo emb er 21st, 1955, and ePter due oonedderetion the Court ie of the opinion that Guadalupe Rest Haven should be allowed the sum of X100.00 monthly, Payments ih adven ce, beginning December 21st, 1955, payable out of the Gan er sl Fund, and aeon mot lea duly _ de by Goff, aeoonded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Guadalnpe8es~ '_. Haven De allow ad said sum of X100.00 monthly. o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-a-o-o-o 0. 7290. OHDER ESTABLISHING NEIGHBORHOOD A~AD IN PRECINCT N0. 4, ON PETITION OF MRS. EFFIE SMITH. Application of Mrs. Effie Smith, a fame sole, for ~ In Commisaloners' Court, pnblio nitghborhood road. (preaiaat No. 4, Eerr County, Tezea. E;err Oouaty, T3zna. Oa this 13th day of Deo ember, 1955 name on to be heard the application of Mrs. Effie Roe ith, a fame sole, for the establ iahment of a publio neighborhood road, sad She same having. een set down for a pub lie hearing on this da9 the Court pros eodefl to hear evldenae presented ih ao Huse lion with the application, end it appearing to the Court that the person over who ae and said road will pass Dad heretofore waived the ieiaaaaevf oltatlon herein end had catered 1a appeareaoe in this oauae for ell purpoaea, and had also agreed thnt said road may be estab- iahad ea desaribad in said application and that he waived all olaima for damegea by reason of aid road pea sing ovei DAa leads, sad the same having been fully understood and dieo eased by th !_,' Dart, the court is of the unanimous opinion that the road applied for should be eatabliahed ae lie road, end that same should be opeaefl and built is aooordanoa with law for a width of