presented the following reso lotion: "Be it raso lead by the Commissioner's Court of %err County Tazas that the epplioet ion for a neighborhood publio road for a width of 30 feet es described it in the applies tion of Mrs. Effie Roe Smith be established as such a road, end further that no ~i damages be allowed to D. T. Roe, the per non over whose land said road passes for the reason '~ tnat said D. T. Roe enter his appearenae herein and expressly waived in writing his right to '~~ any damages by reason of said road aroasing his lands, and further that ell other pro via io na ~'. oP prt is le 6711, affi amendments of the Revised Civil Stet ut ea of Teaes be complied with;^ and said resolution having been aeo and ed by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, same was submitted to a vote whlah was thereupon unanimously passed by the court. It is therefore ordered, ad~udgad and deoreed by the Commissioner's Court of %e rr County, Texas that the public neighborhood road applied Por by Mrs. ffiPie Smith as desori bed in her said application, to-wit: Commeno ing at a point where public road, known ea the D. T. Roe m ai leaves State Highway No. 27 on the N. E. side thereof end prooeeds in an Easterly or N. E. ~~ direction about 700 Peet entering that 11.8 acre tract of land described in Vol. 56, page 288 (deer from Tames H. Smith et ux to D. T. RoeJ deed recd rda of Serr"County, Teaes, entering anmi ~ near the S. corner oP Sur. 1214, T. W. N. G. Ry. Co.; Thenoe eo rose said 11.8 acre tract in e N. E. direction to the home of D. T. line whioh is located on said 11.8 acre tract immediatel; S. of the N. boundary line of said ll.8 acre tract and about 400 yards S. 77' 30' West of the East line of said Sur. No. 1214; Thence proceeding N. or N. E. of the home of D. T. Roe whioh lies close to the N. line oP said tract immediat sly S. of said 11.8 acre tract, N. 77. 30' E. a distance of about 400 yards to a point where said road ant era that 0.06 Bare treat out of Su No. 1214 recently conveyed to Mrs. Effie Smith by Trgy Smith et ua; Thenoe Sn a N. E. flireC tl crossing said 0.06 acre tract and cro saing the East boundary lino of Sur. No. 1214 entering Sur. No. 2568, J. M. Webb, and non tinuing eorosa Sur. No. 2568 in a N. E. direction about 300 yards to a point where this mad int era seta old road, be and the same Se hereby aetab li shed as e public neighborhood road, and that same be opened and built by the Commissioner of Precinct No. 4, Barr County. Teaes, in whose pracinot said road li ea, and that same shall hereafter be known and designated as a public road. It is the further ord,ar of the Oa urt that D. T. Roe be denied any end all damages by reason of said road passing over hie lends, he having ezpressly waived his right thereto. It is the further order of She Court that no oasts be assessed to applicant and that the said road be built at the eapenae of the County, sad that this oxcler be recorded in the deed records of Barr County, Teaes. Sao. R. Lee ve ll, County Judge L. M. Guthrie, Com. Pre. No. 1 L. M. Guthrie, Com. pre. No. 3 V. D. Powell, Com. pre. No. 2 yea Goff, Com. pre. No. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o N0. 7291. J~PPROVAL OF CLAIM OF 3ID PETSR90N MEmRIAL HOSPITAL IN Aid1DNT OF X600.00. This the 13th day of Deo amber, A. D. 1955, came an to be presented to the Court, the ale of Sid Peterson Memorial Ho apital for the County's one-half of cape nses for indigent patients, for the period Prom duly let, 195b toDea ember 31st, 1955, inclusive. Therefore by motion du] made Dy Goff, aeoo aded Guthrie, and nnanimonaly approved by the Court that the County Clerk be and ie hereby direo tad to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of X600.00, payable to Sid Pat er eon Memorial Hospital, out of General Fund of Barr County, for the County' pro-rata expense for indigent patients, as per Order No. 6389, datefl December 15th, 1953. ~1 i ~~ o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo