presented the following reaolutioa: "Be it resolved by the Commissioner's Court of Rerr County Tezas that the applio at ion for a neighborhood public road for a width of 30 feet as dean ribed in the application of Mrs. EPPie Roe Smith be established as such a road, ahd further that ao damages be allowed to D. T• Roe, the per non over whose lead sold road passes for the reason that aeid D. T. Roe enter hie appearance herein end expressly waived in writing his right to any damages by reason of said road oroasing his lands, and further that all other provisions of Art foie 6711, and amendments of the Revis ad Civil Statutes of Teaas be comp lied with;^ and said resolution having been sec cad ed by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, same was submitted to a vote which was thereupon unanimously passed by the court. It ie therefore ordered, adi udged end decreed by tae Commissioner's Court oP Sa rr County Teaas that the public neighborhood road applied for by Mrs. Effie Smith ea described in her said appllcatioa, to-wit: Commencing at a point where public road, known as the D. T. Roe m a leaves State Highway No. 27 on the N. E. side thereof and proceeds in en Featerly or N. E. direction about 700 feet entering that 11.8 acre tract of land described in 401. 56, page 288 (deed from Sames H. Smith et uz to D. S. Roe) deed records of 3err'County, Teaas, entering sum near the S. corner of Sur. 1214, T. W. N. C. RY• Co.; The hoe ea rose said 11.8 acre tract in a N. E. direction to Ghe some of D• T. Aoa which is located on said 11.8 eore tract Smmediatel S. oP the N. boundary line oP said ll.8 acre tract and oho ut 400 yards 5. 77' 30' West of tae East line oP said Sur. No. 1214; Thence proceeding N. or N. E. of the home of D. T. ire which lies close to the N. line of said tract Smme dletely S. of said 11.8 eore tract, N. 77. 30' E. a distance of about 400 yards to a point where said road eaters that 0.08 acre treat out of Su No. 1214 recently conveyed to Mrs. Effie Smith by Trgy Smith et ux; Thence in a N• E. dir eo ti orosaiHg said 0.06 acre tract and cro Being the East boundary line oP Sur. No. 1214 entering Sur. No. 2568, J. M. Webb, and continuing across Sur. No. 2588 in a N. E. direction about 300 yards to a point where this mad intersects old road, be and the same is hereby oatabliahed es e public neighborhood road, ahd that same be op enad and built by the Commissioner of Precinct No. 4, Rerr Co uht9, Taxes, 1n whose precinct said road lies, and that same shall Hereafter be known and designated as a public road. It is the further ort~er of the W urt that D. T. Roe be deniod flay aHd all damages by,, reason of said road passing over hie lands, he having ezpressly waived his right thereto. It is the further order of the Court that no costs be assessed to applicant end that the said road be befit at the sap erne of the County, end that this order be recorded ih the deed records of Lerr County, Teaas. 7no. R. Leavell, Couhty Judge L• M. Guthrie, Com. Pre. No. 1 L• M. Guthrie, Com. pre. No. 3 V. D. Powell, Com. Pre. No. 2 Lee Goff, Com. Pre. No. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o N0. 7291. APPROVAL OF CLAIM OF SID PETERSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IN AMOIINT OF =600.00. This the 13th day of December, A. D. 1955, came on to be presented to the Court, the ale of SSd Peterson Memorial Hoepitnl for the County's one-half of expenses for indigent patients, li, for the period from July let, 1956to December 31st, 1955, inolus ive. Therefore by motion dui made by Goff, nano nd ed Guthrie, and naenisously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be and 1a Hereby dir ea tad to draw voaoher age in et the Co uhty Treasurer in the amount of X800.00, payat+le to Sid Peter non I[e®oriel Hoepltal, out of Gana ral Fund of Rerr County, for the County' pro-rata expense for indigent patlenta, sa per Order No. 6399, dated December 15th, 1953. o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo N0. 7292. ALLOIfANCE OF CLAI]IS AND ACCOiJNTS. I~ ~~ This the 13th day of Dao amber, A. D. 1955, creme on to ba examined by the Court; tae ~4~ claim end ac count Piled against 8err County by J. C. Penney Company in the amount oP ~85.H2, Piled aihoe th e. lest term oP Court, which said claim end ecao uht wsa approved by the Court Por payment by the County Clerk in said emo ant and payable out of the General Fund, ea shown by the. Minutes oP Accounts Allowed is Vol. _, Pages 181 to 18@, inclusive, which are made a part hereof asd oP this order end on motion duly made by Guthrie, eeco nded by Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Claim and Account be allowed as shown by the above mentioned Minutes of Acoo ants allowed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7293. APPORTIONMENT OF ;2,000.00 FROM ROAD AND BRIDGE FDND TO ROAD AND BRIDGE FONDS N09. 1, D, 3 and 4, AND TRANSFER OF X816.81 FROM ROAD AND BRIDGE FWID TO ROAD AND BRIDGE RZGHT OF PAY ffiGHWAY NO. 18 FOND. . This the 13th day of December, A. D. 1955, after motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk end County Treasurer, be, end ere hereby directed to apportion the io llowing amo unta out oP ROAD AND BRIDGE FOND to the the Po llow ing respective Funds and Commissioners' precinota, to-wit; Road cal Bridge Fund Ido. 1 - - - - 680.00 Road and Bridge Foal No. 2 - - - - - 80.00 Road and Bridge Fund No. 3 - - - - - E0.00 Bo ad end Sri dge Fund No. 4 - - - - - 840.00 And it was further ordered by the Court that the County Clerk end County Treasurer transPg on their respective books the amount oP #818.61 Prom the Road end Bridge Fuad to Road and Brid@ Right of Way Highway No. 16 Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 7294. ORDER TO INSTRUCT ARCffiTECT HARVEY P. SMITH TO PROCE® WITH PLANS POR BIDS ON IERR CO DNTY 4GRZ COLTtIRAL LIVEBTDCE AIID E%HIBITION BUILDZNG. On this the 13th day of December, A, p. 1955, it wsa ordered by the Court that Architect Harvey p. Smith, proceed with nee essary plena, which are needed „ of November 29, 1955, Por bids on the Ierr County Agrec ultural Livestock cad Exhibi tioa Building, to be erected on the pro- perty now owned by Kerr County near Legion, end upon motion daly made by Goff, seconded by Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that Bs aforesaid the said Harvey p. Smith make ell proper and neoessarp plans for the bids to be received on the above mentioned baild ing. oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I, IND. 7295. ORDER APPOINTING COIINTP HISTORICAL SURVEY COL~ITTEE. On thin the 13th day oP Deoemb er, A. D. 1955, came on to be dons idered the matter of appointment of a Committee to serve as a County Historical Survey Committee appointed by the Caunty Judge, County Commissioners and the County Clerk end the Pollowing named persona, it appearing to the Court, are capable and competent persons to serve as said Committee, to-wit: Miss Annie May Morriss as Chairmen, M. D. Aenderson, Mrs. R. C. McHryde, Kurt Aolekemp, Mrs. Lana Thllis, W. G. Garrett, Jr., end G. Rankin Starkey, be and they are hereby appointed to serve es County Aistordeal Survey Committee, affi upon motion duly made by Bartel, seconded by Co Pf end unenimo usly approved by the Court that the above named persona serve oa said oommitta o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED lti 4 o'clock P. M., on IIecemb er 13th, 1955, UNTIL FRIDAY December 16th, 1955, at 10 o'clock A. M., COURT R'BCONVENED Friday, December 16th, 1955, at 10 o'clock A. M., for any matters which may be presented to the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o N0.'7298. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR EIGHT gpECIAL POLL TAI DEPOTIE9 BY TA% ASSESSSOR AND COLLECTO$..