5h7 N0. 7340. CANCELLATION OF OFFICIAL BDND OF R. v.. NICHOLS, COIINTY CIERL, DECEA.4ID. On this the 12th day of January, A. D. 1958, same on to be heard end oonsidered the matte of the cahoelletion of the Official Bond of R. D. Nichols, former County Clerk, who passed away 0n the ZOth day oP December, A. D. 1955, and that said OPf iciel Bond aho uld be cenaell ed and held for naught es oP said date, therefore on motion duly made by Bartel, aeooffied by GoPP and approved by the Court, it is orfl er ed tnat the oTPicial bond oP said R. O. Nichols, decease be and the same is hereby cancelled as of December 20th, 1955, under Article 6001, Tltle 101, Verno n's Annotated Texas Statutes. 00o ro0o-o Co -o0o ro0o-o00 -000-000-000 N0. 7341. COUNTY JUDGE ORDffitED TO NOTIFY HARVEY P. 9MI14i, ARCRITECT, AND GEO. DAHL, ENGINEER. On this the 12th day of January, A. D. 1956, on motion duly made by Goff, aeoonded by Guthrie, end approved by the Court, that the County Judge ba and he is hereby instructed by the Court to oontact Harvey P. Smith, Architect and Geo. Dahl, Engineer, by phone and letter requesting the lr personal appearance before the Commis sio nays' Court oP Kerr County, Texas, for consultation with reference to the dams t0 be build in Kerr County, Texas, and that said County Judge make err anLaments with said Architeot aui Eng ins sr for a meeting wlth the Court. o-o ro -o-o- o-o- o-o -o -o ro -o -o -o-o N0. 7342. ORDER SETTING ODUNTY OFFICIALS ON SALARY HASIS. On this the 13th day of Januer y, A. D. 1956, at trie Regular Term of the Honorable Commissioners' CO Urt oP Eerr County, Teaas, ell mem bare oP the Court being present, to are came on for c0nsi derati0n the matter of compensatiOA oP the varloua County Officials oP Re rr County Texas, for the year, &. D. 1956, as same is provided Por in Article 3912e, 9eetion 2 Revised Civil Stat utee oP Texas; And it appearing to the Court that Eerr County had a populet ion of ~i lase thah 20,000 inhabitants acoor ding to the last Federal Census, end tnet the int eresta of the Co vnty would be best served if the, County officials oP Rerr County are paid on a Salary Basis for the year, A. D. 1956; And upon motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the Court, it is ordered by the Court tnat the County officials of Eerr County, Texas, be paid their salaries on the Salary Basis es provided by law Por the year A. D. 1956. Further ordered that the Clerk of the Court prepare a certified copy of this orde end send same to the Comptroller of public Accounts, Austin, Texea. o-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 j N0. 7342 e. ORDER SETT INO PRECINCT OFFICZALS ON FES BASIS. On this the 13th day of January. A. D. 1956, at the Regular Term oP the Honorable Commissioners' Court oP Kerr County, Teaas, all members th ereoP being present, tnere came on for cons iderati0n the matter oP compensation of the Precinct Officials oP the various precincts of Eerr County, Texas, Por the year, q. D. 1958, as provided Sn Article 3912e, Section 2, RevSaed Civil Statut ea of Teaas; ,And it appearing t0 the Court after giving the matter due consideration Ln at the interests of the County vr~uld be best served if the sold precinct officials oP Eerr County, Texas, be oomrensat ed on a Pee basis Por the year, A. D. 1956; And ~, upon motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie, and unen imously approved by the Court, it I'is ordered by the Court that Lne preein ct Officials oP Eerr County, Texas, be paid on a Pee basis as provided by law Por the year, A. D. 1956. Further ordered that the Clerk of the Court prepare a certified copy oP this order and send same to the State Comptroller of public Account Austin, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o