I! Mend the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooaedings were had, to-wit: I Ipl o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 7456. ALLOWAIdCE OF CLA IMSS AND ,A000 LIIJTS. y This the 14th day of Mey, p. D. 1956, came on to ba examin ad by the Court, the var i0ua cle ims aad acco unt s~-i'3ied against Serr County and its respective Commisa loners' Precincts since the last term 0f the Court, all 0f which claims end accounts were epnroved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts arxl out of Road end Brl dge Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, General Fund, officers Salary Fund, Agric ulbaral Live Sto ek and Exhibition Building Fund, Flood Control Fund, Aight of Way Highway tb. 16 Fund, Jury Fund end Dog Tag Fund, as shown by the Minutes of Accounts Allowed in Vol. Pages 214 to 219, inclusi ve, ~whi ch are made a part hereof end of this order and on Motion du19 made by L. M. Guthrie and seoonded by Adolph Bartel, and uaenimou - ly ep pro ved by the Court that said Claims and Accounts be allow ell as shown by the above mentioA- ed minutes 0f accounts allowed. 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7457. pDRCHASE OF TEXAS DIGEST AND TEXAS SDRISPRDDENCB FROM JOE H[TRiCETT TR FOR 900.00. On this the 14th day of May, A. D. 1956, came on t0 ba heard aad considered by the Court the matter of purchasing the Texas Digest and Texas Surisprud ante from Joa Burkett, Jr., for the sum oP X900.00, papa ble $50.00 cash, and the balance as evai la ble Out oP the Lew Library Tezsa k Tazae Jhri.eprudewoe Fund, and it appearing t0 the Court that the purohase of saifl/DJgesta/for the County Lew Librax is in due order end et a roe so noble prioe, therefore on motion duly made by L. M. Guthrie, Te seconded by Adolpph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County pur abase se id ~n4 Tezea dardeprodeaee Dig est s/for the sum of 900,00, payable x50.00 cash and the balance as eve ilable Out of the Lew Library Fund. o 0o -o W-o~ro0o-o00-o0o-oW-o Oo N0. 7458. CANCELLATION OF VOIICHER N0. 6973 IN FpWR OF SINCLAIR REFINITdG COMPANY. ''.. This the 14tri day of tray, A. D. 195 ti, came on t0 be heard the application of Ceo. D. Luther, County Tree sur er, for permission of the COUrt to cancel Voucher No. 6973, in the sum II of X89.60 payable to Sinclair Aef ining Company out of R. & B. No. 4, Fuad, which said voucher ~~' has been lost or misplaced, until Partner inv est igetion by the County Treeaur er, end after ~~ said investigation the County Troasu rer is duly satisfied that said Voucher Ss lost or misplec-' ed he is hereby authorized t0 issue another vouo her in lieu th er epf for said amount and payeb le to said 8lnclair Refining Company, therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Lae Goff, seconded by Commissioner V. D. Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-0 0o ro Oo ro ~ ro 0o ro Oo-o0o-000 N0. 7459. PRD-RATA PAYMENT, OF SALARY TO IdR3. ALMA HALE AND MI59 HELEN BOYD. On this the 14th day of May, A. D. 1956, came on t0 be heard and cons id Bred by the Co urL the matter oP payment to Mrs. Alma Hale end Miss Helen Boyd, as County Home Demonstration Agent of Barr County, Texas, affi it appearing to the Court that Mrs. Alma Hale is entitled to her pay Prom May 1st t0 May 15th, end Unet Mi se Helen Boyd is entitled to her pay from M$V 16th to end inolud ing tSay 31st, 1966. Thereafter the payment of monthly salary to Miss Aelea Boyd sna 11 be paid to her under order No. 8859, which said order refers to the payment oP the monthly salary to the County Home Demonstration Agent and that said order snail resale in fu~force and effec and on motion oP Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Cammieaioner L. M. Guthrie, and unan- imously approved by the Court. 000-p0o-o Op ro0p-o0p-o OO -000-000 N0. 7060. ALIAP7ANCE OF CLAIM AS S4TIMATE N0. 2 OF JASPER 2EOORE AND FRANX THOMASON. This the 14th day of May, A. D. 1956, c@ma on to ba eoamin ed by the Court, the claim or ~~ , ~ l~