tural Live Stock Ern ibiticn Building, payable out aP said A. L• S• E. Bldg Fund, as shown by the Minutes 0f peso unts Allowed, Pa ~e 240, which are made a part hereof and of this Order and on L~tiOn duly made by Cora^^.i s^ianer Adolph Ba-tel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, end unanimously approved by the Court that said Claim end pncount be allrnved es shown by the above mentioned G3nutes ~f Accounts Allowed, said Estimate of 1t".Dore and Thomason being No, 6. 000-000-000-o00-oCO-o0o-000-000 N0. 7568. ALL077ANCE OF CLAI P~;~ AND ACCOiTNTS. This the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1956, came on to be examined by the Court, the ~ claims of ^uality Ready t~iix $660.00 Mabel Co ldwell $11.00 and Burney's Garage X16.32 payable out of Road and Bridge No. 2 Fund, Conna119 $ Roth $47.00 payable out n£ Road and Bridge No. 4~ Fund, J. 0. Mills X53.90 out of General Fund, and City Radix & Electric Service $36.25 out of A. L. S. E. Hldg. Fund, which claims and accounts were approved by the Court for payment by th County Clerk and County Treasurer, as shoran by the S.iinut es of Accounts Allowed Pages 240, et. ~ seq., inclusive, which are made a part Hereof and of this order end. on motion duly mpde by Com.;issi ~~ner L. P".. Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously ap"roved b}^ the Court that said Claims and Accounts be all aved ns shown by the above mentioned Minutes 0f ~ _, pcoounts Allowed. 000-000-000-000-00o_o!7a -o'o-000 N0. 75ti9. ORDER AUT'dO RIZINC COUNTY TREASURER TO CANCEL 40UCf?ERS NOS. 8380 AND 8402. On this the 2P,nd day of Sept emi, er, A. D. 1956, came on to be heard the ap^licat ion of Geo. D. Luther, County Treasurer, t0 cancel Vouchers Nos. 8380 and 8402, issued to Continental Oil Company an Aur.ust 1Cth, 1956, No. 8380 for X30.00 payable out 0£ Road and Bridge No. 2 Fund and No. 8402 for $6U.6U payable out 0f Road and Bridge No. 4 Fund and reported never hav- ing b0::n received by payee, and sail Treasurer now asking permi ssioa of the Covrt to cancel ::n id Vouchers Nos. 8380 and 8402, and issuing new or substitute vouch era in place of the lost ar misplaced vouchers, and stopping payment 0f above mentioned vouchers, and on motion duly made Sy Commissi'n er Lee Goff, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approve by the Court thr.t :,aid County Trews u-^er brx and ice is harehy authorized to issue new or substi- tuts vouchers in place oY the lost 0r :.:i spleced wuch ens. 00o-oCo-o0o-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7570. ORDER AUTHORIZING COUiIT'f TREASURER TC KEEP THE RE'ViiNUE DERIVED FROM VARIOUS ORGANI• 3ATIONS AT A. L. S. E. BLDG IN S~ARATE COLUMNS. On thin tre 22nd day of September, A. D. 1956, came 0n to be Heard and considered bT the Court the app licat i0.^. of Geo. ll. Luther, C:~unty Treasurer, with reference to l:e ep ing the rasp e~, derived fram variaus Organizations at the Agricultural hive st0 cc Etch ibi tion Hui lding in a separate col umn an3 taking all receipts into General Fund and expenditures from General Fvnd, both to be ear ^ied in separste columns in cne County detail records so that it can readily be determined at all tunes as to balance 0n hand, but will definitely remain Caner al Fund items, anc on ration duly made b; Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Coirm~i ssi0ner Adolph Bartel and unanirta uslY aprr oven cy the Court tnet ::aid Co my Treasurer keep said revenues in senara to columns. or; -o Co -000-000-000-000-000-00 The foregoing Minutes from page 7 to 8, inclusive, •.vere read and appr ovad in open Court on this _~ day of October, A. D. 1956. ATTEST: ~Y/^.a ~ ~c 1/ . ~, ~a_ew-a+-~•, Clerk Co un$y Co ur~~ K_rr Coun y'~` C S' Jud~^e, err Cow, T c s a s. OGO-000-000-000-O1.0 -000 -O GO