T ~ HE STATE OF TE%A.9, C OUNTY OF %SR ( R. 1 BS IT REE~ERED That ther e was .b egun and holden on the 28th d ay of September, A. D. 1958, at the Court Ao uae thereof, in the City of %err vil la, Teaas, a Special September Term of the Co mm iasi0ners Court oP %err County, Taxes, with the fo ll wring officers present, to-wit: . Honorable John R. Leavell County Judge L. M. Guthrie Commissioner Precinct No. 1 V. D. Powell .. Commissioner Preai not No. 2 Adolph Bartel Commisa i0ner Precinct No. 3 Lee Coff .. Commissioner Preoinct No. 4 Oli var Moore .. 9herifi and Mrs. R. V. Nichols .. County Clerk and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-s~-o-o-o-o N0. 7571. A6PIpYLO-NT OF NIGHT WATCHMAN.POR THE TOWN OF INGRAY. `- On this the 28th day of September, A. D. 1956, came on to be heard end considered by the Court the matter of employment oP a Night Wetchma n, deputized out of the ffier iff `s Office, in the Town of Ingram, Barr County, Texas, at a stipulated selnry of X125.00 per month, to be pa ii out of the OfPis ers Salary Fund. And it appearing t0 the Court that oar tarn cit lzens of the town 0f Ingram have subscribed to a petit ion pledging to pay the sum of X108.00 per month Por the employment of said night watchmen, which said sum is to be remitted to the County Treesnre~ and said Treasurer will deposit said amount in the officers salary fund and the County will pa; the additional sum of X17;00, making .e total oY X125.00, this arrangement to be in ioroe so long as the above payment 0f X108.00 is made by the aubsar ibere. Therefore upon motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Coff, seoo nded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approve by the Court that the County Treesur er issue voucher for a night watchman in Ingram, Texas, in the sum oP '125.00, beginning September 26th, 1956, peyab le out 0f the OPP is ers Selarq Funfl. 000-000-000-000-0~0 -000-000-000 "- N0. 7572. APPROVAL OF TERRACING CONTRACT IN PRECINCT N0. 2. On this the 28th day of 9eptemb er, A. D. 1956, o-n motion by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and sao onded by Commisa Sonar L. M. Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court that the appllcat ion of Cary L. Finch, of Precinct Nn. 2~ba approved end contract entered into by and between the Commi sa io aer of aaSd Pree inet No. 2 end afore-mentioned party, ss per co ntra0t on file, under drticle 23720. 000-000-000-o(b -o0 o-000-000-000 NO. 7573. TRANSFER OF X2,345.99 FROM VARIODS FDNDS TO OFFICERS SALARY FUND. On this the 28th day of September, A. D. 1956, came on t0 be heard end ca ns id ered by the Court the matter of transferring the hereinafter set out emo ants Prom the various funds to the Officers Salary Fund, wh ioh said amounts will re-lmbur se the Salary fund for Assessor`s fees, and on motion duly made by Comalssl over Lao Goff, seconded by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and are er eby directed t0 transfer the following soma to the OPf icers Salary Fund, respectively, to-wit: 136.55 from Jury Fund 09.85 from Road end Bridge Fund 682.75 Prom General Fund 273.10 from Permene nt Improvement Fund 273.10 from Agrioultural Building Fund