A1lswsi on pages-L43 Lo , ihaluaivw, which are made a pert hereof and of this order nffi on 1(o tion duly made by Commissioher yea Goff, aeeo ad ed by Com~i sai oaer V. D. Powell, end aaendmonaly epprovafl by the Court that~aaid Claims end Aoooanta be ellowed.as shown by said above mentioned minutes of anbounta allowed. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-o0o -o Qo NO. 7578. CO CRT TA%ING OPPOSITION TO ANY LAND Ili EERR COUNTY BEIlQO TAZEIP WITHIN THE PROPOSED UNDER GROOND WATER R84ERVOIR. On this the Htn day of Octobe T, A. D. 1956, came on t0 be heard and Co hsld Bred by the Court the matter of ^Deaignetlon of IIffiergram4 Water Reservo ir^ in aem rdeao• with a Nct iae of Hearing leaned by the Hoard of Water Bagineere for a hearing to be helfl at 10 o~clook: in the morning on the 8th day of November, 1956 is the Yuniaipal Auditorium SA the City of 3en Antonlo, Heuer County, Tsaea, for the purpoeo of designating any portion or all of the Tease Counties of ALaaoosa> Hand era, Beaar, Bleaeo, Corral, Edwarfla, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Eendell, %err, %lnaey, Hays, Medina, Real and Uvalde as an nndergro and reservoir or euDdivis ion thereof And the Commisaiohera Court of %err County sitar due ooaeldereti0a of said notice here end now opposes the Designation of IIad ergm and Water Reaervo it is %errCO Uhty, Tezae, end on motion dal made by Commasioner Adolpn Bartel, aeoonded by Commiaeioaer L. Y. Guthrie, end naenimonaly approved by the Court that the Co urt o ppo sea sap lanfl in %err County being taken within the proposed underground water reaerw 1r. 000-000-000-o0ob DJ -o OO-000-000-000 NO. 75H0. APPROVAL OF TERRACING CONR'RACT IN PRECINCT N0. 4. On this the 8th day o1 OotoDer, A. D. 1956, on motion Dy Commissioner L. m. Outhrda, sad seconded by C6mtodesloaer Adolph Bartel, nffi unanimously approved Dy Lhe Court that the e]?pli- oetion of George Neuachaf er, of pracinat No. 4, be approved and contract entered into by sad between the Commissioner of said Precinct No. 4 nffi afore-mentioned party, as per contract mqr file, under Article Z378o. 000-000-000-0 o-oCo-oCo-o0o-000-0 NO. 7581. READING AND APPROVAL OF ffiN4Fffi. Oa tais the £1th day 0f Octobor, A. D. 1956, after motion having been duly IDnde by Commissioner Lee puff, aeeonded by Commissioner L. M. Guthrle, and nnanimoaely ePProved by the Court that the Minutes of the Commisai0ners Court of %err County, Tezea, from page 1 Lo 11, inoluaive, be app=vvad as read. 0c°' 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7502. APPROVAL OF VARIOUS MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS OF EER$ COUNTY, TEZA9. On this the 9th day of Actober, A. D. 1958, came on to be heard sad considered by the Court the various monthly aid soma quarterly reports of the County end Yreclnot Offioera of Zerr County, Tezea, end the same having bean heard and mnatd ered by the Court, the Court tied Chet the ~sa.e are true nffi oo rr act end should be approved, therefore on motion duly made by Coamisaioner Adolpp Bartel, asoonded by Commleeioner L. If. Guthrie, end unaaimouely approved Dy the Court th et the following monthly repot to sad 9ooounta be end the same are hereby ordered approved tnd'.illad by tDn County Clerk for future refereno e, and anbJect to audit, e• follows, to-wit: '. ` Virgil 9to rme, Tuetioe of the pesos, pre. No. 1, Ee rr County, Tezea, coil sot ed em du- poaited X61.45, fee o2 ~5E.00 payable out of Officers Salary Fund. Ira L• Pringle, Justine of the peace, pre. No. 2, ffierr County, Tezas, collected effi fle- poaited X150.85, fee of X84.00 payable out of Offdeere Salary Fend. Henry B. Engelman, dustioe of the peace, pre. No. 4, Zerr County, Tezae, oo~leeted aid poalted X16.10, fee of ~H.00 payable out of Offioera Salary Fnnd.