Right' of Way Highway No. i6 Fund, permanent Improvement Fund, end A. L. S. E. Bldg Fund, ee. i showh by the Minutes of Acoounta Allowed oa Pages 248 to 256, inoluaive, wn ioh era made a part hereof end oP this order and on tbtion duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, aeoonded by ~ Commissioner Lee Goff, and nnanimously approved by the Court that said Claims sad Accounts be allowed as shown by said above mentioned minutes 0Y ecno ants allowed. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 7592. CLAIM OF HARVEY P. SMITH A AS90CIATEB BEING FCLL AND FIlQAL CLAIM. This tae 12tH day of November, A. D. 1956, came on to be ezamined by the Court the Final Claim of Harvey p. Smith & Associates f11od against Serr County, Teaea, being Full end Final Estimate for payment by the Gounty Clark ehd County Treasurer, which said claim end ao count wa approved by the Court for payment in the amount of ~1,327.E8, payable out of the Serr County Agricultural Livestock Effiib ition Building Fund, es sn0wn by the Mihat ea of Aooo ante Allowed Pages 248 et seq., which era made apart hereof and of this order sad on Motion duly made by Commissioner Ado lpn Bartel, aeoo ad ed by Comcoisaioner Lee Goff and unanimously approved by the art that said Claim and Account be allowed es shown by the above Miantea of lcoo~nts Allowed ea to Full and Final Estimate of Bald Harvey P. 9mitn & Aaeoolatae. ,~ 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 ~'NO. 7593. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIM AND ACODDNT OF LEO TENSCRBE. This the 12tH day of November, A• D. 1956, same on to be eaemined by the Court, the ale of Leo aensahke Piled against &err County Yor ezpensea ,i ~OUr red in Traa for end Dozer work on Fiat Rock Road, and also on Dam Site D, wnich claim sad ancouht wee approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk and County Treasurer, payable out of the Flood Control Fund, as IshOwn by the Minutes of Accounts allowed Page 24$, et. seq., >~ inn-era made a part nereof end of this order and on motion duly made by Commissioner Lee .Goff, aenohded by Commissioner Adolf Bartel, end unanimously apPro ved by the CO Urt that said Claim and Aoaount be allowed as shows by the above mentioned Minutes of Aooo oats 411owed. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7594. PAYMII7T FOR NDRSINO AND CARE OF HDB BOECEMANA. This the 12tH day of November, A. D. 1956, came on to be mnsidBred 0t' the Court, the necessity to reimburse Mrs. T. A. plsup for Her nursing services, board a ni other means of tek- '1 ing nary oY B0b Bo ackmann, payable mo htnly, beginning November 15th, said aervio ee start ad oa the 15tH day of October, 1956, and thereafter on the 15tH day of each and every month as long as said Bob Boeckmann remains et the nursing Home of Mrs. T. A. plaup, and wherefore the Court has heretofore made an allowance ibr the-oere of such indigent patients, the Court ie of the lopinion tb at Mrs. T. A• Als up should be allowed the sum of X50.00 monthly, not in advano e, De- 'ginning Nov amb er 15tH, 1956, pay sole out of the General Fund, end on motion duly made by (Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded op Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7595. RESIGNATION OF THOMAS H. RAPE, OETIItANS COUNTY SERPICE OFFICER. This the 12tH day of November, A. D. 1856, came on to ba Heard ehd coneid er ed by the Court the matter of the Resighatioh of Thomas H. Aape, as Veterans County Service Off lcer, ePfeative Des ember 31st, ;956, affi it ap p¢ear ing to the COUrt that the matter is well taken and should be granted, therefore on Motion duly made by Commissi over Lee Goff, seconded Dy ^I Commissioner Adolph Hertel, effi unanimous l9 epProved by the Court that said Resignation of Thomas H. Rape, effective December 31st, 1955, be~and the same is hereby accepted by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000