NO. 7596., APPROOAl OF VARIOIIS MONTHLY REPORT3 OF CODNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS OF 1ffi2R ODIIIP~Y, T ERAS . ,., Oh this the 12th day of No vamber, A. D. 1956, name on to be heard end oonsidered Dy the it Court the various monthly and some quarterly reports of the County and Preo Snot Off SO ere of gerr County, Tezas, and Lhe same having been heard end oonaidered by the Court, Lhe OOUrt 21hd that the same ere true end oorr eot and should be approved, therefore on motion duly made by Comnlasioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Ooff, affi unenimonaly approved by the Court that the fo llowing monthly reports end eooounta be end the same ere hereby ordered approved and Piled by the County Clerk for Suture reference, end subject to audit, ea follows, to-wit; Virgil Storms, Justice of the peat e, Pre. No. 1, Eerr County, Tezas, co ll eoted end depoa ed X141.06; Yee of 180.00 peyebleout of Of Boers 9elery Fend. Ira L. Pringle, Justice of the Peso e, pre. No. 2., Eerr County, Tezas, oo lleo tad end de- posited X143.55, tea of X84.00 payebto out of Offiaera 3elary Fund. Henry B. Engelman, Justice of the peso e, pre. No. 4, Eerr County, Tezas, coil eo tad and d posited X35.15, Pee of X20.00 payable oat of Off oera 3elery Fund. Mrs. R. V. Nioho ls, County Clerk, Monthly oo lleotiona of fees oP offioe in the amount of X551.25, and deposited. ~,, I Mrs. R. V. Nichols, County Clerk, Fines, Judgments, end Jury Feea oolleoted during Oot. 1956, ih amount of ;73.00 and deposited. Albert Wilson, Publio Weigher, X142.00 oolleoted affi deposited, over-oolleotion of #17.0 1/2 or #8.50 to be paid to the City. Oliver Moore, Sheriff, Monthly Ootob er, 1956, report of fees of offioe aollsoted end deposited with Co untyTreaeurer in amo unL of =177,8b. ALae Sono lea,. County Heaitn Rurse, Monthly October 1958 report. Jno. R. Laevell County Judge, Monthly eapen ae report for October, 1956, do amount of ;3,00. H. Sack Roe, County probation Officer, monthly reports for August, September end October ,.~ 1958. Heleh J. Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly Ootober, 1956, report. Guy M. Powell, County Agent, monthly Ootob er, 1956, report. Riohard R. Blume, .Associate County Agent, m,nth ly October, 195ti, report. Clelle Doyle, Diat rict Clerk, monthly October, 1956, report of fees of office oo llsoted and deposited with County Treasurer in amount of X154.40. _ ~ Virgil Persona, City-County Sanitarian, monthly Ootober, 1966, report. 00o-o0o ro0o 000-000-000-000 A0. :9597. READING AND APPROVAL OF M7N9Tffi. On this the 12th day of November, A. D. 1956, after mo floe Having been duly made by Commissioner Lee Ooif, seconded by Commi aeioner V. D. Powell, end uneaimouely approved by the Co urt .that the Minutes of the Commissionary Court of Eerr County, Tezea, from Page 11 to 17, inoluaive, be approved as read. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7598. INCREASE IN SALARY OF AYL~*~' WHARTOR, C09RT HEPDICLER.. r.-i OF 2ND 38TH JIIDICL4L DZ9TRICTOF TELAS. On thin the 18th day of November, A. D. 1956, oeme on to be heard end aonaidered Dy the Court the matter of an inareeae in salary for Ayleene Wharton, as Court Hopertrer•~-- for the 2nd SBth Judioial District Court of Tezas, from X164.82 to =198.00 monthly, payable out of the Jwry~Fuad, eifeotive October la t, 1956, and on motion duly made by Commdaslonei V. D, poweli, ._ I eeoo nded by Comm Sesioner L. M. Guthrie, and unanisn uely approved by the Oourt that said incree in salary from x].64.82 to X198.00 be and the same Se be reby granted. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000