Jostles of the Pesos - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 Public Weigher - - - - - - - - - - - 2,500.00 Oounty Attorney - - - - - - - - - - 2,500.00 County Surveyor - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 Qoastable - - - -.- - - - - - - - --, 1,000.00 Therefore by motion duly made by Comnfsaioner Lee Coff, seconded by Commissioner V. D. Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that ell puDlio off is era bonds for 1957-1958 am L9 S7-1960 terms De fazed ea herein stiphlated and Lhet such offic ere should present their off i• ;ial bonds in like manner and amounts, and appear with same before the Commissioners' Court on Taauary 1st, 1957, at 9 o'olock A. M., at wnioh time such bonds will be considered for approve: before suah.offle ere will be qusliYied. 000-000-000-000-000-000 7618. APPROVAL OF VARIOUS MONTHLY REPORTS OF OODNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICSR9 OF SERR COUNTY, T E Z A S. On this the 11th day of Deo ember, A. D. 1956, name on to be heard and oo nsiderad by the rt the various monthly and some quarterly reports of the County and Precinct Offic ere of r County, Teaas, and the same having been heard and considered by the Court, the Court finda'I t the same ere true and corn eat end should be approved, therefore on motion duly made by y pprov ed by the ~ misaionar Lee Coff, seen nded by Commas inner L. M. Gutrirle, sad unanimousl a ^~ rt that the following monthly reports end eoaounts be end the same ere hereby order efl appro and Piled by the k;unty Clerk for future reference, and sub~eot to audit, as follows, to-wit Virgil 9to rms, Tustioe oP the peace, Pre. No. 1, %err County, Texas, collected and deposi - ed 4280.95, fee of 4128.00 payable out off' Offioera Selery Fund . Ira L. Pringle, Tust iae of the peso s, Yr e,No. 2, Serr County, Teass, ooll anted and de- posited 4184.30, Ysa oY 4108.00 payable out of OYYSoera Salary Fuhd. Renry B. Engelman Tustioe of the peace, Pre. No. 4, %err County, Teass, oollected and de posited37.25, fee of 424.00 payable out of OYfio ers Salary Fund. Oliver Moore, Spar iff, Monthly November 1956, report of teen of off ioe Coll sot ad and deposited with County Treasurer in amount of 4250,70. Clella Doyle, District Clerk, monthly November 1958, report of fees oP office collected and deposited with County Treasurer in amount of ;5.00. Mrs. R. V. Niahols, County Clerk, Monthly oo ll sot ions oY fees of office in the amount oP 4704.25 and deposited. Mrs. R. V. Nichols, County Clerk, Fines, Tud gments and Jury Feea ao lleoted during Nov. 1956, Sn amount oY 468.00 and deposited .~ Albert Nilson, public Weigher, 4153.78 collected and deposited, over-collection .of 428.7 1/2 or '14.39 to be paid to the City. Virgil persona, City-County Sanitarian, monthly November, 1956, report. Tao. R. Leevell, County Judge, Mo nthlg expense report for November, 1958, in amount of Nose; Alma Soholea, County Health Nurse, Monthly November, 1956, report. Relen J. Boyd, County Home Demo hatrat ion Agent, monthly November, 1956, report. Richard R. Blume, Aaeoci ate County Agent, mo ntnly November, 1956, report. Guy M. Powell, County Agent, monthly November, 1958, report. 000-000-000-000-000-o0o-oCa-o0o-o0o ro0o 7819. APPROVAL OF JOINT ANNCAL REPORTS OF COUNTY AGENT ADID HIS ASSOCIATE, AND COUNTY BDMg DEWNSTRATION AGENT AND HER ASSOCIATES. This the 11th day of Deo ember, A. D. 1956, name on to be eaamined by the Court the oombih d and ~olnt Annual Raporte of Alma S• Hele, and Helen J. Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent ffi Sewall Strasser A9eoalate County Homa Daaonetratioa Aged, end Ou7 11•'powell, County Aged nd Richard g. Blume, Associate County Agent, for the year ending November 30th, 1958, It ppearing to the Court that said reports show setlefea to ry seraicae rMedered by the two flepart- menta and that said reports should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Commiasione; „ M. Guthrie, eeaon$ed by COmmisslo her Adolph Bartel, and nnahimouel9 aPPr ov ed by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o