N0. 7620. APPROVAL OY OFFICIAL BOND OF EYS~T HAROEy NICHOLS TAE A89ESSOR AND ODIT.ECSGR. This the 11th day of Deoember, A. D. 1956, came oh to be oonaidersd Dy Lhe Court the neoeseity to approve the State Bond of Emmet Hervey Niohole, Taz Aaseesor affi Collector for the enaning term of 1957-1980. It appearing to the Court that the State Bond iri the mount of X4,000.00 should be approved, ahd that the State Bond should be mailed by the County Clerk to the Comptroller of Pnbl is Aooouats for approval. Tha rOfore by motion duly made by Commissloae V. D.. P0we71, aeoonded Dq Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the Court that suoh bond be approved, end the Tax Aes essor end Collector should qualify by taking the oath of office, end the County Clerk be, end :_ is hereby dir eoted to mall the official State Bond to the Comptroller of publio Aooouats for the State Comptro 11 are' Approval. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7621. RESIGNATION OF A. A. FERRIS, DEPD'1R SHERIFF OF EERR CODNTY, TEIGS. This the 11th day of Deoembe r, A. D. 1956, came on to be hen rd affi co asidsred by the Court the matter of the Resignation of A• A• Farris, as Deputy Sheriff of Berr County, Teaes, effao tiva Daoembar 31st, 1956, end it ap pear Sng Lo the Court that the matter ie wail taken and should be granted, therefore on motion duly made by Commissl over Lee Coff, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, end unanimously approved by the Court that said Resignation of A. A. Ferris, effeotive Deo ember 31st, 1956, be end the same is hereby eocepted by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 7022. ALLOWANCE OF CI.AII7S AND ACCODNTS OF CITY OF EERRVILLE. On this 11th day 0f Deo ember, A. D. 1958, ome on to be examined by Lhe Court, the clei sad ae counts of the City of Kerrville filed against Kerr County for payment by the County Cler end County Treasurer, which said claims end as oounta were approved by the Court for payment in the amounts of X97.50 end X840.64, respectively, being for ourb and sidewalk along State High-~ way //18 along Court House Nlook; both payable Out of permanent Improvement Fund as shown bq the Minutes of Aooouats Allowed, Page 258, et. seg., whloh are made n pert hereof and of this Order and on lb tion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissloner V. D. Powell, and .unanimously approved by the Court that said Claims and Aoaouhta be allow ed. o0o-oDo-o 0o -000-000-000-000 N0. 7823. INCREASE IN. PAYMENT FDR NCRSING AND CARE OP BOB BOECHYAI87. On thin the 11th day of Deo ember, A. D. 1956, oame on to be ooneider ed by the Court, the' nee eeaity to inorease the payment to Mrs. T. A. Ala up for her nursing servic ee, board and other means of taking onre of Bob Boeokmahn, payable monthly, beginning December 15th, 1956, in the eanunt of X25.00, making a total monthly payment now being paid to Mrs. Alaup in the anm of '75.p0 for each care ehd eervloea for ee ld Hoeckmann, ae id monthly allowanoe to be paid to Yrs. Alaup, not Sh advance, so long as said indigent patient remeiae et the nursing home of Mrs. T. A. Alaup, affi on motion duly made by Commlasioaer Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commisai0a er Lee Goff, end nneaimo usly approved by the Court that the above payment of ;75.00 monthly De made Lo Yra. T. A• Alanp, payable out of the General Fund for care etc., for Bob Boeckmeah. OOO-O OO-000-000-000-00-000-000 N0. 7824. ORDER DECLARING ONE-HALF DAY AS HOLIDAY THE AFlERNfJON OF DECEMBER 24TH. 1956. On this the 11th day of Daoembar,~A. D. 1956, on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, second ed by Commissioner L. M. Gutty rie, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Court House shall be cloned on the afterhoon of tna E4th day of December, 1956, so as to pro- vide a half-day hal iday for the offic iels and employees 0f the Court HOUSe. 00o-o0p-o0o-00o-o0oro0o ro0o-o00