V0. 7828. ORDER EDCEpTING EAST FROM A. C. ERWIN. On this the 14th day of Deoember, A. D. 1956, name on to be heard and ooasidered the m+tter oP eocapting en Easement from A. C. Erwin for a perk next to the Dam Site D in Serr ;ounty, Texea, and it eppenring to the Court Chet said Easement Sa a naoeaeity to Eerr County, and same should be eocepted end recorded in the Easement Records of Rerr County, Texea, and ~n motion duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner V. D. Powell, and inanimously approved bq~the Court that said Easement be accepted end reoo rd ed. 000-000-000-000-000-o0o-OO0 NO. 7629. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIM AND ACCODNT. On tnie the 14th day of Deoember, A. D. 1956, came on to be eaaminad by the Court, the claim of Joseph F. Leonard, Jr., filed against Rerr County for payment by the County Clerk end County Treasur ar, which said ale im and account was approved by the Court for payment in the amount of X13.91, payable out of the General Fund as shown by the Minutes of Accounts Allowed Page 258, et ae q., wh.i ch ere made s part hereof end of this order end on motion duly made by Comma asio ner L. M. Guthrie, Saco nded by Commissioner Lae Coff, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Claim end peso unt De allowed. 000-000-06o-o0a -o0o -000-000-000 The foregoi~ Minutes from page 24 to 29, inclusiae, ware read end approved in open Court on this (~ Sday oP January, A. D. 1957. ~ ATTEST: /" ~• ~ . , a p -~" Clerk C~y' o , er un y, azea. un y "' ge, err oun y, eaea. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 THE STATE OF T87U3, CODNTY OF RERR. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED That there was begun and holden on the 19th day of December, p, D. 1956, at the Court Ho us a~theT eof, in the CSty of Rerr villa, Teses, a Special Deoember Term, of the COmmiaeioners Court of Rerr County, Texas, with the following officers present, to-wit: Honorable Jno. R. Lea yell County Judge L. M. Guthrie Commisaione rPreoihct No. 1 V. D. Powell Commisalomr precinct No. E Lee Coff Commisslonar Preoinat No. 4 Oliver Moore 9herlff and Mrs. R. 4. Niohole ~. Oouhty Clerk and the Court he vine, been regClarly opened, th e~filiow ing prooeedings were had, to-wit: 000-o0o-a0o-o00-000-000-000 N0. 7630. P[R?CHASE OF PANELS FOR PENS TO HE DBED IN AGRiCFTLTDRlL BIISLDING. Qn thla the 19th day of Deoember; p. D. i>f58, came on to be heard and ooasid Bred the matter of purohesing Panels to ba used for pens in the Agrioultnrel Bnllfling and the Temple LuaDer Company of Kerrville, Tezea, heviag quoted n prise on 10 Panels 10~-6^ and 156 panels d~-0^ 2br thetotal ooheidsration of X1888.00 sad 1t eppeariag to the Court that said prise i• reasonable anfl should be coo eptad. Therefore on motion duly made by Co mmisaionar Lae Coif, eaaonded Dy Oomiaslonsr L. M. Guthrie, and approved by the Court that the above panels ba pvr ehaeed from the Temple Lumber Company of Kerrville, Tessa, for the pgrioultural Building, end .and the Oounty Clark Sa he re ey authorized to draw vo uoher on the County Treasurer in said sum oI =1882.00 payable to the Templs Lumbar Company out of the Permeaeht Improvement Fund. 000.000-000-000-000-000-000-000