5ri~, to Rerr County as a whole, and in their disoretlon they should be allowed the cum of $10.00 pe~ . month for inoidental expenses; therefore, by motion duly made by Rartel, secondefl by pow ell, j ~ and unehimoualy approved by the Court, that the Couhty Clerk be, and is hereby directed to drat voucher against the County Treasurer in amount of $10.00 per month, beglnning January 31st, 1956, and each month thereafter until further determined by this Court, Prom the General Fund of Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7352. PAUPER ALLOWANCE TO ALDA EVANS. This me 13tH day of January, A. D. 1956, after motion made by Guthrie, seconded oy Goff, and unanimously epprov ed oy the Court, that the County Clerk be, end is nerebS directed to dray vo uo her against the County Treasurer, pays ble to Alde Evans of Rerrvi lle, Taxes, in the amount of $15.00 monthly for pauper allowance, to be drawn on CeneraIl Fund of Rerr County, at the close of each month, until Partner order of the Court. i o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o NO. 7353. PAYMENT TC MRS. LULA GATZ PYIR CARE AND NORSZNG OF MRS. ADDIE LINESEfTER I - i This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1956, came on to be oo nsid er ed by the Caurt, ale imam i Mrs. Lule Getz, for nursing services, board and other means of taking care oP Mrs. Addis Line- setter. Upon reviewing the expenses ino erred, fixed an allowance of $50.00 per month, pa yeb le in advance. And the County Clerk and County Treasurer are further dlrected to drew voucher in favor of the Sunnyside Nursing Home, beginning Janus ry 1st, 1956, continued thereafter while Bald patient is properly cared for, to be drawn from General Fund, until fur tner determined by ~tne Court. ~fo tion Dy Gutnriey~•s aoonded by Goff, effi unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7354. PAYMENT FOR NURSING AND CARE OF RI LEY SMITH, AN INDIGENT INVALID. This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1956, Dame on to be considered by the Court, Lhe nec es sity to reimburse Mrs. Suanita Reynolds for her nursing aer vi sea, Doard and otn er means of tak ing care of Riley Smith, an indigent invalid, payabbs ~a'eddam oi~. ~~-N'hArefore the Court has ~neretofore made an allowanoe for past aervioea in the amo ant of $125.00 for such oars of Riley ~Smitn, are of the opinion that Mrs. Jaen its Reynolds should be allowed the amount of $125.00 monthly in advance, out of the General Fund. Motion made by Cuthrie, seconded by Goff, and ~~unenlmously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 7355. PAYMENT POR BOARD AND OTHER MEANS OF TAffiNG CARE OF IDA CDTSINGER. This the 13th day of Jenuery, A. D. 1956, came on to be considered by the Court, the necessity for payment for board and other means of Ida Cutsinger, en indigent ,rin trie amount OS $16.00, for such board end other means, Wherefore the Court has made an allowance for Ida Cut singer in seld amount, the Court is of the opinion that said sum be so allowed, payable in advance, out of the Cen er el Fund, and upon mot inn duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that se id Ida Cuts finger be allowed said sum oP $16.00 monthly And the County Clerk Ss nereoy autnorized to issue voucher drawn on the County Treasurer oY Kerr County, Tezes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o f_ NO. 73b6. PAYMHIT OF LABORERS IN CObIDEISSI0NER5 PRECINCTS NOS. 1 AND 4. t ~ On tnls the 13th day of January, A. D. 1956, came on to De heard end considered the i matter of peyme nt of laborers in Road and ffildge Precinct Noe. 1-and 4, end it appearing to