to issue voucher drawn on the County Treasurer of %err County, Teaea, -aub~eot to the.fnrther orders of this Court. ' 000-000-000-000-00o-o0o ro0o N0. 7870, GRANTING %42RYILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY X300.00 PER ANNOM, AS INCIDENTAL EXPENSE. Thin the 15tri day of Je hoary, A. D. 1957, came on to be o0nsid Bred by the Court the grant- ing of incidental expense for the Kerrville public Library• It enpeering to Lhe Court that #300.00 per annum has been allowed by %err County in former years, and that said amount should be ragranted; Therefore, by motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Coamisaion Adolph Hertel and unanimously approved by the Court, that %err County allow the sum of #300,00 par annum for incidental expeas es, in Yaw r oY trie Kerrville Public Library 1n monthly install meats of #E5.00, beginning January 31st , 1957'. The County Clerk, be ahd is hereby dir noted to draw vouch ar against the County Treasurer in like amounts payable to the Kerrville Pub lie Library out of the General Fund. 000-000-000-000-000-00o-o0p NO. 7871• AYPROYAL OF PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL EXPF.[dSES OF SERRYILLS NATIDNAL GIIARD• This the 15th day of Tanuery, A. D. 1957, creme on t0 be considered by the CO Urt any asai stenos that Rerr County might like to make to Renville National Guard for incidental expenses. Tt appearing to the Court that the unit of the Net io nel Guard is of great essis tang to %err County es a whole, and in their discretion they eho old be allowefl the sum of ~10.C0 per t~hth for incidental expenses; therefore, by motion duly made by Commiasio ner Lee Co Yf, seoonded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approved bg the Court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw vo uoher against the CO Unty Treasurer in amount of X10.00 per m0ntn, bag inning Tanuery 31st, 1957, and each month thereafter until further deter- mined by this Court, from the General Fund of Rerr County, Taxes. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 _ NO. 767E. APPOINTB®INT OF COIINTY HSALTH oFP'ICER_ This the 15tH day oP January, A. D. 1957, came on to be consid ared by the Court, the Officer Necessity for trie appointment of a County Heal th /of %err County Por the ensuing two years, and it ep pe wring to the Court that Duan E. Packard has pravio usly held said positi0 n, that he is capable, willing end has shown remarkable services randerefl in the past, and that the dis- creti0n oY the Court is that he sho old be ro-appointed. Therefore by motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Gofi, seoonded by Commi sa i0 ner L. M. Guthrie, and unahlmons ly approved by the Court that Doan E. Packard, De, and is hereby appointed County Health Officer of %err County Por tae ensuing two yearn, beginning January lat., 1957. That said officer is hereby directed to take hie oath of office in aoco rdance with the law and that a certified cops of this order De prepared by the County Clerk end forwarded to the State Department of Health, Austin, Taxes 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 9673. RENTING OF OFFICE SPACE FOR STATE DEPARTMENT OF PDHLIC WELFARE IN HAR%ER HDILDING. . On this the 15th day of Tanuery, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard grid Considered by trio Court the matter oP renting ofPlcs space for the State Department of Pub]io Welfare and/or House Old .Age Assistance Off io e~for %err County, Texas, due to crowded conditions in the Co urt,~end old age peas inners having t0 glim6 stairs, and it ap~ar ing to the Court that space is avails in~the Barker Building, whi ah ie suite bly located, at the stipulated price of 35.00 monthly, payable in advance out of the Gene rel Fund on the 28th of each end every month affi the CO Unty Clerk and County Treasurer be and ere Hereby authorized to issue w uoher in few r of Her ker for the monthly rental of same, lights, telephone and. gas to be paid by the County in addition to the rent, and 0n motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, seconded by Commissio her Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the COUrt.