Cl e11a Doyle, District Clerk, Fine.^., Sudgments and Jury Fee^ co 1]ected during m~;th ending Feb. 28th, 1957, in amount of ~14G.60 and deposit el with County Treasur rr Albert 71i1 son, Public iYe igher, .147.00 collected and 3eposit ed, over-eo llecti0n o£ $23.OG, lf2 or X11,00 to be paid to the City, less ~6.C5 am^unt paid for &~nd for ::aid C/i lson, leavi r.g balance 0f $4.75 raid tq City. Jno. R• Lea vell, h:anth ly P.fn rch, 195'7, report. Alma Seholes, Caunty Health Nur ;e, i:a nth ly Fehrua ry, 1957, report. Guy P.7. Pov~ell, County Arent, nr.nthly February 1957 report. Richos3 R. Blume, Arcs oc iate County Arent, :.:o nthly February 1957 report. ~ H. Jack Roe, County Probation Of1'ic er, monthly Janu~~ry 1957 report. L".. P,7uenker, Co urty Clerk, Fines, Jud;}nents and Jury fees r,01'ected Suring month ending February 28th, 195'7, in amount of ,657,40 and deposited with County Treasurer. Em,T,ie Id. Timenker, County C1erY., monthly co 1'ection o£ fees of office for Fehrun ry, 1957,, in am0 unt of j595.55, deposited with County Treasurer. a0o-~Co-aCo-oCO-oCO-00o-000 N0. 7715. APPROV AI~ OF TERRACING Cn r;T RACTS I2I PREC IP; CTS NOS. 2 nND 4. On this the 12th lay of S.!s rch, A. D. 1957, on notion duly made by Com :isni^^~er L. D.. ~~; Cut brie, eec~~nded by Com~i se~i oner gdol ph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Curt that p~ anplicat ions of Roy A. Green and Esrl H. 'f.e llm rn of P^ecinet No. 2 and C. S. Conde of Pre- I'cinct PTo. 4, be anpro ved and contracts entered into by end between the Com-~~i s:~io ne^s of said ', respective prec inets 2 and 4, and aforem enticn ed parties, as per contracts ~r. file, under !I Article 2372c. 000-000-000-000-OGo-^GO-0C0 N0. 77;.6. ORDER FOR =)ALE aF COTRv"PY PROPERTY LOCATED Or? HI GH':'AY 27 AND COAT CRt_.F.K ROAD. On thi^ the 12th Say 0f 1`'f~reii, A. D. 1957, came 0n to be heart tk;e matter of advertising for sale tiie property located on Highway 27 and GOat Creek Road, belonging to the County of F.err sn1 .-, r. motion duly n;ade by Commission er Lee Goff, seconded 'oy Commissioner L. P.. Guthrie, and unanimously approved ~.y the Curt that sail pr0~erty be advertised `or =sle by the CO:v:.i sci0ners Curt ~f Rerr C~unty, Texas. ana -0~'o-000-000-000-0Go-o Co N0. 7,17. ALLO`:ANCE OF CLAIP.? 'SrD ACCOL!iST. ~, Or, this the 12th day ~f p:^ar ch, A. D. 1957, came on to be examined b;: the C~u rt, the ~p claim of James D. Chiltan filed agal n:,t Kerr County far payment by the County Cler?r and County Treasurer, vuh ir.h said claim and ace:~unt ~~,as an -roved for payment by the Caurt in the amount of I. a1,500,D0, pay'ble out of Road and Bridge PTO. 1 Fund as ^hown by the P.finut es of Accounts A1'ow' ;~pa;~es 2'/8 to 282, inclusive, which ere made a _ra rt hereof and of this order and on motion duly i~,made by inner Adolph Bartel, seconded 6y Co:.~.:is~ioner Lee Goff, an3 unanimously enrrove~ ,~ b, the O~urt tiwt ~.a id Cle is and Ac COUnt be allowed. n 0O0-000-0O0-OlO -0C0-OOO-0O0-0Uo N0. 771F3. TRgN.;FSR CF ~S,000.CO FRCP„ ROAD A1\'D BRIDGE FUS;D TO RIGHT nF 'SAY AIGAWAY N0. 41 FUtv`D, On th-s the 12th lay ~f Ivfa rch, q. D. 1957, came on t~ be ne ara ana consi :zrea by the C~~u rt the matte^ of tranafe:rring the svm of $5, OU~,00 fr:;m the Road '~rd Bridge Fund to the Ri€5'r.t oP :';ey H1ghv~ay t:0. 41 Fund r:nd on motion duly rade b3' Com'isni~ner D. D. Pov; ell, seta nde by ::i oner Ado lnh Bartel, --^nd unanimously ep moved ly t!e Court that the C^unty Cle r'- and t:~e County Treasurer, be -nd they are h:;reby directed to transfer the said ^um on their respec ive books. o0a-a0o-o0a-00o-o0a-o00 -~~.o 7719. TR1,^:SFSR OF6,000, OC' FROI" ROAD :AP?D BRIDGD FLID'D TO GES'~2A7 FTJND viv?A ~2,500.0G FTiO".' CE[~T~AL FTJI~'D TO OFFICERS SAIARY FTJPD. On this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, came on to ba heard end oonsidere8 by the Court the matter of transferring the sum of $6,000.00 Prom the Road and Bridge Fund to the ~~ General Fund and $2,500.00 from the General Fund to tl:e Offioers Salary Fund, and on motion ', duly made by Commissioner v. D. Powell, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, end unenimous- ~~'I ly approved by the Court that Lhe County Clerk end County Treasurer be, and ere hereby diracte to make such transfers on their books as above stated. ' 000-000-000-000-000-o0o-oCb -o Oo N0. 7720. APPORTIONMENT OF $5,000.00 PROM ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. This the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, after motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, and unenimo uely approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed t0 apportion the fb llowing ', amo ants out oP Road and Bridge Fund t0 the Po llowiag respective funds end Commissi0ner~s precincts, less however $500.00 to be charged against Commissioners Preainot No. 1 Por a loan heretofore made to said Precinct on the 7th day of December, 1956, leaving a balance of $4,000.00, under Order No. 7609, as follows, t0-wit: R. & B. N0. 1 Fuad ,200.00 ~ R. & B. No. 2 Fund 900.00 R. & B. No. 3 Fund 800.00 R. & B. No. 4 Fund ,600.00 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7721. PAYMENT OF $50.00 TO COUNTY JUDGES AND COMldISSICNERS ASSOCIATION OF TESAS. This the 12th day oP March, A. D. 1957, came 0n to be heard end considered by the Court the matter 0P payment to the County Judges and Commissioners Aa90C iation of Texas the sum of $50.00 to pay eapenses to promote better County Government and on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee CoPf, and unenimo usly epr roved by the COUrt that the CO Unty Clerk and County Treasurer be end are hereby euth on zed to issue vo ocher Sn the sum of $50.00 payable out of the General Fund in favor of County Judges end Commissione s Associatlon of Texas to pay expenses to promote better County Government. 000 -o Oo -000-o Oo -o Oo -o OJ -o Oo -o Oo -000 N0. 7722. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. On this the 12th day oP March, A. D. 1957, after motion having been duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Coff, and unanimously approved by t Court that Lhe Minutes of the Comml ssioners Court of gerr County, Texas, from page 45 Lo 51, inclusive, be approved as read. 000-000-000-000-000-00^-000-000 N0. 7723. ORDER SETTING 9BERIFF'S SALARY AT $4,200.00 PER ANHOIL. On this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, came on to be heard end considered by the CO Urt the matter of setting the SheriPf~s Se lary at $4,200.00 per annum, retroactive to Januax 1st, 1957, and the same having been duly advertised in the pawapaper published 1n %err County, Texas, es prescribed by law, end on motion duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Lee Coff, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Sher if Y's Sa le ry is set at $4,200.00 per annum, payable monthly out of the Officers Salary Fund retroac tiva as of Tanmry 1st, 1957. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7724. ORDER AUTfiORIZINC COMMISSIONER ADOLPR BARTEL OF PR%CINCT N0. 3 TO PROCEED WITR I '~ SCRULZ-E$[D%[. CONTRACT. On this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, came on Lo be heard end ao naidared by the Court the matter of euthori zing Adolph Bartel, Commiesi onar oP preclnat No. 3, Lo proceed contract her etofora made by cad between said Commissioner and Schulz and %eidel, sa per