Oh this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, oame on to be heard sad oo asidered by the Court the matter of transferring the sum of ~6., 000.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund to the ', General Fund and X2,500.00 from the General Fund to the Offioers Salary Fund, and on motion ~~ i duly made by Commis sinner V. D. Powell, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimou~- ly approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directs ', to make such transfers on their books es above st eted. 000 -000-000 -000-0 00-0 ~ -o ~ -000 N0. 7720. APPORTIONMENT OF $5,000.00 FROM ROAD ANO BRIDGE FOND. This the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, after motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Oommission er L. M. Guthrie, and unenitoo ugly approved by the Court that t County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed t0 apportion the following amounts out of Road and Hridge Fund to the following respective funds and Commissioner's precincts, less however $500.00 to be oh arged against Commis stoners Prec inat No. 1 for a to heretofore made t0 said Precinct on the 7th day of December, 1958, leaving a balance of $4,000.00, under Order N0. 7809, as follows, to-wit: R. & B. N0. 1 Fund ,200.00 R. & B. No. 2 Fund 900.00 R. & H. No. 3 Fund 800.00 R. & B. No. 4 Fund ,800.00 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7721. PAYMENT OF =50.00 TO CODNTY JIIDGES AND COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION OF TEICAS. This the 12th day 0f March, A. D. 1957, came 0a to be heard end considered by the Court the matter of payment to the County Tud gas end Commissioners Association of Taxes the sum of X50.00 to pay aapenses to promote better County Government end on motion duly made by ~, Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unenim0 only approved by t Court that the County Clerk end County Tresaur er be end are hereby euth on zed to issue vouch in the sum of X50.00 payable Out of the General Fund in favor of Co untq Judges end Commissio I Association 0f Texas to pay expenses to promote better County Government. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-0~-000 N0. 77L2. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINDTES. On thin the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, after motion hav ibg been du19 made by Commissicner Adolph Hertel, seoo nded by Commissioner Lee Coff, and unanimously approved by t ~~ Court that the Minutes of the Commissioners Court oP gerr CO Unty, Taxes, from page 45 to 51, ~i~ inclusive, be appro vad as read. 000-000-000-000-000-00~-000-000 NO. 7723. ORDER SETTING SHERIFF'S SALARY AT $4,200.00 PER ANHOM. On this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1957, came on to be heard end considered by the CO Urt the matter of netting the Sheriff's Se Lary at $4,200.00 per annum, retroao tive to Januar 1st, 1957, and the same having been du19 advertised in the gewapaper published Sn Aerr County, Texas, as prescribed by law, end on motion duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Sher if P's Salary is set at X4,200.00 per annum, payable monthly out of the Officers Salary Fund retroactive as of Tannery 1st, 1957. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7724. ORDER ADTRORIZIN6 COMMISSIONER ADOLPfi HARTEL OF PRECINCT N0. 3 TO PROCEED WITH ( .-. SCRDLZ-ffiDEL CONTRACT. On this the 12th day of Mar oh, A. D. 1957, came on Lo be heard end ao naidered by the Court the matter 0f authorizing Adolph Bartel, Commissioner of Preoinct No. 3, to proceed nontraot her atofore made by and between said Commissioner end Schulz and Seidel, as par