by the Court that the Minutes of the Commisaioa ore Court of Eerr Conasty, Teaaa, Prom page 59 85, iac lua ive, be approved as read. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 7755. PAYMENT TO ALBERT WILSON THE AMOVNT OF $25.00 FOR TAE MONTH OF APRIL AND THEREAFTER BEGINNING MAY 1st, 1957, the sum of $150.00 pER MONTH. On this the 13th day of May, p. D. 1957, oatre on to ba heard and wnsidared by the Court the matter of payment to Albert Wilson the sum of $25.00 for the month of April, 1957, end thereafter beg Snning May 1st, 1957, the sum of $150.00 par month, ea Public Weigher for Preaincl Ro. 1 of Earr County, Texas, payable out of the General Fund, end the County Clerk and County ~~ Treasurer be and ere hereby authorized to issue voucher to said Albert Wilson beginning May let, 1957, in the amount of $150.00 per month, end on motion duly made by Commissioner V. D. Powell, seconded by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, affi unanimonaly approved by the Court. 00o ro Oo ro Oo -o Oo ro0o-o00 -o Oo-000 N0. 7758. ORDER OF SALE OF 18,000.00 EASTLAND IHDEpENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 296 BONDS, AND ORDER PURCHASING 18,000.00 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AIITHORITY 296 BONDS. On thls the 14th day of Mey, A. D. 1957, came oa to be heard and considered by the Chart the application of the Muir Investment Corporation ibr the purchase of $18,000:00 ~stlead i Independent School Dlstriot 296 bonds, due August 1st, 1971, which the permanent School Fund of Eerr County has in its Investment aooonht, for the purchase price of 87.50 or $875.00 per $1,000.00, plus acoru6d interest, and said Muir I~estment Corporation will offer in exchanE therefor $18,000.00 Lower Colorado River Authority 296 Revenue Bonds due May 1, 1989, at a price of $85.85, and it appearing to the Court that said axohange would be improving the portfolio tf said permanent School Fund of Eerr County, Teaas, therefore on motion duly made by Cc~iseiox sr L. M. Guthrie, aeaond ed by Commissi8nner Adolph Bartel, end usl9 approved by the Court said exchange be and the same is hereby eooapt ed by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7757. IN MEliORIAM MR. HAYDEN ALTON SMITH On April 29th, 1957, Ood, in his infinite wisdom and love, celled from the toile of earthly life, Hayden Alton Smith, who wee a loyal and faithf nl County Official. RE80LVED: That in the passing on to hie reward, Eerr County lost a good oitizah and wanks will live on is thehearts and minds of hls blends, whose liven have been enriched std meda lnller by having known ham. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER REBOLVffit, that the Eerr County Comm is sionera' Court, through its offioera and melebera, daelre to eapresa to the mastbera of his family our moat ainoere eympatny is these ho urn of bereavement and sorrow. BE IT FURTS~ RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of the deceased affi s wpy spread upon the Manatee of the Co~~/pSsalon~Ders`p Court 0f~ Eerr County, Teaas. ATTFS'P: ~ moo. -~~/JO~~ ~/,/~C~~+i;'~, 11V.A.~...a.r`~Y Clerk cocoa u a r o y-, ee. -~._• _ ~gs, err un y, Tezae. 000-00o-o0o ro0o-o00 -000-000 N0. 7758. GRANTING APPLTCpTION OF SHERIFF FOR DEPDTY. On this the 14th day of May, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be ooneid Bred by the Court the application of O11ver.Yoore, ~teriff of Serr County, apvlying for authority to appoint B. lf. CBnway as Deputy Sheriff, at a proposed aelary to be Sized Dy the Commiasionera Court et its Mey Term, 1957, which applicatlon chows probable reoeipta of approzimately $2200.00, and it appearing to the Court that said application should be granted. Therefore by motion duly made Lee Goff, ae conded by Comma