A]ma Soholes, County Nealth Nurse, Monthly April, 1957, report. ~. Yirgil Y. Yarso ns, City County Sanitarian, Monthly February, Merah, affi April, 1957, reports. Bolen J. Boyq, County Rome Demonstration Agent, monthly April, 1957, report. o0o ro0o-o00-000-0 0,-000 N0. 7782. ORDER AUTHORIZING CODNPY JDDGE TO ATTEND COUNTY JUDGES' AND COUNTY COMMIISBIONER3 CONVENTION. On this the 14th day oP May, A. D. 1957, came on to be heard and nonsid Bred by the Court ,the matter of author Laing the Couhty Judge to attend the County Judges` and County Commie si opera' Aaeooiation Co~vsation at Galveston, Texsa, May 28th through 28th, 1957, and it appearing to the Court that the att endanoe at said Association by the County Judge would be behei1o1e1 to him, therefore on motion daly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, aeaonded by Commissioner Lae Goff, and unanimously epprowed by the Court. 000-000-000-000-00o-o0oro0o N0. 7783. INCREASE IPI SALARY OF DISTRICT JUDGE AND COUNTY SAGE A3 JUVENILE OFFICERS. On this Lhe 14th day of May, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard and oo neidered by the Court the matter of inoreasing the salary of the Diatriet Judge and Couhty Judge, as Juvenile Officers, under Bouae Bill No. 322, from the sum of X300.00 per annum to }800.00 per annum, aad it appearing to the Court that the mutt ar is wall taken and should be granted, therefore oa motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Commissioher Adolph Bartel, and vaenimot ly approved by the Court that said increase in salary be granted effea tive sa of May 1st, 1957. 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7764. ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION OF AIMS FRANK REAL PUR PERMISSION TO IISS AGRIC[1LTORAL LIYE.SPOCE E1D3IBITIOR BUILDIAIG. On this the 14th day of Ms y, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard the application of Aime Frank Real, for permission to use the Agrioultur el Livestock Eahi bition Building on June 15th, 1957, for hie annual Club Lamb Sale, providing be pays a Yee of ¢25.00 and oleana the promisee after the sale aad aasamea the responsibility for all damages, and it appearing t0 the Court that said application should be granted, therefore, aJt motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bertol, eeoo nded by Commieai Duet Y. D; Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court, the appl nation be and the same is hereby granted. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 50 CI ATION NO.Y'78b. ORDER GRANTING lPPLICATION OF HILT. CODIITRY LIYESTOCL ~ FOR F. F. A• AND 4-H CLIIB9. On Chia the 14th day of Mqy, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard the applioation of the Nill-Country Livestock Association for the F. F. A., and 4 H Clubs for permission to uea the Agrioaltnrel Livestock Exhibition Building from January 19th through Egad, 1968, for their amnal Fet Stook Show provldin~ thet~the premieoa ere oleeaed and nsaume the responsibility sad.pay-ajl eapenes Por-all daaegaa ,rte it~epp Baring to ffie Court that anld ep plioation should be granted, there- fore on motion duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, seconded by Couraia stoner Lee Cuff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the application be aad the same is hereby granted. o Oo roCb -oC0 -o0o -000-000-000 N0. 778a, PAYMENT 1U CITY OF KERRVILLB IN AXIUNT OF $300.00 PER MDNTB POR FIRE PROTECTION. On this the 14th day of May, A. D. 1957, aeme on to be heard the applioation of the CSty of 8errville for fire fighting protection fbr Eerr Comty, and the Court having ooasider the same, the Court is of the op Luton that the sum of }300.60 per month is an adequate eaauat for auoh aervie ea. Therefore oa motion duly made by Qesei ssio her Lee Cofl, seaoad ed by Coamieaioner v. D. Powell, e~ unanimously approved by the Court that the sum of X300.00 per month be paid to the City of Kerrville for Fire protection for Kerr County, Texas, beginning