Alma Soholes, County Health Nurse, Monthly April, 1957, report. N. Virgil V. Persons, City County Sanitarian, Monthly February, Yaroh, affi April, 1957, reports. Aalen J. Hoy$, County Home Demonstrgtion Agent, monthly April, 1957, report. 00o ro0o -o00-000-o Cb -o0o N0. 7782. ORDER AIITRORI2INC COUNTY JUDGE TO ATTEND COUNTY JUDGES' AND COUNT7C CONTENTION. ., On this the 14th day of Nay, A. D. 1957, came oa to be heard and oonsid eyed by the Court .the matter of authorizing the County Judge to attend the County Judges' end County OOmmiesioners` Association Copvaation at Galveston, Texas, Nay 88th through 28th, 1957, and it appearing to the Court that the att endahoe at said Association by the County Judge would be benefloiel to him, therefore on motion dhly made by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court. 000-00o b Oo-o0o-000-000-o Oo N0. 7763. INCREASE IN SALARY OF DISTRICT JDDf1E AND COUNTY SDDCE A3 JUVffiaILE OFFICERS. On this the 14th day oY May, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard end ooneidered by the Court; the matter of inorensing the salary 0Y the Dietrint Judge sad County Judge, as Juvenile Officers, under Honee Hill No. 322, fmm the sum of '300.00 per annum to '800.00 per annum, sad it appearing to the Court that the matter is well taken and should be granted, therefore oa motion duly made by Commissioner Lea Goff, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, and unanimot ly approved by the Court that said incr else in salary be granted effeo tine sa of May 1st, 1957. 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7764. ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION OP AINE FRANK REAL POR PE[drIISSION TO USE AGRICtTLTCRAL LIVES'fOCE EICCBIBITION BUILDING. On this the 14th Qay of Niy, A. D.1957, Dame on to be heard the application of Aime Frank Real, for permission to use the Agrioultur al Livestock Ezhibit ion Bnildiag oa June 16th, 1957, Yor hie annual Club Lamb Sale, providing he pays a Pee of X25.00 end cleans the pr emieea aster the sale end asenmea the reaponaib ility for all damages, end it appearing t0 the Court that said lpplioation should ba granted, therefore, ak motion duly ode by Commission ar Adolph Bartel, eenonded Dy Commissioner V. D; posell, and unanimously approved by the Court, the appi', ~~oation be end the same is hereby grant ad. o OJ-000-000-000-oOo-o0o-000 J~SOCIATION N0. 7.765. ORDER GRANTIlQG APPLICATION OF HILL CO~ITRY LIVE9T0CE ' !" FOR F. P. A. AHD 4-H CLUBH.~~ On Chia the 14th flay oP Nay, A. D. 1957, onmeon to be heard the epplioation of the Hi11~COUntry Livestock Association for the F. F. A., anfl 4 8 Clnbe for pm'miasioa t0 one the AErioaltural Livestoek Exhibition Building from Jeauery 19th through EBnd, 1958, for their tmantl !at ~1cp~ho8~ exDeiae M that~the psemisee nr• cleaned affi asauare the responsibility Par all deaagea,/amd 1t'appearing to the Court that said applioatioh should be granted, there- fore on motlon duly made by Commissioner L. N. Guthrie, seoonded~by Commissioner Lea (toff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the application be effi the same is hereby granted. o0o-oCb-oOo-oCb-o0o-000-000 NO. 7788. PAYNERT TO CITY OF XERRO'ILLE 7N ANJUNT OF .:300.00 PER A~ANTH POR FIRE PROTECTION. On this the 14th day of Nay, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be heard the epplioation of the City of 8errvills for fire fighting protection for Earr Couaty, and the Court having consider tho same, the Court is of the oplaion that the sum of =300.00 per month is an adequate awpunt for -nnah aervie ea. Therefore on motion duly made by Cesmi asio ner Lee Go Yt, second ed by Coamisaioaar V. D. Powell, affi unanimously approved by the Court that the sum o2 #300.00 per month be paid to the City oY Eerrville Yor lSre Prot eotlon for Kerr Couaty. Texas, beginning