Alma Scholes, County Health Nurse, Monthly April, 1957, report. Virgil v. Persons, Clty County 9anitarien, tto nthly February, tfaroh, sal April, 1957, _ reports. Helen J. Boyd, County Home Dem~nstrgtinn Agent, monthly April, 1957, report. o0o ro0o-o00-000-o Cb -o0o N0. 7762. ORDER AUTHORIZING COUNTY JDDGE Tn ATTEND COUNTY TUDGES' AND COUNTY CON9ENTION. On this the 14th day of flay, A. D. 1957, came oh to be heard and oonsid Bred by the Court .the matter of authorizing the County Judge to attend the County Judges' and County Oommissionera' Aseooiation Co~ventioa at Galveston, Teaea, tray EBth through 28th, 1957, and it appear lag to the Court that the att eadaaoe at Bald Asaoclation by the County judge would be benefioisl to him, therefore on motion duly made by Commleaioher Adolph Hertel, aeoonded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court. 00o-o0oro0o-o00-000-000-000 NO. 7763. INCREASE IN SALARY OF DISTRICT JDDGE AND COUNTY SLIDGE A3 Tt19ffiitLE OFFICER.9• On this the 14th day of May, A. D. 1957, came on to be heard aed oo aeider ed by the Co urt. Lae matter of inoreasieg the salary of ~t he Diat riot Judge and County dodge, as Juvenile Offlcere, under House Bill No. 322, from the sum oP x300.00 per annum to x800.00 per annum, a it appearing to the Court that the matter is well taken and should be greeted, therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seoonded by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, and unandm ly approved by the Court that said increase in salary be granted effeotlve as of May 1st, 195 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7764. ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION OF AIMS FRAN% REAL POR PELm1I35I0N TL IISS AGRICDLTORAL LIVE.4TOCE EffiBITION BUILDING. Oa this tae 14t1t day of May, A. D. 1957, Dame on to be hearfl the applioation of Rime -Frank Reel, for permieaioa to use the Agrioultur al Livestock Ezhibit ion Building on Sune 15th, 1957, for hie annual Club Lamb Sale, providing he pays a tee of x25.00 end oleana the premiaea after the sale and asa˘mea the reaponaib llity for all damages, end it appearing to the Court that said applioation should Da granted, therefore, Olt motion duly made by Commissioner -dolph Bartel, seoo aded by Commi asioaer v. D; Pou~ell, and unanimously approved by the Ca urt, the epp3. nation be and the same is hereby granted. 000-000-000-000-000-00o-000 J1~50 CI ATION NO. 9785. ORDER ORAN?INC APPLICATION OF H1IZ COUATRY LI9&9TOCL /'" ~' FOR F. P. A• AND 4-H CLUHS.,~ On this the 14th day of Mau, A. D. 1957, onme~on to be heard the applioation of the Hil1~Country Livestock Asaociatioe for the $. F. A., ead 4 H Clabs for peamisaioa to use the AgricalLUre1 Livestock Exhibition Banding from danunry lath through E2˘d, 3958, for their e˘n˘al Fat Stook Show providing thatthe premisae nr• olsened and assume the reapoasibility e~1 azpeae• for-all dnmagaa,(a˘d it appearing to the Court that said applioation should be granted, there- fore on ration duly made by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, seooadad by Commie aloner Lae Coff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the-e ppliontion be a~ the same is hereby granted. o0oro ~-o OO -000-000-000-000 NO. 7786. PAYDtFr`7T TO CITY OF F.ERRYZLLE IN ADDUNT OF x300.00 PER I~NTH POR FIRE PROTECTION. Oa this the 14th day of tby, A. D. 1957, Dame oa to be heard the applio etian of the City of Eerrvilla for fire fighting proteotioa for Eerr County, and the Court having ooasider~ the aeme, the Court is of the opinion that the sum of x300.00 per month ie sa adequate naauat fomm~oh aerdoee. Therefore on motion duly made by pemaiasioner Lee bofl, aeoonded by Commissioner v. D. Powell, sal unanimously approved by tae Court that the sum of x300.00 per mo˘!th be paid to the City of %errville for Flre proteoLlon for Kerr County. TaYas, beginning