per ,Order entered by ,this court oa the 8th day of July, A. D. 19b7, it le ordered Chet the Co uaty Jndge of Herr C®aaty, Tease, be, and he is hereby anthordzed to ezeoute Qndt-Clain deeds to the person or persona aifeoted thereby in the closing of said roe9 or percale thereof to sash property ae may be loaeted within the boeadary lines of the properties of the reepeot- ire persona affected thereby, if said property owners regneat said deeds. Jno. R. Leavoll, Oownty Judge, Serr County, Tease L. M. Guthrie, Commieadoaer, preodaot Humber One P. D. Powell, <,bmmiaaioaar, precinct mmbsr Tro gdolph Bartel, Commissioner, ~eeinat Humber Thrse Lee Loft, Commdaedoner, Yreoiaot Humber Four 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 HO. 7a07. AP'PROPAL OF TSRRACIH6 CONTRACTS IDT P1~CIifCTS HDS. 2 AHD 4. On this the 8th day of July, A. D. 195'1, on motion by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, asaon ed bq Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court that the application o RBbart 0. Hoideeobth of preeiaet Ho. 2, and H. G. Cooper, T. W. Towaaead, ld•s. lfnry g. Ranter end A. L. Townayd of Precinct No. 4, be approved sad ooatreata entered Snto by sad betwaea the respective Commissioners of said Precincts Ho s. 2 end 4 em nforementioaed parties, ae per ooatraota on f lle, Hader 4rtiole 2372e. o Oo -000-000-000 ro OoroOOro Oo NO. 7808. TRANSFER OF 512,500.00 FROM ROADAND BRIDGE FOICD TO GENERAL FDND AlID 56,000.00 amaEEtaL FD1O) To OFFICERS SALARY FLR®. This the 8th day of Tuly, A. D. 1957, came on W be heard s~ considered by the Court tj+e matter of treasferrdag the anm of 512,500.00 from tae, Road and Bridge Faffi to the General Fund and 58,000,00 from the General Fund Lo the Otricara Salary Pnnd, sad on motion dn~y made by Commissioner L. Y. Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Lea Cuff, Adolph Bartel abstaiad~g, approved by the Court that the County Clerk affi County Treasurer be, e~ are hereby directed to make such transfers on their hooka as above atetefl. 000-000-000-00o ro 0o ro0oro0o-000 H0. 7809. APPORTIONMENT OF 510,000.00 FROM ROAD AND BRIDGE F@ID. This the 8th day of Julq, A. D. 1957, after motion duly made Dy 0o~~asioher Adolph Hertel, seconded by Commiasio Her p. D. Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clark and County Treasurer be, sal are hereby dlreated to apportion the followin6 amopnta oat of the Boed sad Hridgs Fund, to the following respective Faade •al Wmmissioners' Preniaota' to-wit: R. & B. Ho. 1 . $. t B. Ho. 2 . R. k B. Ho. 3 . R. k S.Ho. 4 . ,400.00 . 1,800.00 . 1,800.00 . SrR00.00 00o ro 0o-000-000-000 NO. 7810. APPROPAL OF PAHLOIIS 1DHTFiT.Y REPORTS OF CDDHRR AHD PRECINCT OFFICERS OF KERR CODHTY TEaAS. . On this the 9th day of July, A. D. 1957, name on to be heard sad oonaidered by the Cou: the varieas aoathly and some quarterly reports of the County sad Precinct Officers of Eerr County, Tezea, and the same having been heard and oonaidered by the Court, the Court finds that the same are true end ao tract and should be approved, therefore on motloa duly made by Commdaedoner Lee Goff, aeoondsd by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, sad approved by the Court that the following reports and socounts be and the same are hereby ordsrs6 approved and f Sled by the County Clerk for fntnre refer sae e, and snD~ect to endit, es fo llawa, to-wit: Pirgil Storms, Juat ice of the Peeo e, pre. No. 1, Serr County, Tezss, oolleoted and deposited 5429.70, fee of 5139.00 payable out oL Officers Salary Fend. Ira L. Pringle, Jaetioe of the Peace, Pre. Ho. 2, Serr County, 2eaea, oolleoted sad deposited 540.70, fee of 518.00 payable out of Officers Salary Fond.