Hoary B. 8ngelman, Jostles of the Puoe, pre. Iti. 4, lerr Oerlmty, Tazme, oolleoted emfl< deposited =93.L0, fee of X48.00, payable out of Offioara Salary Faced. Hmmie Y. Yaenker, County Clerk, monthly aolleotlona of fees of offios for Jane, 1957, is amount of X781.10 deposited with County Trsasarer. Hmie Y. Mwaaker, County Clerk, Fiaaa, JOdgmeata sad Joy Teen colleeted 1a smoumt of X1088.?0, d~iag month of Jaae,:1957, and deposited with County Treasurer. Fmmie Y. Yr» raker, County Clerk, for quarter eroding 25th day of June, 1957, showing the amoant #4981.89 oa deposit is the Chas. 8ohreiaea Sank. Hmmie Y. Maenker, County Clark, Fines, 7udgsmta end Jary 'Peen eolleoted in amount of ~1938.b5 for quarter amding J4ne Ebth, 1957. Clefts Doyle, Distriot Clerk, Fines, Jnd~enta and Jnry Feea oolle0ted darlag month of dune, 1957, in amount of X191.80 and dapWaitd with County Treaanrar. Oliver Moore, Sheriff, Monthly Jane, 1957, report of fees of oiriae oolleoted and deposit ed with County Treasurer in amount of305,60. Alma 3oholes, County Health Norse, monthly Jude, 1957, report. Albert Wilson, Pablio Welgaer> 90.50 oolleoted and deposited, ˘13.E5 doe by City eo},d =13.E5 doe by County. - ' fiuy Y• Powell, County Agent, monthly June 1957, report. Rioherd R. Blame, Asaooiate County Agent, monthly Juae 1957, report. Helen J. Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly lame, 1957, report. Eentoa S. Ahreae, Jr., Asat., County lateneioa 1~tS '• 0-00-000-000-o0o-e0o-o00 N0. 7811. APPRO4AL OF 8818-ANNUAL BEFORT OF CODNTY OLSRL TBDST FpND, FROM JANC48Y 13T, 1957 J~~E528, i9b7.~ Thin the 9th day of Taly, A. D. 1959, oame~oa to •e oomeidsrsd by the Court, the report of all mules end fees aolleetefl by Zamie M. llneaker, County Clerk, belonging to offioera, witnesses, or other persona, ramsiniag is her hands aaeailedtor b9 the portion eat itlsd there to for the yeriod effiing dune ESth, 1957, as held on deposit in Lhs 0ounty Clsrk~a Trust Faced in the amount of (4,981.87 and St appearing to the Court that aaifl report Se~in flue fora end should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by twffiealoaar J$olph Hertel, aeooaded Dy by Commissioner Lan puff, end approved by the Court, and ordered filei by Lhe COanty Clerk for future referemce and smb~eot to aadit. 000-000-opo-o0oro0o ro0o-OOo N0. 77}D. 1tEADIM6 AND ApPR04AL OF MSNOf89. 0n thin the 9th day of July, A. D. 1957, after moti0h having been duly made by Commissioner Lee poff, aeooaded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and approved by the Court that the 111nutes of tho Commiasionera Court of Eerr County, Tezes, from page 81 to 88, inoluaive be approved ea syad. 00o woo-o00-000-000-000 The foregoing ][lautee from page 81 to 88, 1n01nsive, were reed and approved is open Court on this ~i~i~(,dey}~o,~f Ay/~B,not, A. D. 1957. ~_ _,~^ iClerk Coln y our err onn y, zna. un y 6e, e'~ir~ua~, ~e z e s. 000-00o-o0o woo-o00-000 THH STATH OF THZAB, CODNTY OF SHRR. B$ IT RHIDASBERED THAT there was begun and holden on the 27th day of Tu. A. D. 1957, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Eerrville, Tezas, a 9paoial July Term of the Commisaiohera Court with the following ofllaera present, to-vit: HON. JNO. 8. LFJ.4ELL County Jadge y. M. 6athrie . ~ .Commissioner pranineL No. 1 4. D. Powell Coa®iasloner preoinet No. 3 Adolph Bartel .~ .Commissioner pre0lnot No. 4 s i