Lee Cuff Commissioner Precinct No. 4 Oliver Moore Sheriff sad Emmie M. Muenker Co+onty Clerk and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings ware had, to-wit: o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 N0. '/813. ORDER AUTHORI2IlIG AN APPLICATION FOR KERR COUIITY'S SD'fD'LIIS LATERAL ROAD 2.'DNEY, IN THE COUNTY AND ROAD DISPRI CT HIGHWAY FGI~'D. This the 2'/tn day of Ju19, A. D. 1957, came on to be considered by the Court that there is approximately $17,662.50 surplus in the County Road D1stLict Highway Fund at the end oY thi fiscal year, of which there will be a credit of $10,529.11 due the Sinking Funds of Kerr Count 's eligible road bond issues, which amount will be sufficient to pay the entire county's propor- tion of this indebtedness for the next fiscal year, and, PhiEREAS, it further appears that after retaining the sum of $10,529.11, by the State, there is a balance oS $7,133.39 remaining to the credit of Kerr County in the Lateral Road Fun', which is available to Kerr County, to be used for the construction or improvement oP the Kerr County lateral Roads. NOV! THEREFORE, by Motion duly made by Commi ssi0ner Lee Coff, seconded by Commissioner L. M. Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court, that Kerr County request of the Board of County and District Road Indebtedness, to forward said funds to the County Treasurer of Kerr County, and it is further ordered that all of the said funds are here and now earmarked, set aside and designated to be used by said Kerr County for the purpose of construction or improvement of Kerr County Lateral Roads; that the County Treasurer be, std is Hereby directe to deposit the amount of $7,133.39 or whatever credit is due Kerr County, to the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund. The County Clerk, be, and is herety directed to prepare a certified copy ~P this order and forward same to the Hoard of County and District Road Indebtedness, 100 Highway Building, Austin, Texas. 000 -0~.0-000-00-000-o~~-oa-o0o-00o-o0p N0. 7814. RESOLUTION PASSED B4 THE COMf.7ISSI0:?ER'S CODRT OF KERR COUNTY, TEAAS, TRIS 27TH DAY OF JULY, 1957, pPPROPiNG LEASES OF LOIIIS SCHREINER FIELD, KERRVTTTF MONICIPAL AIRPORT, T7 ROBERT E. SIEKER AND M70NEY AIRCRAFT, INC. AND AIItH0 RI2INC THE SIGNING OF SAID LEASES HY THE RESPECTIVE MEMBERS OF THE OJMMISSZONER'S COURT AND THE OJUNT'Y SDDGE. WHEREAS, the City of Kerrville and the Civ 11 Aeronaut Sca Administration have appro~ leases to the said Robert E. Sie ker end Mooney Aircraft, Eac., copies of whiah leases are ett+ ad to this resolution and are to be spread on the minutes of this Court end will execute such i Leeaes and pass ord Seances to approve acme end authorizing their execution; and, WHEREAS, the County of Kerr, and State oP Texas, oun an undivided one-half irate rest ~'in said Louis 3chrainer Field, Kerrville Municipal Airport end is a neceaeary party to such lasses; and, WHEREAS, the lasses attached hereto and approved by the said Commiasioner~s Court e11 things; end, WHEREAS, St is des Srous for the best interest Por all part lea concerned, Lessors Lessee alike, that such Leaeea be executed forthwith. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cotrmiiseioner~s Court oY Kerr County, Texas, that t: leases attached hereto attd made a part of this resolution from the City oP Kerrville end Kerr County, Texas, to Robert E. Sie ker std Mooney Aircraft, Inc, respectively be and the same are hereby approved end that such lasses be executed by the signing thereof by each member of this