in advaaoe or upon arrival, therefore on motion duly made by Commisaloaer ~6olph Bartel, nano hd ed by Commissioner Lae Goff, ahd unanimously approved by the Court that if the said H. Jack Raa desires to attend said Rexea Inatitnte on Children end Youth he Sa to do eD nt his own napenee, ' and that the County is rot reapohsible for the fees as herein stated and also es heretofore paid by the County. 000-000-000-o0o-oGO-o0o-00o-o0oro0o N0. 7822. pppROVAL OF VARIOIIS MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS OF EERR CODRTY, T EEp S. On this the 12th day of August, A. D. 1957, oeme on to be heard em aoasidered by the Court the var ioua monthly and some ~quazterly reports of the County end Preo Suet Officers of Barr County, Texas, and the same having-been heard and ooaaid erect by the Court, the Court find that the same are tree and oorreot ahd should be approved, therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph ~Bertel, eem ffied by Commissioner V. D. Powell, and men imo usly approved by the Court that the following reports and eooouata be sad the same ere hereby ordered approved end Piled by the County Clerk for future refereaoe, and anbj act to audit, ea follows, to~tvit: Virgil Storms, Justice oP the Peace, pre. No. 1, Eerr County, Texas, collected and deposited X275.35, fee of X80.00 payable out of the Officers Salary Fund. Ira L. Pringle, Tust ice of the Peace, pre. No. 2, Eerr County, Texa a, collected and depos Sted X105.75, fee of ;80.00 payable out of the Offioara Salary Fond. Henry B• Engelman, Justice of the Peace, Pre. No. 4, Eerr County, Teae e, oolleoted sad deposit ad X32.20, fee of X18.00 payable out of the Offio ere Salary Fund. Clell~ Doyle, District Clerk, Fines, Judgments end Jnry Feea oolleoted during the month July, 1957, in eaonnt of X158.45 and deposited with County Treasurer. Oliver Yoore, Sheriff, Ifonthly Ju19, 1957, r rL of fees of offioe colleoted sad deposited with County Treasurer is emouht of~175.40. Virgil Paraona, City County Sanitarian, monthly Yey and Tune, 1957, repor te. Alma Soholes, County Health Nurse, monthly July, 1957, report. Emmie S(. yuenker, County Clark, monthly oolleot ion of fees of office for July, 1957, in nmoant of X499.80 sad deposited with County Traasersr. Emmia 1S. Enenker, County Clerk, Fines, Jffigments end Jury Fees collected Sh amount of ;44.55, during monthof July, 1957, end deposited with Co naty Treasurer. ~ Helen J. Boyd, Couhty Home DeIDOnat ration Agent, monthly Jnly, 1957, report. 0{ty M. Powell, County Agent, monthly Jniy, 1957, report. Richard R. Blume, Aasooiate County Agent, monthly Daly, 1957, report. Albert Wilson, Public Weigher, =132.75 oolle of ed and deposited, X8.62 due by City sad 8.83 due by Couhty. 000-000-000-00o-o0oro0o-oo0 N0. 7823. ELECTION PRECINCTS IN SERR CODN1^l, TE7CAS. On this the 12th day of August, A. D. 1957, same on to be heard and aonaidered by the Court the matter of the County Election Precincts in Serr County, Tszea, affi it eppearing to the Court that said precinota ea now surveyed and of reoord in the office of the County Clerk oY =err County are properly boated and sm uld remain as they are, therefore, oh motion made by Comalsaioner Adolph Bartel, asoonded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and naanimasly approved by the Court that the El eo ti oa preoiaeta (18 in all) of Barr County, Te~aa, be end the same anal remain as they are now of reoord in the office of the Covaty Clerk. 000-000 ~00o-o0oro0o-a0o-o00-000-000-000 IN LIEU TAEREOF N0. 7824. OHDER CANCELLING DESIGNATION OF F. E. E035 ANmIDEBIGNATION OP 7ELJ[ PA93 ROAD. On this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1957, it is ordered by the Court that tna Texas Highway Commission be requested to take the following action: F. M. 2035 designation in $err County, Teaas, be aanoelled and Sn lien thereof a designation be made by the Tezes Highway Commission oh the road known ea Elm pesa Roed sxta~ling from Center Point to the Benders Coup and uhanimouely approved by .the Court that said canoollntioa and dasignntdon as herein desori ed be made by the Texas Highway Commission. 000-00o ro Ooro Oo -o0oro0o-o00-000 NO. 9825. APPROPAL 08 TERRACING CONTRACTS IPi PRECINCTS N09. E AND 3. On this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1957, on motion duly made by Commissioner L. ffi. Guthrie, seoonded by Cbmmiasioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approve8 by the Court tnet the applioation of Jey Wraq of Preoinet No. 2 and John W. MaCnllough, Jr., of precinct No. 3, be approved and contrasts entered into by end between the Commissioners of se id precincts respectively, and aforementioned parties, as per contrasts on Pile, under Article 2372c. o Oo ro Oo-o Oo -o Oo -o Oo ro Oo -000 ' HO. 7826. POTICE FOR HEARING COUNTY HDDGET FOR 1958 AND LEVY OF 1957 TAZ. This the 14th day of August, A. D. 1957, after motioh having been duly made by Commission er Lee Goff, seoonded by Commissioner V. D. Powell and umhimoualy approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby dire ofed to issue defies by publication in the local newe- papers, to the effect that a hearing will be held on the proposed 1958 County Hudget and the _ levy of the 1957 tax, in the Court Room of the Conrthonae in E:erraille, $err County, Teaea, at 10 o'clook A. ffi., on Friday, Augnat 30th, 1857, which time end place is hereby net for said publio hearing on said proposed 1958 County Budget and the levy of 1957 Tea. 000-000-000-000-000-000.000-000 COIIRT REO&'3SED at 5 o'clock p. ffi., on Wednesday, August 14th, 1957, nntii Ibnday, August 1957, at 2 o'clock p. ffi., COIIRT RECONVENED ik:nday, August 26th, 1957, et E o'olook p. M., 1br any mat tare whion may presented to the Court. oDa -000-oo-oOO-oOo-oOO-o0oro00-oOO roOo PASSED until the 30th day of August, A. D. 1957, padding hearing on ruling of Attorney General as to proclamation of Game end Fiah Commission es to Game Lawe of $err County, Teens. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7827. pDOpTION OF COD'NPY BDDGET FOR 1958 AND THE LEYY OF 1957 TA7C• This the 30th day of August, A. D. 1957, came on to be oo nsid ered the Public Hearing on the, matter of the adoption of the County Budget for the year 1958: It appearing t0 the Court that proper notices have bean puhl ish ed in the local newepapera in the City of 8errvi lle, Teae , for at least one week prior to the hearing date hereof, end after a thorough examination Ay the Court, and the considers Lion by the pubs is interest of the Community, the Court is of the Opinion that the tentative budget should be approved, and that the County Ro ed, School and 3peo isl Tazes for Serr County for the year 1957, be, and are hereby levied at the following rates payable on each X100.00 velvet ion to-wit: Jury Fund------------ - - -------0.05 _ Oeseral~ Ruhd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.55 . $err Oounty permanent Improvement Fum - - - - - - 0.08 Serr Co. A. L. S. Sahib. Bldg.. 9lnking Fated - - - - 0.14 Farm to Market Lateral Road Fnhd - - - - - - -- - - 0.15 Flood Control 9lnking Rund - - - - - - - - - -- = 0.16. TOTAL CO'ONPY WIDE------------ -- ---1.10 County poll Tax on eeah male and female - - - - - - .25 09oupational Teees (~ of that char ed by the i$ State of Texas County Sohool District Taxes are Levied es follows: Ingram Common ~.Sahool District ~2, McSIItenanoe Tea .95 Sinking Fund Tea .. .30 Turtle Creek County Sohool Dist. ~6, Maintenance Tax .. .60