end filed by the County Clerk for future reference, and sub~eot to audit, ea follows, to-wit: Pirgil 9torma, Justice of the peace, Pre. No. 1, Earr County, Texas, collected and deposited with County Treasurer $372.85, fee of $118.00 payeD le out of Ofil cars Salary Fund. Ira L. pringle, Justice of the Peace, Pre. No. 2 Kerr Co uaty, Texas, co ].l sated end deposited with County Treasurer $141.85, fee of 48.00 paysble out of Officers Salary Fund. Henry B. Engelman, Justice of the Peace, pre. No. 4, Eerr County, Taxes, collected and deposited with County Treasurer $106.45, fee of $38.00 payable out of Officers Salary Fuel. Alma Soho les, County Health Aurse, monthly pu~-u st, 1957, report. Albert Wilson, Public Weigher. $160.51 ao ll acted and deposited with County Treasurer, $5.28 due to City and $S.ES due the County. Clella Doyle, District Clerk, Fines, Judgments eni Jury Fees collected during the month of August, 1957, in amount oP $102.40 and depo sited with County Treeaurer. Oliver Moore, gherdff, Monthly August, 1957, report of fees of office collected and depo6t0~4 with Oounty Treasurer in amount of $284.05. H. Jack Ib s, Probation Officer, Monthly July, 1957, report. Pirgil P. Persona, City-County Sanitarian, monthly August 195'7 report. IDamie Y. Muenker, County Clerk, monthly colleotio na of fees of office for August, 195; in the amount of $990.30 end deposited with theCo unty Treeaurer. Emmie M. Muenker, Covntq Clerk, Fines, Judgments and Jury Feea collected in emo unt of $445.50 for period ending Aug. 29th, 1957, and depo sited with County Treasurer. Guy M. Powell, County AgehL, monthly Awguat 1957, report. Helen J. Boyd, County Home Demonat ration Agent, monthly August 1957, report. Richard R. Blume, Associate County Agent, monthly August, 1957, report. 000-000-000-00,-000-00o-o00 ro0o-o00-000 N0. 7835. ORDER REGDLATING SPEED LIMIT AT 30 MILES PER AODR IN PEfER90N ADDITION OR ANY ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KERRPILLE, EERR CODNTY, TEXAS• On this the 9th day of September, A. D. 1957, came on t0 be heard and co nsSd Bred by the Court the matter of regulating a speed limit Sa the Peterson Addition or any pdditi oa to the City of Eerrville, Esrr Wnnty, Texas, and it appearing to the Court that the same is a nee essity and that a speed limit should be set at 30 miles per hour ih said Additions to be enforced by the OPfic ers of Eerr County, Taxes, and if any violator is apprehended by the officers and found guilty the party or parties so violating said speed limit shell be subject to a fine of not lass than $1.00 nor more then $100.00, and on m0 tion duly made by Commission Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, ctrl unanimously ap Pr owed by the Court that the County Officers be and ere her aby authorized to enforce the speed limit of 30 miles Far hour in the peteraon Addition or any Addition to the City of Kerrville, Eerr County, Texas. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7838. pppROPAL OF TERRACING CONTRACTS IN PRECINCTS N09. 1, 2 AND 3. On this the 9th day of September, A. D. 1957, on motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Coff, aeo ondod by Commiasi over gdolph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court that the ap F~l Saet ion of Feltz Real, dr., of precinct rb. 1, Roy Stevens of Preoinet No. 2, end Ambrose I. Moeller of precinct No. 3, be approved ahd contracts entered into by end between the res- pective Commissioners of said Precincts NoeK. 1, 2 and 3 and aforementioned parties, as per contracts on file, under Artiele No. 23720. 000-000-o Oo ro Ov ro0a ro0 0-o Cb -000 NO. 7837. APPOBTIONME4iT' OF $7,133.39 FROM EER$ CODNTY LATERAL AOAD FDND. This the. 9th day of September, A. D. 1957, after motion having been duly made by Commissioner yae Goff, seconded by Commissioner Deaid R. Brewton, end unanimously eppr cued by the Court, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, end ere hereby directed- to apportion the following amounts out of Kerr County Lateral Roed Fund to the following respective Funds '~ and Commissi one rs~ PreoinoLe; to-wit: 8err County Lateral Road Fund, Precinct No. 1 - - - ,425.35 8err Co nnty Lateral Road Fuad, Pr acio.ct No. 2 - - - 1, X4.01 ,., I $err County Lateral Road Fund, Precinct No. 3 - - - _ 1,141.34 '~ $err County Lateral Road Fund, precinot No. 4 - - - 2,£82.89 '~ 0 00 -0Oo ro0o ro ~ -o Oo-o Oo -000-000-o Oo -000 ~. COIIRT RECESSED at 4 o'clock P. M., on Lb nday, September 9th, 1957, until Nednes4ey, September 11th, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M., COIIRT RECD NVENF,D Wednesday, September 11th, 1957, at 10 o~clock A. M., for any matters which may be presented to the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7838. ORDER APPAOpING QIIARTERLY REPORT OF COIINTY TREASURER. Oh this the 11th day of September, A. D. 1957, in Regnler Monthly Session 0f the Commissioners CO Urt of said County, oame on far eaemihetion the Quarterly 8eport ,Of G. D. I Luther, Treasurer of said County, for the period beginning on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1957, and ending on the 31st day of July, A. D. 1957, Piled herein on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1957, and Lha same having been ~qo mper ed and eaeminad b9 the Court, and Po and m rrect. It is therefore Ordered by the Court that the same be and is hereby eppr ovefl; And it eppeari "~ to the Court to et during said time the said County Treasurer heft received for account and cre- dit oP, and pe Sd out of each of the several County Funda, the amount sat forth, end leaving e ' balance to each of said Funds as refleoted Sn said report, ehd that said amounts ware received I and paid out of each oP the respeotive Puads since the filing of the preceding report of said County Treasurer, and during the period above stated, end that the said separate amounts as therein shown ere correct. IT IS THERffi~'ORE, FURTHER ORDERED by the Court, that the said detailed report be, and th same is hereby, in all things apPr owed, and the Clerk of this Court is he raby ordered t0 file this said rep 0rt, together with this order, in a Record Binder provided for the Minutes of County finances of the Commissioners COUrt oP this County, and that proper credits be made in the accounts of the said County Treasurer in accordance with this order, end on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unan Smo ua ly approve by the Court, subject to audit. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 7839. APP%1pAL OF QIIARTERLY REPORT OF CODNTY FINANCES AND TABIILhA SfATEMiENT OF WUNTY i CLERK OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDTTDRFS AND RKOEIPT9 OF BERR ~UNTZ, TEXAS. i On this tae llta day of September, A, D. 1957, acme on to be eaemiaed by the Court the quarterly taoular statement of Emm1e M. Huanker, - County Clerk of Kerr County, Tesas, cover- s ing the indebtedness, ezpendituree ehd receiyts of Eerr County for the gbertar effiing 7uly 31st 1957, which report 0r statement appearing correct, and upon motion duly made by Commissioner ~I Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commiasi oaer Lee Coff, said report is hereby unenim~usly approved by the Court aul ordered Piled for future reference end sub~eet to eud it. 000-000-o0o-oCO-00o -000-000-000 i i N0. 88¢0. ' IN YEIDRIAN i llR. AARON AIIGOST FERRIS '', On September 3rd, 1957, GOD, in his infinite wisdom and love, oalled from the toils of I this earthly lice, AARON AIIGIIST FERRIS, who was a legal cad faithful County Official. RESOLVED: That in the passing on to hie reward, Karr County loot a good oitizen and hie i works will live oh in Lhe hearts end minds oS hie friend e, whose liv ee have Caen ours eh ed end made Suller by havislg known him.