Saoretary to assist him in pha preparation of the necessary oorreapond aces or suits t-0 b• filed ih the court of nolleotion of said delinquent or insolvent tease, sad on motion fl my ,- by Commissioner David R. Brewton, aeoonded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court. o)o*o)o*o)o*o)o*o)o*a)o*o}o NO. 7851. IN9URA1PC8 AT AIRPORT 411 BB OBTAINED HY I~OREY AIRCRAFT, IIdC., AND RERRPiLLE FLTIldG SERVICE. On this the 7th day of Oato bar, A. D. 1957, came 0a to be heard and oonald er ed by the Court the matter of Inanranae to be taken out by Mooney Alroreft,Inc., end $errville Flying Servi oe for the pr of eotlon of the City oP %errville and Serr County on various buildings loo eted at the Airport and owned ~oihtly by the City of Set rvi lle end Herr County, but oaonpie by the lie oney Airoraft, Inn., and Herr vl lle Flying 9ervloe, sad after due ao nsifl station by the Court it appears that the Insur anco obtained bq the Mooney AiroraPt, the ., 1n the e®o unt of X16,840.00 is not euffioiant in amount to sever the liaDilitiea sad property end tact tae said looney Aircraft, Inc., be and ie hereby ordered to increeae the amount of insurance from =18,840.00 to X40,000,00, saD~eot to the approval and eooeptanoe by the Court end City Commission, ahd further that the Eerrville Flying Service be end Se hereby ordered to obtain Insurance with a Compa~gy with suffix lent oepital esa ate also aub~ect to the approval ahd aac eptence by the W urt and City Commisalon, ahd an mgt ion duly made by Coamisaloaer V. D. Powell, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, ant uaenlm~usly approved by the Court. 000-o0o-a0o -x00-000-000-000 The foregoing minutes Prom Pege 1J.o to 117, inolue ive, ware read end approved in open THB STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF ESRR. BE IT REEDDSBERED that there wae,Degan sad. hold en on the 14th day of Ooto Der, A. D. 1967, at the Co nrt House thereof, Sa the City of Serrv Slle, Tawas, a ReRalar Ootoher Term of the Commieeionera Court with the follow lag otfiaere present, Lo-wit: I- RON. JNO. A. LBAVELL County Judge David R. Brewton Commiasi oast Precinct No. 1 V. D. Powell Coaan1ss10aer Pr eo inct ]b. 2 Adolph Hertel .. Commiae loner Preaihet N0. 3 Lee Goff, Commlealoner Preaihet Ao. 4 Oliver Moore Sheri if, and . Ramie Y. 1&enker County Glerk and the Court havlpg been regularly opened, the fo ll ow Sag pmoeedinga were had, to-wit: 000-000-000-0~0 -000-000-000 N0. 785E. ALLONANCB OF CLATOE3 AND ACOOUR'1'S. Thia the 14th day of OotoD er, A. D. 1967, oeme oh Lo De eanmiaed by the Court, the varlou olaima sad aeoounta tiled against Serr County and its reapsative Oommiaeioaere' Preoinate einae the la at term of the Court, ell of whiaa olaima anfl eooounte wer• approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk and the County Treaaur er in em0uate end out oT Roed end Bridge Nos. 1, E, 3 end 4, General Fund, Oifioere Salary Fund, Roed end Bridge Right 0f Wa9 Bighway No. 41. Lateral Road Funds Nos. 1, 5 end 4, sad Jury Fund, •a shown by the Minutes of Accounts Allowed, Pages 3E3 tq 328 iholuaive, which are made a pert hereof end of this order and Court on this J~ ~~Qday~of CctoD er, A. D. 1957. Q ATTEST: ~j3 ~Z ,FL~J~ _L"_- f,~~ N . Clerk Co~irify oar err oue y, ease. o y ge, rr ouh q, 'e a e s. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-00o-o0o ro0o on motion duly made by Commissioner Hrewton, seconded by Co ®issi0ner Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-o0o-oCO-00o ND. 7853. GRANTING PERMISSION RY] ALAMO AREA POY SCOUTS TO USE EXHIBI TI^N BOILDING. On this the 14th day of October, A. D. 1957, came on to be heard and considered by the CO Urt the application of Rex McElroy as Chairman of Arrangements end Leyo ut Committee of ~y Scouts of the Aill Country District, Alamo Area Council, for permission to use the Rerr County ABricultural Livestock Exhibition Building for holding a District Soout-O-Rama to start pre- paring for se id show on the 6th day of December, 195'/, with the show on the 7th day 0f December and Glee ring and policing the building on the 8th day 0f December, 195'!, end it appearing to the Court that the application is well taken and should be granted, therefore on motion duly made by Comm isaioner David R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Lee Coff, end unaaimo us ly approved by the Court that the application of Rex b7cElm y es Chairman of Arrangements and Layoc Committee be end the same is hereby granted. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7854. ORDER AtTPfI0 RI2I NG APPOINTMENT OF DO RIS F. SMS TH, DRPVfY TAX ASSESSOR-COI LECTO R. ~ ~~ This the 14th day of October, A. D. 195'], came on to be c0 ns ld ered by the Court, the ~ application of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor-Collector 0P Kerr County, Texas, for his authority Iii t0 appoint and deputize Doris F. Smith as Deputy Tex-Assessor-Coll actor, and it appearing to the Court that said officer is entitled to said Deputy, and that said apollcat ion should be approved; therefore on motion duly made by lbmmissi0ner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, and unanimously approved by the Court, that said officer is authorized to deputize said Doris F. Smith and that said appointment is t0 date from October 14th, 1957, end to continue in force until revoked by said officer or be 0th erwise terminated end that the ~, com en sat ion of snid de ut is to be Ali P p y paid out 0f the Off to ers Salary Fund. 0UO-o0o-000-000-00o-0Oo -0 OO N0. 7855. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. This Lhe 14th day of October, A. D. 195'7, after motion having been duly made by Commisa- i~ S oner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, end unanim0 usly approved by the! Court, that the Minutes of the Wmmiss loners Court of Rerr CO Unty, Texas, from Page 110, to ! '\ ' 117, inclusive, be approved es read. i 000-000-000-000-o00-on0_o;0 N0. 7856. ACCEPTANCE OF BID By PBTLLIPS-SCHREINER FORD CENTER FOR 1R1RD TRUCK PY?R PRECINCT Nn. ~. On this the 14th day 0f October, A. D. 1957, came on to be considered by the Court four bids for Truck to be used by Commissioners precinct No. 1 0f Rerr County, Taxes. Four bids were submitted to the Court one by Phillips-Schreiner Ford Center, in amount of $2,330,00, one ~, iby Emerson A. Lutz Motors in amount of $2,342.25, one by Meek Motor Se les in am0 unt of $2,366.01 and one by petersons' C~rege and puto Company in amount of $2,574.00, and it appear- it ing to the Court that the bid 0f ph il,l igs-Schreiner Ford Center is the lowest and best bid and should be accepted for one 195'1 Ford F600 130" Y'lheel Basa, 6 cylinder, equipped with 6 - 825x201 10 ply Tires and Tubea, Heavy Duty Front end Reer Springs, Two speed axle plus al ]. standard equipment, and on motion duly made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, seconded by Commis slop er V. D. Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that the lowest and test bid of Phillips- ~, einer Ford Center be and the same is nereby accepted by the Court, 000-000-00o-oCo-000-000-o00 -o OO . 785'7. REJECTION OF BID OF HILL`S TIRE AND 'NRECKINC YARD FOR OLD INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. On this the 14th day of October, .4, D. 1957, came on t0 be considered by the Court the