NO. 7864. ORDER ADOPTING PROCLAT:;ATI ON N0. 6 AMENDED - OF THE GAME AND FISH COMMISSInN AS PASSED BY SAID COIl'TdI55I0N ON OCTOBER 11TH, A. D. 1957. On this the 1%tn day of October, A. D. 195'7, came on to be heard and con:; id ered by the Cs art the matter of Adopting proclamation No. 6 - Amended - oP the Game and Fish Commis ion ~ as passed by said Commissi on on the 11th day oP October, A. D. 1957, and on Pile in the office 1, of the County Clerk of Kerr County, Texas, and that said Proclamation No. 6 - Amended - meets the approval of the Commissioners Court end should be adopted by the Court as to no ^Antlerle Deer Season" in Berr County, Texas, therefore on motion duly made by Com.:a ssio ner Adolph Bert seconded by Commissioner Lee Coff and unanimously approved by the Court that proclamation No. 6 - Amended - of the Game and Fish Commission passed 0n the 11tH day 0f October, 195'7, be and tha same is hereby approved end adopted in its entirety os pertaining to %err County, Texas, and that no "Antlerless Deer Seeso n" be had in Kerr County, Texas. ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-oCO-o OO_o0o NO, 7865. ALLO4uANCE CF CLAW'S AN9 ACCOUNTS. On this the 1'!th day 0f October, A. D. 195'1, came on t0 be examined by the Court, the claims of Elgin W. Hancock in the amount of ~SO.UO to be paid out of Lateral Road No. 4 Fund, and Geo. D. Barns rd Company in tre amount 0f X57,91 to be paid out of Officers Salary Fund, which said claims were approved for pa ment by the Csunt; Clerk and County Treasurer, out of the respective funds, as shown by the P.".inutes oP Aecou me Allowed Pa„es 323 to 328 , inclus i wn ich are made a pert hereof and of this order and on m0 ti on duly made by Com:.i sr~i 0ner .4d olph Eartel, seconded by Cormi s,~ioner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Claims end Aeco ants be allowed as mown by the above mentioned Minutes of Accounts Allowed. 000-000-0 ~-000-000-ooo-000-000 N0. 7866. APPROVAL OF TERRACIPIG CONTRACT IN PRECINCT N0. 2. On this the 14tH day 0f October, p, D. 195'1, on motion duly made by Commissioner V. D. Powell, seconded by Co_mmissio ner Lee Ca £f, and unsnirro usly approved by the Court that the ap^li cati-n of LeIL~y A. Ponnert of Precinct N~. 2 oe ar,p roved and contract ent!red into ~by and be- tween the Commis:, suer of said precinct No. 2 and afore-mentioned party, as per contract on file, under Article 2372e. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 The foregoing Minutes from Pege 117 to 121, inclusive, were read end enpr oved in open Court on this/2 ~' (N(o~vember, A, D. 1951. p ~p ATTEST: ~.12i~~o ~~ L. i~~LriifJ 1~•'J~,~,~µa¢Q•~ Clerk Co n y Our err County, Te as. n y u ge, {err o~ T e x a s. 'OO-OGO-OOO-OOO-O~0-000-000 TxE ;rATE DF TExns, 0 I COL1~*TY OF KERR. 0 HE IT REPSi.NME3ERED that there was oegun end hold en on the 12th day of November, A, D. 195%, at the Court house thereof, it; the City of Kerrville, Te xao, e Regular November Term of the Cormnlssi~ners Court with the following officer:; pre _;ent, to-wit: HON. JNO. R. LEAVELL County Judge David R. Brewton Commisra oner Precinct No. 1 V. D. Por,ell Co mmis:.ioner precinnt Nom. 2 Adol p~'. Bartel .. Commissioner precinct N0. 3 Lee Caff' Commissi.0 rer Precin^t No. 4 Oliver hi0 ore Sheriff, and Etn[ttie S1. i,7uenY,er County Clerk I,'and the Court having ~.een regularly opened, the follow inA proceedings Were had ,i 3-.~-'S- _.~~-0 O O-O ___-_. I' to-e~ it