Guy Powell, County Ag eht, Monthly Deo ember 1957, report. Helen Boyd, County Home DsmOnatrntion ABaht, monthly Deo ember 1957, report. .-- ~ pima 9choles, County Health Nurse, monthly Deoember 1957, report. o OoroOO-ooo-00o-o0a-ooo-000 N0. 7907. GRANTING APPLICATION OF COUNTY CLERS FOR DEPDTY. Th 1s the 14th dqy of January, A. D. 1958, came 0n to be ooasidered by the Court the applioation of Emmie M. Mueaker, County Clerk. of Eerr County, Taxes, applying for authority to appoint Gee rga Ann Garrett a Deputy at a proposed salary to be fined by the Commissioners Court at Sta regular January Term, 1958, wh Soh application shove probable receipts of approai- heretofore mately (9,700.00 and probable ddabnreeIDehts not ino lading deputise applied for,{ ih the approzi mate amount of 9,700.00, end it appearing to the Court that sold npplioetion should be grant- ed. Thereibre by motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, and unanimously approved by the Court that the applies tion should be approved, ea prayed for. 000-000-000-ooo -o Oo-000-000 N0. 7908. APPROVAL OF DELINQUEIG'1 TAZ ROLj., 1919 THRII 1956, INCLIISIVE, INCLUDING E10?ERSE OF ~^ TYPING IN THE AMOUNT OF ~91E.70. This the 14th day of January, A. D. 1958, came on to be ooneidered and examined by the Court the delinquent tan roll for the years 1919 through 1958, inolusive, end the Cost in preparing Lhe same in the amount of X712.70. Therm ore oa motion duly made by Commisaioaer Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, and naeni~usly approved by the Court that suoh tan roll should be approved and that the Tax Aasesaor and Colleo tor, E. H. Ndohola, should be reimbnraed in. the amount of X712.40 pegable out 0f the General Fnnd of Eerr County, by proper vouoher issued by the County Clerk end drawn age inat the County Treasurer. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 9909. APPR094L OF SEIQ'-ANNIIAL REPORT OF COUNTY CLER& TRUBT FUND, FROM JUNE 26th, 1957 .THRU DECEMBER 31ST, 1957. This the 14th day of January, A. D. 1958, ease on to be considered Dy the Court, the report of ell moni ea and fees collected by Emmi• M. Mue raker, County Clerk, belonging to of Pic witnesses, or other persons, remaining in her hands uncalled for by the parties entitled them tVc :L9r the period ending Deo ember 31st, 1957, as held on depoaiL is the County Clerk's Trust P11Rd is the amount of $5,109.62 and it appearing to the Court that said report is in dun form end should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, saoo nd ed by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, aqd unanlmo usly approved by the Court, and ordered file8 by the County Clerk for future reference end aub~ect to audit. eon -o 0o-000-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo N0. :7910. ORDER FLEING SALARIES OF vARI0D5 COUNTY OFFICIAIS, DISTRICT OFFICERS, AND PREOINCT OFFICE88. On thin the 14th day of Zahuery, q. D. 1958, came on to ba heard end considered by the Co art 'the matter of aelarlea of the various officials of Serr County sad District Ofiic ers, for ~~t~he year A. D. 1958, end on motion duly made by Commissions; David R. Brewton, seconded by Ogmm~aeioaer $ea Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the folloring offiaisla sad preolaet off iciela shall reoeive the salaries, as set out opposite their names, and out of the respective funds, as follows„ Lo-witi Oliver Moore, Sheriff, 84200;00, pnyabl• monthly out of OPPie ere 9alery Fund. R. B. Edge, Deputy Sherift, X3800.00 plus 7b per mile, payable monthly out of Off SO era 3alarY Fund. B. 1I• Conway, Deputy Sheriff, X3000.00 plus 7~( per mile, payable monthly out of Officer .. Salary Fund.