6ny ?Dwell, County Agent, NOnthly December 1997, report. Helen Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly Dao ember 1957, report. ~ Alma Sonoles, County Health Nurse, monthly December 1957, report. o OoroOO-o0o-000-000-000-000 N0. 7907. GRANTING APPLICATION OF COUNTY CLERE FOR DEpUPF. Th Se the 14th day of denua ry, A. D. 1959, Csme on to be consid ared by the Court the appl Soetioa of Emmie M. Yuenk ar, County Clerk_of fferr County, Teaea, applying Sor author Sty to appoint George Anh Garrett a Deputy at a proposed salary to De 2ixad by the Commiasionera Court et Sta regular January Term, 1958, which applloetion ahowe probable rec eipta of approzi- horstofore mately ~9 ,700.00 and probable dlabnre meats not ino hiding deputies applied for,{ in the approai mete amaunt of X9,700.00, and it appearing to the Court that said appiioetion should be grunt- ed. Therefore Dy motion duly made by Comml saioner Lee Coff, sec ceded by Commissioner Dni1fl R. Brewton, and unanimously approved by the Court that the epplieation should De approved, as prayed for. 000-000-000-o0o -o Oo -000-000 ~NO. 7808. APPROVAL OF DELINQt7EtiT TAZ ROLT. 1919 THRII 1958, INCLUSIVE, INCLUDING EIPENSE OF ~~ TYPING IN THE AMOUNT OZ ~91E.7O. This the 14th day oP Jenuery, A. D. 195&, Dame oa to be considered sad examined by the Court the delinquent tax roll for the years 1919 through 1958, inolueive, end the Cost in preparing the same Sa the amount of X712.70. Therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bert el, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, and unanimously eppro ved by the Court that each tea roll should be approved and that the Tax Assessor and Collector, E. H. NSohola, should be reimbnraed in. the amount of 5712.40 payable out of the General Fbnd of Earr County, by proper voucher issued by the County Clerk and drawn ega seat the County Treasurer. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 $0. 9909. 6PPHOVIL OF 9EYZ-ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK TRDST FDND, FROM dUN$ 26th, 1957 THRII D$CffiER 31ST, 1959. This She 14th day of Teauary, A. D. 1958, cane on t0 be considered by the Court, the report of ell monies and fees collected by Asmie M. Muenker, County Clark, belonging to ofP1c~ witnesses, or other persons, remalniag Sn Der hands uncalled for by the parties entitled them ~' to-:a0r the period ending Deo ember 31st, 1957, as Deld on deposit in the County Clark's Trust Fgnd in the amount of $5,1E9.62 and 1t appearing to the-0o art that said report 1s in due form and should be approved; Char afore by motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seoo nded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, end unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk Yor suture reference and subject to audit. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0.,7910. ORD$8 FIffIN6 SALARIES OF vARIODS COUNTY OFFICIALS, DISTRICT OFFICERS, AND PR~INCT OFFICE83. On this the 14th day oP Januerq, A. D. 1958, Dame on to be beard and cone idared by the Co art 'the matter of ealariea of the various off is Sals of fferr County and DSetrict OfPicera, `i for -•EDe year A. D. 1958, end on motion duly made Dy Commi ssioher David R. Brewton, seconded by Qpmm}saioner 1˘,ae Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the following offioiele and preolnat officlels shall receive the saleriea, es set out opposite their names, sad out of the respective funds, as follows to-wits. ~- .Oliver 16ore, 3herSff, X4200.00, payable monthly out of Offio ere Salary Fund. T. B. ffige, Deputy Sheriff, ;3800.00 plus 7~ par mile, payable monthly out of Offio ern Salary Bond. _ ~ ' B. lf• Conway, Deputy 9herlif, ;3000.00 plus 7~( per mile, payable monthly out of Office _ Salary Fund.