NO. 7915. GRARTIRG BBRRVILLE PD'BL1C L~RAEY '300.00 PER ANNDY, AS IECIDEN?AL E3Z&IiHE9. ˘h1~ the 14th day of January, A. D. 1958, oame on to be ooneidared by the Court the gram ing of incidental eapense for the %errville Pnblic Library. It appearing to the Court that '300.00 per annum hee been allowed by .Barr Co uhty in io rmer Sears, end that said amount should be regrant ed; Thar of ore, by motion duly made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, aeoonded by Commissioner Lee 6ofP, end unanimously approved by the Court, that Eerr County allow the anm of =300.00 per annum for incidental eapehsea, in few r of the %errville Pnblio Library in moat ly lnstallmen9i of X25.00, Deg inning 7ahuary lst, 1958. The County Clerk, DB end 1a ne aby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in like amounts payable to the %errville Yublio Library out of the General Fug. 000-000-000-o0o-coo-o00 ~, 7916. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTOF INCIpB