THS STATE OF TEL1S, I i I OODNTY CF EAR. ~ BH IT RBl®®ERED that there was hegnn and holden on the E9 th day of i ~•~a~ruary, A. D. 1958, et the Oonrt House thereof, in the City of Eerrvdlle, Sezae, a Speo iel ~abruery Term, A. D. 1968 of the Commlseioaera Court with the foliewi officers , ag present for t: HON. JNO. R. LEAVELL County Judge Da41d R. Brewton Commiaslon er Precinot No. 1 Adolph Bartel .. Commissioner Precinot No. 3 Lae Ooff Commiaeioner Precinct No. 4 Oliver Yoore glf; - ehd Hld'IIE M. daWEtdEER County Clerk and the Conrt having bgfen regale rly opened, the following prooeed lags ware had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 7961. ~ BE90LDTION BS IT H8.90LVBD by the Commisaionere Court of Lerr County, Tease, nt a 3peoiel Called Session on the 27th day of February, 1958, at E o~aloak p. 1t., that a disinterested, oompetent and ezpert publdo eeooaataat ba employed to Audit all oI the Books; Seoords and/or Aaooant~ oS Herr County, Tezea, end dh the Judgment of tho Coauisalonere Court a necessity exists there- fore be oauea the Books, 8ecord• and lcoonata of Ear; County, Texas, have not been audit ed adnoe Deo ember 31st, 1954, end further a ohange will ooanr on April let, 1958, of County Tresaurara and further Sn the Juflgment of the Commiaol..on era Court it ie neo eesary that it have the information ..~?as. to determine and f1z proper appTOprlmtioh.and,ezpendltnre of pnblla moneys iod.fnrt6er~;te aeoertaln at:A Siz a lust and proper taz lety. ,--, Bq Order of the Commiealonera Court Oa this the 89th day o! 7sbinary, A. D. 1988. ID6fIE M. 11D8~Rilt Clark County C7 urt sad ~-Offioio Clerk of the Commiasionars Court of Eerr Ooanty, Tezae. By A. A. Hartmann, Depaty. Ana on Potion duly made by Commiselonor David R. Brenton, esoobled by Commiseioaer Lae Goff, Commiaeioner V. D. Powell not present, nod approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 1 The foregoing Ylmiits• oa Pege 148 were read sad approved is open ConrL on this Lhe 10th day of lteroh, A, D. 19b8. ~ ~ ATTEST: . - ~. Clerk Coffi y onm rr~ooF~~ azee.. e, rr~Ey,-Tezae. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 TH8 HTATB or TEZAS, I I C09MTT OF EERR. I BE IT :RID09BERED THAT THERE WAS HEWN and holden oa th• 4th day of Llerah A. D. 19b8, et the Court House thereof, 1h the C1ty of Cerrvi lle, lbzea, a Spa aisl jlaroh Term of the Cammdaeion era Court with the Sollowing offio era preeeht, to-wit: HON. J$0. R. LEAVELL County Judge David H. Branton ~. Commiaeioner Prso Snot No. V. D. Powell Comiaeioner Preainot No. ldolph Hertel .. Commleaioner Prsoinot No. Lse OofT Commiaeioner Precinot No. Oliver Yoore Sheriff end ~:mie Y. Ynenker County Clerk end the Court hsving been regnlerly oyehed, the following proondinge were had, to-eitt• o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0