RD •.~ 996E. ALIAY/ARCB OF CI.AIY ARD ACQODHT OF IHDCSTRIAL RBFRIO~ATSOSI 8: •IR'COAHITICfS~ CO., On this the 4th dtiy of liaroh, A. D. 1958, onma on to be esaWJtad by the:.CoOrt, the Claim of Itiduetrial Refrigeratloh and Air Conditioning Co., in the amount of ~6,78E.40 being in pay- ment for part of the Contrast entered into by said Refrigeration and •Sr Conditioning Compnny oa the 11th day of Februany, A. D. 1968, es the same appears of reoo rd in Vol. L. Page 148, of these Minutes, which said Claim wen approved for payment by the County Clerk and the County Treasurer, out of the Permatteat Improvement Fund, es stows by the Ylnutea of the Acoonnts Allowed Pages 367 Lo 357 , Snolueive, which are mafle a part hereof and of this order end on motion duly mode by Caeoai$aioner David R. Brewton, ae oo nd ed by Cat®Seaioner V. D. lbwell, anfl unanimously approved by the Court that geld olelm and aoaount be allowed es shown by tae above mentioned Yiautea of AcOOUnta Allowed. 000-o0o-oDo-o0o -000-000-000 The foregoing Minutes Yrom Pege 148 to 149, inclusive, ware read end approved in open Co art on ft~hi~ y]Othc~d~ay yo/f Mnroh, A. D. 1968. ,p ATT;ESPt (-„. ~1'i~ir~.//7„//~~/JLww~i~ FV, , Clark Co our ,, rr 0nn y, ass. n y te~ga, rr Dun y, 1 e a e e. 000-000-o0o-oOo-o CO roOo-oCo THE STATE OF TEXA4, COIIRTY OF EERR. ~ BE IT REYEIBERSD Lhat there was begun end holden on the 10th day of Yaroh, A. D. 1958, at the Court House tbareof, in the City of Eerraille, Teaea, a Regaler Marsh Term of the Cotomiasi on ers Court with the following ofiio ers prseeat, to-wit: HoR. JRO. R. I,EAVEI.L County Sudge David R. Brewton Cottwlaelaner Preoinot Yz. 1 O. D. Powell Commi sai oner Precl not Ao• E Adolph Bartel .COttmiasioner Precinot No. 3 Lae Ooff Oommisaloner Praoinot Ho. 4 Oliver Moors ~SarifY, ~ ' end Hmmle M. Mnenkor County Clerk _ sad i•he Ootirt having been regu]erly opened, the followiaB prooeedings ware ned, to-wit: 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 HC. 7953. ALLOaABCE OF CLAIMS AHD ACCOURTS. This the 10th day of Marsh, A. D. 1988, Dame on to be examined by the Court, the verlon: Claiwa and Aooounta filed eeainat Eerr County end its reepeotive Commieai on er e~ Preciaote aiaae the lest torm.of the Court, all of which oleltoa and acooante were approved by the Court for payment by the Oo unty Clerk and the Ccuaty Treasurer Sn at:pnnta aDi out of bed end Bridge Hoa,~l, k,, 3 and 4, Hoad and Bridgw Right of liay Highway Ao. 41, 6eaerel Fund, Oirioera Salary l4ad;' and jury Ftw1, as shown by the Y1naLas of iooouata •11oweA, Pege 389 to 364 inolusiv whleh ere tondo a part hereoi sad of this order end on antioa duly tande by potmaleaioaer Lee Oat sRarndad by Caawiarioner David R. Brewton, sad tttlaaltnnal7 approved by the Court. 00o-oOoroOO-o0o-000 -o0o-coo-o00 H0. T984. APPB®VAL OF 7ARIODB 1pHTHLY REPOlCf9 OF CODIiTy A1W. l'RHCIlfCT OFFjOBiH OF 1CSHH CODH1'y. Oa thla the 19LD day of Yaroh, A. D. 1968, Dana on to be heard and oonaidered by the Court the •arioaa monthly and soma quarterly reports of~the Oounty and Preoinot Offioere wi Ls;x OJ ~tty, Teaea, and tae acme having basn nsard and Donald Brad by the Oonrt, Lhe Court f'1a~1 OAeO tae nerve are Erna and oosreot and ehonld be approved, theretbre on motion duly merle by iaeiamar David R. Brewton, eeoondsd Dy CommLaeloaer Lew OotY, sad nnealsnaely approved by