the 00urt that the County Clerk is hereby authorizes to employ a per eon for ea id purpose and that same be paid out oP the General Fund as salary Por said employment. OO0-000-000-000-000-OOO-pOO-OOO NO. 7989. OR)fER SETTING SALARY OF GEORGE ANN GARRETT A9 DEPDTI OOLRiTY CLERIC. On this the 12th day of May, A. D. 1958, came on to be heard end c0naid ered Dy the Court the matter of setting the salary of George Ann Garrett es Deputy County Clerk of Serr County, Teaas, and it appearing to the Court that the salary of said employee should be fized at the stipulated amount of X165.00 per month, payable out of the Officers Salary Fund, effective es of May 28th, 1958, and that the County Ole rk and County Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to Same vo uoher for said amount on the 28th day of each of every month es long as she is employed as Deputy County Clerk, therefore on m,tion dulq made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Commiae Sonar Tae Goff, end unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 7990. QIIALIFICATTON OF BOARD OF EQII)S.TZATION SETTING DATE TO BTDDY vALIIATI0N3. This the lEth day of May, A. D. 1950, oeme on Lo be administered the official oaths b th t y e Coun y Clerk to the COUaty Comnisel0aers end the Co nnty Judge ea prescribed by law, ea e Board 0P Equalization, each of said oaths being entered Sn vol. 3, Pages 40, 41 and 42, Minntea oP the Board of Equalization. Zt appearing t0 the Court said Board is n0W qualified to render their duty as prescribed by law and that Tuesday May 20th, 1958, at 9 o'clock A. M., should be the day set to begin examination 0f the 1958 aquellzation. There Po re, by motion duly made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, seconded Dy Commissioner Adolph Bar tai, and unanimously ep proved bq the COUrt that May 20th, 1958, at 9 o'clock A. M., ba the date set to beg Sa the eaeminetion of the 1958 renditions. 000-000-000-000-000.ODO-OOO-O 110. 7991. APPROVAL OF vARI0II3 MONTHLY REPORTS OF COIINTY AND PRECINOT OFFICERS OF %ERR CO@1TY. On this the 13th day of May, A. D. 1958, oeme on t0 be h0 and end 0onaid ered by the Court the various monthly end some quarterly reports of the County and Precinct Officers of %err County, Tasas, end the same having been heard and considered by the Court, the COUrt finds that the same ere true and correct and should be approved, therefore oh aWtion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Commisei0nar Dev1d R. Brewton, and unanimously approved by the Court that the following reports end eooo ante be and the same ere hereby ordered approved and filed by the County Clerk for Future reference, end aub~eot to audit, as 20 !lows, to-wit: IDom1e M• Muealcer, County Clerk, monthly oolleationa of fees of of Pioe for April, 1958, Sa amount of X939.90 and deposited with County Treasurer. Emmie M. Mnsnker, County Clerk, Monthly report of fines, ~uigme nts end fury fees oolleoted for month ending April 29, 1958, in amo89t of f58E.E0 sad deposited with County Treeaurer. Virgil Storms, Justioe of the peace, pre. No. 1, %err County, Teaaa> oolleoted anfl de- posited ~364.E0, fee of '140.00 payable out of the OffioereSelery Fund. Ire L. Pringle, Justice of the peace, Pre. No. 2, Eerr QOUnty, Texas, oolleoted and de- posited X105.55, fee of X52.00 payable out of the Off Soars Salary Fund. Henry B. Engelman, Justioe of the peace, pre• No. s, Eerr County, Texas, collected sad deposited X111.90, fes of #48.00 dyable out of the OffiOera Salary Fund. Olella Doyle, District Clerk, Fines, Jutlgmeata and Jury Feea Collected during month of April, 1958, in amount of =E26.80 and deposited with County Treeaurer. Oliver !bore, SberiPf, Monthly April 1968, report of fees of office oolleat ad sad deposited wish Oounty Treeaurer in amount of ;394.6$. Albert Wilaon, public Weigher, X69.&2 ~lleated end deposited, detioit of 7)90.38, 1/E or X45.18 due by City of Eerrville~to Eerr County. Helen J. Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly April, 1958, report. Alma So holes, County Health Nurse, monthly April, 1950, report.