the E1ouxt, that the County Clerk is hereby anthorize~ to employ a per non ibr said purpo ee end that same be paid out of the Cenarel Fund as salary for said employment. 000-000-000-000-00o-o 0oro00-000 N0. 7989. ORBER SETTING SALARY OF GEORGE ANN CARRETT p3 DEPUTY OOUDPPY CLER%. On this the 12th day of lmy, A. D. 1958, came on to be heard end coneid erect by the Court the matter of netting the salary of George pnn Garrott as Deputy County Clerk oP %err County, Teaas, and it appearing t0 the Court that the salary of said employee mould be fizad aL the stipulated emotint of X185.00 per month, payable out of the Offloera Salary Funfl, ' effeotive ea of May 28th, 1958, and that the County Clark end County Treasurer be and ere hereby authorized to looua vo uoher for said amount on the 28th day oP each of every month ea long ea she is employed es Deputy County Clerk, therefore on motion dulq made by Commiesi~n er David R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Commiae loner Lae Gofi, end unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-00o-oooroooro0o N0. 7990. QIIALZFICATION OF BOARD OF EQDALIZA120N SETTING DATE TO BTUDY 9ALIIATION3. Thin the lEth day of May, •. D. 1958, oema on to be admi nieterad the official oaths by the County Clerk to the County Comniaeioners end the Coantq dodge ea prescribed by law, es a Ho erd of Equalization, eaoh of said oaths being entered in 901. 3, Magee 40, 41 end 42, ffiiantea of the Board of Equalization. It appear ing t0 the Court. ae Sd Board Ss now qualified to render their duty es prescribed by law end that Tuesday May 20th, 1958, nt 9 o'clook A. ffi., should be the day set to begin examination 0f the 1958 equslizatlon. Therefore, by motion duly made by David R. Brewton, aeooad ed by Commiasiotter Adolph Bar tai, sad unanimously the Court that May 20th, 1958, at 9 0~olook A. M., be the date set to begin the examination f the 1958 renditions. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-0 7991. APPR09AL OF 9ARIOII3 MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND PBECINCT OFFICERS OF %ERR COUNTY. On this the 13th day of May, A. D. 1958, came on t0 b• heard end oonsid erect by the Court the various monthly end some quarterly reports 0f the County and Preolnot Officers of %err County, Tesas, end the same having been heard and oo naidered by the Conn, the Oourt finds that the same ere true and oorreot and should be approved, therefore oa 4otlon duly made by the Court that the following reports and sooo ante be and the same ere ha reby ordered approved end filed by the County Clerk for Putura raferenoe, and subJeot to audit, es fo ll own, to-wit: Bmmie $. ffiuanker, County Olerk, monthly oolleotions of Ease of oPfio• for AP ri 1, 1958, in amount of =939.90 sad deposited with County Treeaurer. Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Commissioner David R. Brewton, end unanimously approved by Emmie M. ffinenkar, County Clerk, Monthly report of Pin ea, Judgme eta end Jury Pees oolleoted for month ending April 29, 1958, 1n amoaat of X582.20 e~ deposited with County Treeaurer. 91rgi1 Storms, Justice of the peace, pre. No. 1, %err County, Tessa, col looted end de- poadted X384.20, fee of '140.00 payable out of the OPfioere Salary Fund. Ire L. Pringle, Justice of the Peace, pre. No. 2, %err Oounty, Texas, oolleoted and de- posited X105.55, fee of =32.00 payable out of the Off Soere Salary Fund. Beery B. Engelman, Justioe of the peace, pre. No. 4, 8err County, Texas, collected end deposited 5111.90, fen of #48.00 payable out of the Offioera Salary Fund. Olella Doyle, Dlstriot Clerk, Fines, Judgmeata sad Jury Feee Co lleoted during month of ,April, 1958, in amount of X228.80 and deposited with County Treeaurer. Oliver Moore, Sheriff, Monthly April 1936, report of fens of office oolleoted and d epos it sd with County Treeaurer in amount of X394.58. ' Albert Wioro ~15.1.BblflueNby6Clty ofg%errv~ill sled%err Ce'p~o~iyted, deflolt of X90.38, 1/E Helen T. Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly April, 1958, report. Alma Boholea, County Health Nurse, monthly April> 1958 . "~~'~ Hioherd R. Blame, Aasooiete County Agent, monthly ~pril,~ 1958, report. Mle. Margie H. Wiliiama, Junior Assistant Exteaeion Agent, monthly Apeil, 1958, report. 000-000-00o-o0o ro0o -o 00-000 NO. 999E. PETITION FOR ROAD-FROM 'STATE HIGRWAY NO.. E7, WEST OF CYPRESS CREEK TO JUNCTION OF PRESENT PAVED COUNTY ROAD AND CYPRESS CREEK LOOP ROAD. On this the 13th day of May, A. D. 1958, oeme 0a to be heard end conaid er ed by the Court the Petition for road from State Hlghwey No. 27, West of Cypress Creak to Junotion of present pared oounty road and Cypress Creek Loop Roed and same was filed for ooasideret ion until such time es Right 0f Way Ee cements or Deede are furnished the Commissioners Court by Petitioners and on motion duly made by Commissioner Lee Goff, seconded by Commiesi 0ner David Brewton, and unanimously approved by the CO Urt until suoh time as Right of Way Easements or Deede ere furnished the Commisai0a era CO Urt by petitioners no action shell be taken by the Court. 000-000-000-o 0o ro0o -000-000-000 NO. 7983. RffiCLDTION P-SSED BY TAE COlMIS5I0NSRS COIIRT APPROVING LEASS4 TO ROBERT E. SIEBER - AND )I]ONEY AIRCRA~T1', INO. , B An this the 13th day of Ifay, p; D. 1950, the following Resolution end Leases were peesedby the Commissioners Court on motioh by Commissloner David R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Ertel, and unanimpasly aHprove$ by the Court, ae follows, to-wit: ' RE30LUTION pA98'ED HY TH8 COMNI85IONERB WIIRP OF KBRR COUNTY, TEYAB, THIS 13th DAY OF MAY, 1958, APPROVING LfABE 07 LOUIE BCHRiINEB FI=W, ~~ IHHRVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT TO ROHtRT S.~.~H ANH HODIPHY AIRCRAM, INC. AND AUTHORIZINfF THE BZGNIN6 OF RAID LHA8E8 HY THH RHBPECTIYE Y7[HHftB OF TH6 COIH¢8ffiOHHRB COUB! AND TH= WUNTY JUD68. WPDiRHAB, the City of Kerrville hee approved lessee to the said Robert H. Hleker end Mooney Airoreft, Ino., oo pie• of whioh lessee ere attached to this resolution sad ere to be eprbed on the minutes od thL Court{ and WHHR71~8, the Oounty of Kerr, end Btete of Teaes~, own u un divitltld one-half interest ds eeid Louie 8ohreiner Field, Kerrville Muniolpel Airpor6 sad is • ne weaery party to suoh Teuu; ud WHi'RHAB, the leases etteahed hereto end approved by the said Commiaeionere Court in al,~ thiagef epd -• ~ WH~tEAB, it~i• desirous for the but interest for ell pe rtiea eonoeraed, Leeaore and LeNee mike, that suoh leases be ezeouted-forthwith. Tf~Rtr0I3 ~ IT RESOLVHD by the Commlesioaere Court of Kerr County, Twee, that the lasses etteahsd hereto end meEe a ports of this resolution from the City of Kerrville and Yerr County, Tease to Robert K. Sieker and Mooney ASroreft, Ino., reepa otiTeiy, be end the same era hereby approved and that suoh leeaee dt eneeutsd try tHr eignin6 thereof by eeah member of this Court end the County Judge of Kerr County, Tezea. i LL8i THIS A68f![>!iT entered into thi^ 15th day of Mey, 1958 •t Kerrville, Texee by sad btltweea Lessors end Lessee herein, WITP7~1'H: I. ~• . pAH3'IHi Leesore are oompoasdoi the Olty of Kerrville, whioh is • munieipel eorporetion ~thelewe of the Stets of Tszae end is the County 6set ot~Karr Count y, Tezes, •oting herein by sad though its Mayor sad City Clerk, duly euthordasl tN aaeeute this lestrumut by ordinenw heretofore yropsrly peened by the City Council of said' City of Kerrville, and this Oounty of Kern, Etats o2 Tease, whioh is h munioipal sub+•divieion of the etete of Tezee, sotla~ here#:n