1'(d servioes for the public in hie octiPitise. ~~ ~I 16. BlTCxH oa Psaass Lssee• oDligetu himself to return the lnasd yremiaee~ead bulidinga at the terminatlOA:: f this leea• agreement to Lessors in a good state of repair „ ezaepting nonaal wear ahd tear, ot• of God sad loss by tin ms~or. ~~ ~• 17. 90B-LETTRNG Leaeee is hereby granted the right to aeaigh the lease agreement, or any portion thereof, hie property to Dated oa said airport, with written oonaent of Lessors. 18. SCCCE830B8 AND A38L6N3 Thl• agreement shall be~bindlag upon the parties, their suooeesore, usigas, ezeoutore and •dmislstretors. 19. ENPOH C61CSN'P ~, Any oeuea of set ion arising out of sad by •irtue of this agreement shell De enforoee ble ~! in gerr County, Tezas, Only. 20. Ilf f1THDyl NB~OP, the pertisa hereto set their heads in quedauplioat• this 15th dey,of i y, 1958, purauast to the orllnaaee and raplntdan heretofore •aaoted, duly authorizing the azsoution of this lases agreement by Lessors whose signeturu era appended hereto. Lt83083 I ~_ ~ gZHg CITS OP..IiHY1LI3 F Hy Js~hs H Lgwell, County Judge Hy 811eger Pressler Mayor id Y Brewton Commissioner Preoinot Ho. 1 ATTi3T: " D Powell Cosmieeionar Preoinat No. 2 Dudley J. Johnson City Clerk Idalph Bartel Commissioner Preoihot No. 3 ~ ~L Lee Ooft Co~ieeioner Preoinot No: 4 L3886i HabeM =. 3leker, doing business under the trade name of Yerr9111e Plying Serfioe, o-o-o-o~o.o-o-o-o-o N0. 7994. CLAIM OF CITY OF SERRVILLE• This the 13th day of Yey, A. D..1958, name on to be examined by the Court, the claim en eooount of the City .of $arrvill~ Siled ag~inst~Kerr Oouhty ainoe the. last term of the Court, end the claim of the Citq of Sarrvilla in the amount of X2,175.00 for ona~half of the Budget.. of the Airport wRa approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk sad the County Treasv er 1n amount above stated out of the permanent Improvement Fund ea ahowa by the lfinatee of Accounts Allowed Page 373 to 398 ,. inolusi ve, whioh are made apart her eoP and of this end on motion duly made by Commissioner David R• Brewton, seconded by Commiasio.nar Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Go uzt. 000-000-000-000-000-o0o -o CO ~. 7g9q. CLAIM OP MABDA-JOHNSTON AND A980CIATES. '~~yia the 13ph day of May, A. D. 1958, come, on to be examined by the Court, the claim aooPUat of lleaon-Jahnaton & Associates filed against Kerr County in the amount of X281.78 whioh xse not approved by the Court for pggp~ent end whioh died for the. want of a aeoo ad, although motion was made by Commis,9l onar 1~d.olph.. Bartel. -. ~ c:. 000-000-00o-o0o ro0o-oDo "t i~