1~7d n ~I l' and Eamie M. Muehker County Clebc and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeefl Inge were has, to-wit: 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 8017. CLAIMS ANO ACOODN?9 ALLOV78D. Th1e the 16th deg of dune, A. D. 1958 ,. Dame on to be examined by the Cnurt, the various olelma end enoounte 71iad,ageinet ]Carr County and. it a.respeo~ive Commissioners Preclnets ainoe the lest term of the Oourt, all of which olaima sad eoeounta were approved by the Court for payment by the County ClerJc and th e. Oo only Treasurer in emounte and out of Road and Bridge Fund and Road and Hridge No. 3 Fund as shown by the Minutes of -aoounts Allowed, Page 379 to inoluelve, which are made a part hereof sad of this order and on motion duly made by Commissionsr,. Adolph Hart el, aeoond ed by Commissioner Y. D. Powell, end approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 8018. HID3 ON 7ARIOIIS ROADS ICI %ERR COIINPY, TEXAS, IN PRECINCT N0. 2 AND PRECINCT N0. 3. This Lha 16tH day of June, A. D. 1968, came on to be heard the matter 0f accepting bide o a certain miles oP roads, as follows, to-wit: 3.4 mile e. from Farm to Market 889 Wast, 2 miles to Camp Chrl6tlan end Camp Esrankaw, and 1.8 miles in Shady Oro ve, all situated in Prea Snot No 2, end from Send all County Line 2 miles West on A. Heinen and M. Bartel Road in Preoinet No. 3i pnd motion wsa duly made by v. D. Powell, second ed by Lee Ooff, and unanimously approved by thq Court that the County Clerk be end he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids on_auoh roads for the paving and hard surfacing of the above mentioned miles of road, es per spec ific ationa on file with the County Clerk and CO Unty Judge, and on motion duly made by Commissioner v. D. Powell, sen0nded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously aPPro ved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-00o-00oro0o-o00 N0. 8019. RESIGNATION OF HELEN J. BOYD, CO Unty ROME DEMONBTRATION AGENT• ]'his the 16th day of June, A. D. 1958, Dame on to be heard end ooneidered by the Court the matter o2 the Resignetl0n of Helen J. Boyd, es County Hama Demonatrat ion Agent of Eerr County, Tezas, off ectlve June 7th, 1958, and it appearing to the Court that the matter is well taken and should be granted, therefore on motion duly made Dy Commissioner Adolph Bartel, second ed by Commissioner O. D. Powell, and eppr cued by the Court theL said resignat San of Helen J. Boyd effective es of June 7tH, 1968, ba end the same la hereby eoo opted by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO,. 8020. EMPLOYMENT OF MAROIE H. WI LLIAMS AS COIINTY HOME DE6SONSTRATION AGENT. This the 16th day of June, A. D. 1958, Dame 0n to be heard and ooneidered by the Court the matter of employment of Merg le H. Williams as Barr CO Unty Hame Demonstration Agent, effea t• ive as of Juna 7th, 1958, due to the resignation of Helen J. Ho yd as County Home Demonstration Agent, and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to iaena voucher for her aervicea t0 be rendered as such Agent end on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commissioner v. D. Powell and approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 The forego ing Mlnut ea from Page 178 to page 179, inclusive, were read end approved in open Court op this 14th day of July, A. D. 1958. ATTEST: ,~~~y"(/~ Clerk Coour ,. apF un y,,. .lie. u err oua y, elr z a e. 00o-o0a.-o0o-000-000-000-000