David R. Brewton Commissioner Preo Snot No. 1 v. D. Powell Commissloaer Preoinot No. 2 Adolph Hertel .. Commissioner Preoinot No. 3 ~ I Lee Coff Commissioner Preoiact No. 4 Oliver Yoore Sheriff anfl Emmie M. Muenker County Clerk and the Court having bean regulFrly opened, the foil owing prooeediags were bed, to-wit: ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo N0. 0033. CLAIY9 AMID ACCOUNTS. This the 11th day of August, A. D. 1958, came on to be ezamiaed by the Court, the verio ue Clslms end Accounts filed against %err County end ite~resp oayeotlve Commiasi0aera' Pr4o Sao to sinus the Seat term o2 the Court, all of whioh olelw and seoonate were approved by Court for payment by the County Clerk end the County Troeewrer in amounts and out of Road end Bridge Noa. 1, 2, 3 sad 4, Lateral Road end Bridge Nos. 8 sad 3> 6enoral Farad, Jury Fund affi Offioera Salary Fund, ea shown by the Minutes of Aooouata Allowed, Pege 398 to inclusive whioh are made a pert hereof and of this order and 0a motion duly made Dy Commlsaioner David R. Brewton, aeo and ed by Commissioner Leo pOff, end nmaimoaaly approved by the Court. 000-000-ooo-000-000-000-000 N0. 8034. READING AND APPROVAL OF YINUT83. '~ This the 11th day of August, A. D. 19bB, eft or motion saving Dean fluly made Dy Commias Sonar Adolph Bartel, sapped ed by Commiealoaer Lae Goft, e1d unanimously approved by the ~~, Court, that the Yiautes of the Commiaeionera CO Urt of Rerr OOaaty, Teaea, from Page 181 to 183, inclusive, be approved ea read. ~, 000-000-000-000-000-000000 N0. 8035. APPROFAL OF VARIOIIS I~NTHLY RSPORTS OF WUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS OF RERR COUNTY. '~ On this the 11th day of August, A. D. 1958, Dame on to De heard and oonsidered by the ~' Court the various monthly and some quarterly reports of the County sad Preoinot Offioara of ~~ $err County, Texas, sad the same having been hearfl end c0nsid er ed by the Court, the Court find, that the same are co rreot end should be approved, therefore on motion duly made b9 Commission- ^'~ ~ er Lee Goff, aeoonded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court that the following reports end acoonnts be end the same are hereby ordered approved end iii ed by the County Clerk for future refereno e., end aub3ect to audit, ee follows, to-wit: Virgil Storms, Just ioe of the peaoe, pre. No. 1, Rerr County, Texas, aol].eoted end de- i posited 5649.55, fee of 5800.00 paysbls out o; Offiaora Salary Fam . i Ire L. Pringle, Justloe of the peaoe, Pre. No. 2, Eerr County, Teaea, oolteatad and de- posited 558.05, See of 528.00 paynDle out of Off So ors 9a lary Fend. Henry H. EngelmaII Justine of the Peao e, Pra. Na. 4, Lerr County, Texas, oolleot ed affi '. deposited 53.85, Lee of 580.00 payable out of Off So era Salary Fund. I`t ~mia Y. Yuenker, County Clerk, moatDly poll eotiona of fees of off ion Por July, 1958, Sn amount of 5938.05 end deposited with County Treasurer. Margie H. Williams, County Home Demonstration Agent, monthly July, 1955, report. Riohard H. Blew, Aaeooiate County Agent, monthly Jaly, 1958, report. Guy Powell, County Agsht, monthly July. 1958, report. Albert Wilson, Publio Weigher, 5111.78 aolleoted and deposited, deiioit o2 538.84, 519.12 due by County and (19.18 doe by City of Rerrvill e. ^~ {. Clelle Doyle, Diatriot Clerk, fines, ~udgmenta end fury fees Doll soled during month of Tuly, 1988, in amount of 5132.80 sad deposited with County Treasurer. Oliver !!Dore, Sheriff, monthly duly 1958 report, of ices of offioe eolleoted and de- posited with County Treasurer is amount of SS17.90.