! NO.. ~29~ APPROpAL OF TERRACING CONTRACTS 7N PRECINCT N0: 4. This the 12th day of August, A. D. 1958, on motion duly made by Commissioner David R. I! Brawtoh, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court that Lhe epplioations of E. B. Cerruth, Sr., Ferd. Tatsoh, piotor F. Mar sohall end Jim priour of Precinct No. 4 be approved and contracts ehtered into by end between the Commissioner of said Precinct Na. 4 end afore-mentioned parties, as per contrast on tile, under Artiole 2372c. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 8040. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTUAL AGREEM@]T BE7^NEEN TEZAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND ! COMMISSIONERS COIIRT IN REGARD TO RICRT OF WAY PROCIIREI[[RdT FOR AICHWAY II. 5. H7. On this the 12th day 0f August, A. D. 1958, oame on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of the Mod ifiaet ion of the Contractual Agreement between Taxes Highway Department end the Commissioners Court of Eerr County, Taxes, on II. 9. Highway No. 87, end it appearing t0 the Court that said Cont raot is in due form end aocording to law end should ~~ be approved, and the the Co ntraotusl Agreement which was approved by the Court on the 29th day of March, A. D. 1958, found oI record in Une Minutes 0f this Cs urt on Pege 153, under ~. Order No. 7965, be end the same is hereby mad ified, therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seconded by Commission@r David R. Brewton, end unanimously ~' approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 0041. HEARING 0.F ANNUAL BUDGET FOR ACRICULTDRAL EXTENSION WORE. Oa this the 12th day of August, A. D. 1958, came on to be heard and considered by the ~~~ Court the Annual Budget for Agricultural Extensisn Work for the period of Sehuery 1st, 1958, ~~~ to Deo ember 31st, 1959, and after due consider et ion by the Court it was ardsred sad directed that the Annual Budget remain the same ea for the period of January let, 1958 to end ending December 31st, 1958, and that the Bale ry of the County pgricalturel Agent shall be x1600.00 ' per annum, plus x500.00 Travel allowance, County Home Demohstreti0n Agent celery of $1500.00 per annum, plus x500.00 Travel ellowenoe, Associate Coanty Agent #800.00 travel allowance, and 0a motion duly made by Commieai0ner David R. Brewton, sea0ndd by Commissioner p. D. ~, Powell, and unanimo uely approved by the Court that the Budget es above set out be adopted Par the year 1958. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 ~~. N0. 8042. PAYMENT TO SUNNYBIDE REST HOME FOR CARE AND NURSING OF MRS. SARAH ADCOCB. I; ~ This the 12th day of August, A. D. 1958, oame oh to be heard end considered by the ~, CO Urt claimant Sunnyside Rest Home for nursing services, board sad other means of taking care ~ of Mrs. Sarah Adcock. Upon reviewing Lhe ezp eases incurred, fixed an allowance of '65.00 per ~~ month. And the County Clerk sad County Treasurer are direoted to draw voucher in favor of ~~ Sunr~yaide Rest Home, begiming August 28th, 1958, oont inued thereafter while said patient is II properly cared for, and until further notice, to be drawn from the General Fund, and until further determined by the Court, and 0n motion duly made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, '~ seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 ~, N0. 8043. INCRF~ai IN ALLOWANCE POR MRS. IDA COTSINGER. This the lEth day of August, A. D. 1958, came on to be heard end considered by the Court the matter of ihcresaing the ell0wenae of Mra. Ida Cuta ing er from x15.00 to =30.00 per ' month, beginning August 26th, 1958, and it appearing to the Court that the matter is a heoesalty end should be grehted, therefore 0n motion duly made by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, seoohded by Commissioner p. D. Powell, affi unanimously approved by the Court that said