188 David R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Lee Coff and unahimously approved by the Court, this the County Clerk be, end is hereby directed to issue notioe by publicatlon in the local newa- papers, to the effect thnt a hearing will be held on the proposed 1959 County Budget and the levy oP the 1958 taz, in the Court Room of the Co urthouae in Kerrville, Rerr Co uhty, Tezas, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Friday, August 29th, 1958, xrtiich time and place is hereby set for said public hearing 0n said proposed 1959 County Budget end the levy of 1959 Taz. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 8049.. TRANSFER OF X159.37 FROM R. & B. BSCHT OF WAY FARM TO MAR$6T 480 to FARM TO MARREr ', LATERAL RAOD FIIfID. On this the 13th day of August, A. D. 1958, came oa to be heard end eons id Bred by the Court the matter of transferring the sum of X159.37 from R. 4 B.. Right of Way Ferm to. Market 480 to Farm t0 Market Leberal Road Fund, end on motion duly made by Commiasioner D. D. lbwell, seconded by Commissioner pdolph Bartel, and approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 The foregoing Minutes from Page 183 to 188, inclusive, were read and approved in open 'a CO Urt on this ~ dsy of SLe~pt,,ember, A. D. 1958. ~~~~ ~ y ATTEST: ~/J1LS UCL~ //~/i~0 i .~J~ ~o""+y VL Clerk Cou~~ Our err C0 y, axes. y u e, rr oun y, 'Faxes. 000-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-o0p-ooo THS STATS OF TELAB X COUNTY O1 EERR 1 BE IT BEMEBERED that there wee begun sad holden on the 29th day of Auguei A. D. 1958, et the Court Houes thereof, is the City of Kerrville, Tezas, a 8peoiel Term of the Commineionera Court with the following offioere present, to-rrit: HDN. dNp. R. LEAPSLL David 8. Hrertoa O. D. Powell Adolph Bartel Lee 6oft Oliver 1[oore Emais M. Muenkes County dodge Co®miseionsr Yreainot No. 1 Caaiiieelonsr Preolnot No. 2 Comieeloher Preolaot No. 3 Commieeioaar Preoinot No. 4 89tisriff and County Clerk and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooaedinge rare had, to-xit: R0. 8050 ADOPTIOIF OF COUNTS BUDGET FOR 1939 AED TH6 LEVY OF 1958 TAI This the 29th day of August, A. D. 1958, oems oa to be ooaaidsrsd the Publie Hearing on the matter of the adoption of the County Budget for the year 1959• It appearing to the Court that proper notices have bean published in the loosl nerspepers lh the City of Kerrville,Teze for et least one week prior to the hearing date hereof, end after a thorough ezaminetioa by the Court, and the ooheideration by the public intereet of the Community, the Court is of the oplnloa that the Lehtative budget ehnuld be approved, end that the County Roed, School and Spa oial Tezee for Kerr County for the year 1956 bs, end they are hereby levied et Lhe follows rete• payable on ea oh ~~100.90 vel uetioa to-wit: 7 my Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.05 6sneralFund--------------- 0.57 Kerr County Permanent Improvement Fund - - 0.06 8srr Co. I.L.B. Ezhib Bldg. Sinking Fund - 0.12 Ferm to Market Letsrel $oad Fund - - - - - 0.15 Flood Control 9lnkiag Fund - - - - - - - - 0.15 TOTAL COUNTY WIDE _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - - X1.10 County Poll taz oh each male ehd fsmal• .25 Ooaupatioael Tazes (1/2 of that merged by the Stets of Tezea) ..+. i ^1 ) County 8ohool D1eCriot Tj~u are levied ee lollowa: w::.. I' a., .a ~v .n.' a.s....~.P f.... .. .~ e. t..