end Lne Ooart Having been regularly opened, the following prooeedinge were had, to,wit: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 N0. 8098. PANT OF ELECTION OFFICERS. Thle'tne 10tH day of No sember, A. D. 1958, oeme oh to be oonaidered oy tae Court the olelma end eocounta filed by eaoh eleotlon official Sad SOeting the hum oar of Hours eeoh had rahdered in the psrformanoe of hie or her duties voting sad preparing the returns for the General Election, Held on Tuesday, November 4th, 19bB. It ep peering to tna Court Lnet said ofilo ere anould be paid the sam of X1.00 per Hour for their ae rv ices. Therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner v. D. Powell, seoonded by Commissioner David R. Brewton sad uaenimoa ly approved by the Court, tnat each offic dnl be ell Deed the anm of X1.00 per hour for sere ices rendered is the nesiat enoe at the eleetioa held on Tuesday, November 4ta, 19 Stf, as per etate- manta filed Herein ahd eppiv ved for payment by the Court. o Co-o Oo -000-00 o-o Oo -o Oo -o Oo N0. 8099. CANVASS AND TABDLATION OF GENERAL ELECTION RETCRNS. This the 10tH day of November, A. D. 1958, name oa to be oonaidered by Lhe Court the reforms to be aanvnased, to determ ins Lhe results of the general eleotloa held Oh No vembe! 4th, 1958. Wherefore the Court he ving oenvesa ed affi tabulated the returns of the 18 election prep inota and the pbseatee Cahveasing Board Hoz, ere of the opialon that said retnrna niter having been opened and canvassed ere true end Darr act end th8nld be approvsd. Therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner V. D. Powell, e80 onded Dy Commisa ioaer David R. Brewton and unenlmo usly approved by the CO Urt that the returns ae oenveseed and tabulated in Volume 4, Page ti4 througn •i2, ins luaive, and ee Dart if Sed thereto by each member of the Court are Sn all reapeots approved. 00~-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 8100. CLAIMS AND ACCODNTS. This tae 10th day of November, A. D. 1950, oeme on to be ezaminad by the Court, the various olaims end acoounts flied againai 8err County end its respective Commiseionara~ Pre- eiaots since tae last term oP the Court, ell of which ale S.me and eo Daunts were approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk and County Tr ee surer Sh am~nnte and out of Roed sad Br id Noe. 1, 2, 3, end 4, 6enerel Fund, Off to ers Salary Fund, Permanent Improvement Fund sad Jury Fend, es an own by the 161nut ea of Aoc aunts Allowed, Pege 41E to 41Y, ino load ve, which ere made a pert hereof end of this order affi 0n motion duly made by Cooubl salonerAdolpa Bartel, second efl by.0ommisaionar David E. Brewrcan, end unanimously approved by the Court. 000-000-000-000-00o-o0oro0o N0. 8101. PAYIOBIT TO SilNNYSIDE NDRSAQ6 HOIQL. Tnie the 10th day of November, A. D. 1958, oeme on Lo be heard end oonsid er ed by tae Court the epplicatlon of Sunnyside Nnrsiag Home to nave vouchers made payable to 3unnysida Nor slag Homs hereafter, end on motion duly made by Oommiaeionsr Ado lpn Bartel, seoo ffied by Commissioner David $. Brewton, end uaeaimously approved by Lae Court that the County C~srk affi the County Rreeamrer be end ere hereby autno rl aed to Sanne aienon era to Sumhyeide Nursing in oomperieon to orders hereto fare made by this Co m•t. oCb -o0o-000-000-000-000-000 NO. 8102. FDLL AND FIIPAL PAYMS~If 20 HARVEY P. 9M48 AND A580CIATES IN THE AlDDM' OF *2b9.22. On this the lOta day of November, A. D. 1958, coma on to be heard sad oonaidered by the Court the matter of payment 0f ~2b9.22 to Harvey p. Smitn sad Aasooietee for Areaiteoturel Fesm, being Lae full and flnnl payment for plena of Air Coadltloning of the Seooffi Floor of the Court House, sad said amount to be paid Out of tea Permanent Lmprovement Fund, end oa