~, gneran~es tie perlbrmanoe of their oontraote. When authorized by the Owner, a olerk of the works aooeptable to both Owner end Arohi- teot shall be engaged by the Arohiteot at a salary satiafaotory to the Owner and paid by the ~. Owner, upon presentation of the Araniteot`s monthly statements. 8. prellminary Estimates.-- When reque ated to do eo the Arohiteot will furnish pre- liminary eatlmetea on the ooat of the Work, bat he does not guarantee anon eatimat ee.. 9. Definition of the Coat of the Work.--The post of the Work, ae herein referred to, means the soar Lo the Owner, but suoh ooat ahnll not iholude any Arohiteot`s or Engineers` or Sp eaiel Conaultenta` fees or relmDUr aeme~e or the coat of a of ark-of -the-works. When labor or material is furnished by the Owner below Sta market oo at the cost of the work shall De computed upon suoh market oast. 10. Owherahip of Doaumahte.--Drawings effi npeo iiioatione ea instruemente of service are the property of the Arohlt not whether the cork for whioh they are made be exeunt ed or hot, and ere not to be ua ed on other work exo apt by agreement with the Archit eo t. ' 11. Saooesaors and Assignments.--The Owner and the Arohiteot, 9aoh bihda himself, his partners, auoeesaora, legal representatisea, effi esalgha to the other party to thin agreement, and to Lae partner a, auaoessors, legal represent ativee sad assigns of soon other party in rea- peot to all co veneate of this agreement. Esoept as above, neither the Owner ~r the Archit set shell assign, ambler or transfer ~' his interest ih this agreement wdtnont written oonseht of tae other. 12. Arbitret ion .--All questions in dispnte under this agreement ahnll be euomitted. to ', erEitretlon at the onoioe of either party, in aooordenee with the provisions, then obtalning, ~I of the Standard Form of Arbritration Pm cedwas of the Amerioam Ihaitute of Aroh iteeta. i No emonnt• shell be due the Arohit set on hie fee hat it boffin here bash eatnorized, iasned and sold, and the funds have been made available to pay for the ee proposed impro vemeatA Phe Owner and the Arohiteot hereby agree to the full performance of the ooveaente oohteihed herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF they have eaeout ed this agreement, the day and tae year flret above written. ATTFST: --~ Emmie Y. Yuenker CODNTY OF EERR, SPATE OF TEZA9 County Clark. Owner Joha R. Leavell County Jadgs. HEDffiCB AND STANLEY Arehiteot, Wyatt C. Hedrick, Sole Owwer. gOp9»Ow9y0.9r+0aU N0. 8105. APPORTIONMBCVT OF #5,000.00 FROIa ROAD AND HRIDCE PCND. This the 10th day of November, A. D. 1858, after motion duly made by Commiaeioher David R. Brewton, seconded by Commisai char Lae Goff, effi unanimously eppro ved by the Court, that the County Clerk and County Treeanrer be, end ere hereby directed Lo apportion the following amounts out of Road and Bridge Fuad, to the following respaotlve Funds effi Comroisaio~ere' Pre- o theta, to-wit: R. A B. No. 1 1,700.00 R. A B. No. 2 900.00 R. b.B. No. 3 800.00 R. A H. No. 4 ,600.00 000-000-000-000-o0o-oCb N0. 8106. RE#DIN6 ARD APYR09AL OF 1QE!lES. Th1a tna 10tH day of November, A. D. 1958, after m0ti0h hevlag been dal) made by Commiaeloner Lee 0017, seeohded by Commissioner David R• Brewton, and approved by the Court, that the Mdant ee of the Conn is eionera Court of $err County, Texan, from page 200 to 808, iaelusive, be approved es reed. 000-000-00o-o0oro0oro0o-o00-000 N0. 810'!. :2,150.00 PDRCRABE lDNEY TD BE PLACED IA ROAD AND BRIDCE FCND. On this th• 10th day of November, A. 9. 19 SB, oeme on to be heard end ooaeide red Oq the Court the matter of ~2,150.DD to be pleoed in the HOad end Bridge Fund of $err County, Tema, which avid money wee reo eived in payment for 0.81 Bore of lead sold to A. P. Allison, and on motion duly made by Commiaeio Her Adolph Bartel, aeon nd ed by Commisa toner Lee Goff, and unanimously approved by the Court, that said amount oP =2,150.00 be placed in the Road and Bridge Fund of $err County, Taaea. 000-00o-o0oro0o ro0o-o0oro Oo-o00 NO. 8108. Be it resolved by tae Commiasi0nern Court of Eerr County, Tease, et a Regular Term of the Commisad~oaere Court of $err Count q, Tezas, tact a dlelaterss tad, nompetenE and expert public aooouhteat ba employed to Audit all of Lhe Bo oka, Records and/or eooouhte of $err Count , _ Taaea, under prtlole 1641 ea amended in 1955, end in the Judgment of the Co~ieaioners Court a ne oessity eziate therefore beoauae Lhe Books, Raoords sad Aacouhte of $err County, Texas, have noL been audl tad aiaoe Dao ember 31st, 1954, sal that a ohenge will oo cur on Jeaue ry let, 1959, in the County OfPic ea sad Purther in the Judgment. of tae Commi sai0aera Cvnrt it is neosasary that it have the informetlon to determine affi 21a proper appropriation affi expendi- ture of pool So moneys. And 0n motion daly made by Commiael over David R. Br salon, seoonded by Commissioner Lee Cuff, end unanimously appm ved by the Court. 00o-o0oro~-o Oo ro OOb Oo-oOoro Oo NO. 8109. ORDER APPROVING q,IIARTERLY REP$8T'"OF OODNTY TRI:ABDRER. • Oa this the 12th dd7 of November, A. D. 1958, in Regular montnly aesaion of the Commissioners Court of said County, oemo on Por eaeminetion the quarterly report of E. M. McDonald Tresaur eT Of sa ld County, for tae perlod beginning on the laL day of Ablest, A. D. 1958 sad ending on tns 21st deg of October, A. D. 195Fi, Piled herein oa tae 12tH day of November, p. D. 1958, and the same Having been oompar ed e~ exemined by the Court, end found ~~ oorrect. And it appearing to tae Court that during tna said time the said Countq Treeaurer • had reo eived for eooo unt and ored it oP, end paid out of Bean of the several County Fonda, Lhe amounto set forth, end leaving a balance Lo Bean oP said Funds ae reflected ih said report wnioh Pollowe, end becomes s part Hereof; end that anld amounts received and paid out of eeah oP the respective fuffila sinoe the filing of tae preceding report of Bald County Tr ensurer, end during the psriod above stated, sad that tae acid separate amounts as taerein anown are Correa' IT IS TREREFORE, FDRTH$R ORDERED by the Court, tact the said detailed report be, end the same is hereby, in ell tnings approved, end the Clark of this Court is Hereby ordered to tnia said report, togetrier with to is order, in a Record Binder provided for the Minutes of County Fihehoes of the Commissioners Court of to is Co only, sad that proper oredita be made ih tae accounts of tae said Co uhty Tr esaur er ih accordanoe with to is order, and on motion duly made by Commissioner Lee CoPP, aewffied by Codastoner Ado lpn Bartel, end unanimously approve ' by the Court end ordered Piled for futnDe referenoe and au blect to audit. 000 -000-o Oo -o Oo -oCb -o Oo -000 No. 8110. APPROVAL OF QIIARTERLY RE30RT OF CODNTY FINANCES AND TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLER$ OF INDEHTEDNE53, EXPEfPDITUR$S AND RECEIPTS OF RERR COUNTY, TESAS. ' On this the 12tH day 0P November, A. D. 1958, came 0n to be eaeminsd by the Court the quarterly tabular statement of Emm ie M. Musnker, County Clerk of Eerr County, Tazea, covering ' 1 ~. •_ _~~ ~. _ _ __ _ a.- _ _ a _• n ~.. Pn- 1A- n,.a-Inw anA,n.. MfnNaw 21a•