1958, wh SOh report statement appearing correct, and upon motion duly made Dy Commissioner Lae Goff, seconded by Commissioner Adolpn Hertel, said report is Hereby uhehimonsly approved by Lhe Court and ordered Piled for future reference end su b~ect to and iL, .., 000-000-000-o0o-o Oob OO-o0o-000 Tha Por egoing Minutes Prom Page E08 to 214, ino lusive, were read sad eppr ovsd in open Court on this 8th dyay~ of Deoember, A. D. 1958. ~p ,,~ ATTEST:~~///~ii s~~Lif ~ _~' ~. {'~'ev^~/ Clerk Cd'un y Court, Yerr County, Teaea. y u ge, err oun y, T e x e s. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 THE SPATE OF TEZAS, ~ COUNTY OF $ERR. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED that there was begun end holden 0n the 8th day oP December, A. D. 1a58, et the Court HOUSe thereof in the City of $e rrville, Taxes, a Regular December Term of the Commissioners Court with the following officers present, to-wit: Hon. Jno. R. Leavell County Judge David R. Brewton Commissioner Precinct N0. 1 v. D. Powell Commieaio aer Preo Shat No. 2 Adolph Bartel CO~Ssalo her Precinct No. 3 Lee Goff .COmmisslo Her Precinct No. 4 Oliver Moore .Sheriff sad IDbmie M. Muenker County Clerk end the COUrt having been regularly opened, the following proceed Sege were had, to-wit: -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 N0. 8111. ORDER ADTHORIZING TBE COUNTR d'I.ERB TO PURCHASE A TYPEWRITER OF HER OWN CHOICE. On this the 8th day of December, A..D 1958, the County Clerk wen authorized t0 puroheae e typewriter 0f her own choice, end by authority 0f the Comnlsaiohers Court she wen authoriz- ed t0 puroheae the same, end 0n motion duly mafle by Commissioner Dev1d R. Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Lee Goff, and unanlmo us ly approved by the Oo art. -o-;-o-o-0-0-0-0-o-0 N0. 8112. CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This the 8th day oP Deoember, A. D. 1958, cane on t0 be ea emined by the Curt, the vatic ue claims and acc0antarfiled against Eerr County and its respedtiva Commiselonera' Pre- oinets einoe the last term of the COUrt, ell 0f whioh claims end acoo ants were eppro ved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk end County Treasurer in emounta end out oT Roed sad ~ Br Sdge Nos. 1, 2, 3, end 0, General Fund, Officers Salary Fund, Permehent Improvement Fund 'i and Roed and Bridge Right of Way Bignway No. 41 Fuhd, as shown by Minut ea of Acoounta Allowed i Page 420 to Pege 424, ino lusive, whioh are made a part he reoi and of Lhis order and on mot So made Dy Commisai over Lee Coff, seconded Dy Commiasi oast Adolph Bartel, and unanimously epprov - , d by She Court. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ', No. 8113. Pagment to the Tezes Depertbeht of Agrioultnre. i This the Hth day of Deoember, A. D. 1958, came on t0 be heard and o0nsid erect by the I,I Court the payment of X5.00 out of the General Fund for Cert if Soate of Authority ea Public ~', Weigher Por $err County and on motion duly made by Commissioner Ado lpi Hertel end seconded by Commissioner David A. Brewton, and unanimously app roved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-0-0-o-0 N0. 8114. ORDER HY THE COURT SETTING OFFICERS OFFICIAL B'?NDS AND Tffi TO QUALIFY. Thla She 8th day 0f Dec amber, A. D. 1150, came on t0 De cons id Bred by the COUrt, the