presont, to-wit; HONORABLE SOLIDS R. NEQ!ffiOFFER County Judge David R• Brewton Commissioner prec lnct No. 1 ~, V. D. Powell Commisaio ner prec lnct No. 2 Adolph Bartel .. Commissioner precinct No. 3 Roger E. Stone Commisaiv ner prec lnet No. 4 Oliver ffioore 9hsriff end Emmie M. ffiuenker County Clerk and the Court having been regularly opened the following Procne dings were had, to-wit: 000-000-000-ooo-000-o W-oCb -ooo N0. 8132. APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL BONDS. On this Lhe let day of Jenuery, A. D. 1959, after motion having been duly made by ' Commisaloner Lee Goff, seconded by Commissioner Adolph Bartel, end unanimously approve d by to Court, that the following bonds be ap Piro ved by the Court, upon each offlc er having taken h ie prescribed oath eo oording to law, to-wit: V. D. Powell Commissioner preoinet No. 2 ' Roger E. Stone Commissioner precinct ffio. 4 OOO-000-000-000-OOp-ON -000-000 HO. 8133. GRANTING APPLICATION OF CODNTY CLERK FOR FDBR DSp[TfIES AND/OR ASSISTANTS. On this the 1st day oT January, A. D. 1959, Dame on to be oonsid er ed by the Court the appl ioetion of Emm1e ffi. Muenker, County Clerk of Karr County, Taxes, applying Por authority t appoint four deputies end/or assistants at a propo sad salary to be fixed by the Commissioners Court at Ste regular Jan waxy Term, 1959, whioh applio ation shows probable reoeipta of flpproxi mutely =11,500.00 end probable disbursements not including deputies applied 10 r, in the eppr oximete amount of =3,000.00, and it appearing to the Court that said applio ation should be granted. Therefore by motion duly made by Commissioner David R. Brewton, eeootYl ed by Commissioner Roger E. Stone, end unanimously approved Dy the Court that the appl ioetion shoal be approved, as preyed for. oCO-o0oro0o-o00-00o-o0oro0o N0. 8134. APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL BONDS. On this the 1st day oP January, A. D. 1959, after mot ioh having been duly made by Commissioner Adolph Hertel, aeoonded by. Commissioner V. D. Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court, that the following bonds be approved by the Court, upon each officer having taken hie or her prescribed oath aoco rd ing tv ]aw, to-wit: A. A. Hartmann Deputy County Clerk Estella 8aiser Witt. Deputy County C1 erK 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 8135. ORDER ADTHORI ZINC APPOINTAO;NT OF A. A. HARTMANN, CHIEF DEPDTY CODNTY CLERK. Thin the let day of Jenuery, A. D. 19b9, name on to be cans idered by the Court, the applio etion of Anroie M. Nuenker, County Clerk, for autho rlty to appoint and deputize A. A. Hartmann ea Chief Deputy County Clerk, end it appearing to the Court that said officer is entitled to said chief deputy, end that said applioetion aho uld be eppro ved; therefore by motion duly made by Commdssio ner David A. Brewton, seeon dad by Commissioner Ado lpn Bert el, and unanimously approved by the Court, that said officer is authorized to deputize said chief deputy end Chet avid appointasnt Sa to date from January let, 19b9, affi to oontinue in foroe natil revoked by said offioer or be otherwise terminateA end that the compensation of said